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Modelling and pissing...

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19 minutes ago, colette888 said:

To be honest, writing stories takes a lot of effort and time... but the reward can be enormous if the writer is sure to get enough attention... So, please, try and incentivate me! Here and now!

I'm guessing that be using the word 'stories' there, you mean 'written accounts of events' -  of course we are in the real experiences section, so the material here are actual real life events which are being described.   That is an important difference from what is contained in the fiction section which are made up stories.

But I totally agree - writing anything for either section is a time consuming business and does take a lot of effort.

I would suggest here giving people a little time.  Be patient.  There can often be a delay between posts because people may only visit the site every few days.  And every thread has a natural decay curve - meaning that even the busiest of discussions will become quieter as they draw to a natural conclusion.

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4 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I'm guessing that be using the word 'stories' there, you mean 'written accounts of events' -  of course we are in the real experiences section, so the material here are actual real life events which are being described.   That is an important difference from what is contained in the fiction section which are made up stories.

But I totally agree - writing anything for either section is a time consuming business and does take a lot of effort.

I would suggest here giving people a little time.  Be patient.  There can often be a delay between posts because people may only visit the site every few days.  And every thread has a natural decay curve - meaning that even the busiest of discussions will become quieter as they draw to a natural conclusion.

Yes, I used the term «Story» even though my accounts directly derive from lived experiences and are NOT fictional, in fact it wasn't me who chose that word, but a kind reader who commented about one of my posts!

Thanks for the support and the advice to give it more time! It's really very pertinent, given the fact that I easily lose my patience... sigh!

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20 hours ago, colette888 said:

Having reached this more appropriate location, this thread should evolve, shouldn't it?

So, I ask for your kind cooperation and advice:

-Would you be interested in reading more pissing episodes which happened to me when I used to be modelling?

I would be, they sound interesting.

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20 hours ago, colette888 said:

Having reached this more appropriate location, this thread should evolve, shouldn't it?

So, I ask for your kind cooperation and advice:

-Would you be interested in reading more pissing episodes which happened to me when I used to be modelling?


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13 hours ago, MonsterKane46 said:

Well if it's any consolation I get no comments and very few reactions to my fictional stories so I really can't be bothered continuing my series. Even though it was intended to be a piss fetish prequel to the novel I'm working on. 

It's surely some form of consolation for me, I appreciate it! It does seem that here reading is often a passive activity, while I happen to believe it should be a creative triggering towards an active personal participation... Perhaps I'm asking too much, but, please, let me dream about an envirornmente where we all feel the urge to share our experiences!

Edited by colette888
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11 hours ago, Hightower said:

That would have definitely provoked some reaction in me!

What happened I guess was such a surprise for everybody and so, apparently, no immediare reaction had the opportunty to surface... But that doesn't mean we were all indifferent to her exhibition... 

Edited by colette888
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2 minutes ago, colette888 said:

What that happened, I guess it was such a surprise for everybody and so, apparently, no immediare reaction had the opportunty to surface... But that doesn't mean we were all indifferent to her exhibition... 

For some reason it reminded me of when I went on a sports tour with uni, a group of girls we were talking to all had their shirts on with their nicknames and one very pretty blonde's shirt read 'I piss where I want'

I regret every day not asking her more about that one!

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5 hours ago, colette888 said:

Curiously enough, I'm discovering how practical and effective it is to write a post for this forum while comfortably lying on the beach or on the surrounding rocks... 

surely then, while you write these posts, you simply release a nonchalant flow into the sand or cascading down the rocks anytime you feel the need?

these accounts are very fun to read! Thank you so much for sharing such exciting stories, but also for being comfortable sharing some less positive memories with us - hope we or other communities in your life can offer the support you want. 

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On 4/13/2023 at 7:37 AM, colette888 said:

Quite right, thanks a lot for your point-of-view about this type of situations... One would think that, during a beach shooting, if the water temperature is bearable, it should be convenient using the sea as a toliet, but, in fact, by my own experience, it's not what happens most of the times because it's imperative to avoid spoiling swimwear and body make-up, and also because very rarely we are offered pauses long enough to do everything in the proper way... and so, when one has to piss, she does where she is, either asking for permission or even without much warning... hehe

Would she spoil the swimwear if the model simply tinkled through it?

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7 hours ago, colette888 said:

Curiously enough, I'm discovering how practical and effective it is to write a post for this forum while comfortably lying on the beach or on the surrounding rocks... 

And so, right now, there's no excuse not to continue telling you more about that assignment at the Maldives!

I resume the tale where I had interrupted it, after Saraya ostensibly peed on the beach, and nobody around her said anything...

Then I was positioned beside her, but a little higher on a tiny dune, and so when she lowered to squat I couldn't actually get a clear look at her pussy.

But I had a lateral vision of the flow, which became extremely abundant after a timid start.

What impressed me quite a lot was the sound of it, much louder than one would expect from a heavy spurt of a liquid hitting and soaking a sandy surface.

As soon as she had finished, only wiggled her bum a couple of times, didn't wipe at all, and immediately retook the standing position as if nothing had happened! 

For ten more minutes or so, we all continued the photoshoot as programmed.

Sandy had already gone to shower, her presence wasn't any more requested since it was the soft lesbian porn the subject of the last poses.

While getting closer and closer to Saraya I couldn't help but smell her pee aroma, quite intense, and it was turning me on quite definitely!

Did they stop photographing when she peed or did they photograph it?  Was she trying to make an erotic show of it for the cameras, or just nonchalantly relieving her bladder? 

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10 hours ago, ChrisS said:

surely then, while you write these posts, you simply release a nonchalant flow into the sand or cascading down the rocks anytime you feel the need?



That's a brilliant idea...

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8 hours ago, Havelock said:

Did they stop photographing when she peed or did they photograph it?  Was she trying to make an erotic show of it for the cameras, or just nonchalantly relieving her bladder? 

This is a very pertinent question, thanks a lot for giving me a reason to explain more...

-What happened, that first time, was that she acted quite timely, just while the photographer wasn't shooting, but had taken a break. Whether she was trying to make an erotic provocation, I'm not really sure about... In my opinion she's such a free character, that when she felt the urge to pee didn't think twice and just did it! But I'm referring to that occasion in particular, and not to some other successive ones which happened the next day....

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3 hours ago, colette888 said:

This is a very pertinent question, thanks a lot for giving me a reason to explain more...

-What happened, that first time, was that she acted quite timely, just while the photographer wasn't shooting, but had taken a break. Whether she was trying to make an erotic provocation, I'm not really sure about... In my opinion she's such a free character, that when she felt the urge to pee didn't think twice and just did it! But I'm referring to that occasion in particular, and not to some other successive ones which happened the next day....

Can you write about the successive ones which happened the next day?

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2 hours ago, Wisco said:

Can you write about the successive ones which happened the next day?

Of course I will, don't worry, a follow-up is assured! But, please, be patient because my mind today is taken by other issues, sorry!

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After Saraya's brief but intense pissing episode, one could feel some change in the air, nobody was saying anything but we all had been somewhat affected by her behavior... especially me!

Yes, because I was the one who, for ten minutes or so, happened to be the closest to her pussy which was still showing signs of protagonism...

I had to concentrate to try and ignore the wetness of her labia and, above all, the unmistakable urine aroma hitting my nostrils in a very provocative way,,, At one point the photograph asked me to position the tongue just near her perineum, extremely close to a couple of tiny pee-drops still present and shining in the sunlight. I had to shut my eyes to avoid further involvement!

Luckily my feelings didn't become excessively obvious and the session was terminated immediately after.

Then everybody left the set and we only gathered two hours later at the restaurant for a very plain dinner, nutritious enough but very far from imaginative or gastronomic... 

Sandy didn't show up there, by message she excused herself writing that she was extremely tired and unwell.

The other noticeable absent was the less famous photographer of the two.

We all had already figured out he was sleeping with her, so there wasn't much surprise there..

While I believed that the myth of models and photographers sharing beds was often exaggerated in the general perception, I must admit it never was an uncommon situation.

Anyway, after the meal, Saraya and I felt a  little uncomfortable, somewhat harassed by some local guys.

So we decided to avoid further socializing, declining their proposal to mingle at the discoteque.

Instead we sat together with the main photographer on a wooden bench overlooking the lagoon, just outside her hut.


(to be continued, of course... )

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