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Would you let her pee on your carpet?

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Imagine this scenario:-

You have just brought home the sexiest woman of your dreams, who is drop dead gotgeous in every respect. She is desperate for a pee and says she wants to pee on your living room carpet just for kicks, but if you let her you will get to watch her pee.

Would you let her do it?

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Everyday, anytime, anywhere, YES! Not just once or twice...but as many times as she needs to take a piss. I'd even let her pee on my bed, clothes, kitchen, couch, plants, dirty laundry basket, my bathroom, tables. Doesnt matter what I have to sacrifice, nothing beats the sight of the hottest girl of your dream peeing all over your things and maybe even you while you are just watching her piss stream splash on everything else around...

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If I knew she had been drinking & was going to have a big piss with clear urine, oh yes!

Hell, I wouldn't worry if her piss was mostly warm water or deep golden yellow. She could piss wherever the hell she wanted, and I'd worry about clean up later! :biggrin:

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A big yes from me, too! I imagine I'd be very shocked by this scenario, but what an amazing situation to be in. Normally I'm very wary of doing something like that at home because of all the cleaning up, but I just wouldn't be able to refuse an offer like that!

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  • 2 months later...
Imagine this scenario:-

You have just brought home the sexiest woman of your dreams, who is drop dead gotgeous in every respect. She is desperate for a pee and says she wants to pee on your living room carpet just for kicks, but if you let her you will get to watch her pee.

Would you let her do it?

Hell yes! I've had three girls piss on my carpet. Two of which was more than once.

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If I had a girl I would ask her to play pee games with my diapers, but only with my diapers and nowhere else except the toilet or my diapers.

Hi there.

I don't mean this negatively at all, the more the merrier here. But I cannot help but wonder how much you are actually getting out of this site in terms of fetish. Because you seem to be totally uninterested in just about every aspect of pee fetishism imaginable, except peeing in diapers. I would suggest that you may not actually be a pee fetishist at all, but a diaper fetishist, with peeing being secondary to that. The fact that you seem unable to get anything out of peeing unless diapers are involved suggests to me that the diapers themselves are the primary focus for you rather than the peeing.

By all means stick around and contribute here....there are after all plenty of things other than pee discussed...but, fetish-wise, you might find an Adult Baby/Diaper Lover forum has more to offer you.

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Hi there.

I don't mean this negatively at all, the more the merrier here. But I cannot help but wonder how much you are actually getting out of this site in terms of fetish. Because you seem to be totally uninterested in just about every aspect of pee fetishism imaginable, except peeing in diapers. I would suggest that you may not actually be a pee fetishist at all, but a diaper fetishist, with peeing being secondary to that. The fact that you seem unable to get anything out of peeing unless diapers are involved suggests to me that the diapers themselves are the primary focus for you rather than the peeing.

By all means stick around and contribute here....there are after all plenty of things other than pee discussed...but, fetish-wise, you might find an Adult Baby/Diaper Lover forum has more to offer you.

You´re saying to me you don´t mean any negative with what you wrote but I take it as a humiliating to my disability whatever you say. I DO like pee fetish but as I have written before I have extended that fetish with diapers but no one understand this not even you. I can´t help I was born with a disability that affects my life forever, I have been a member to many ABDL sites too but I have been banned from them because no one understand my diaper fetish and why I have dysfunctional stressincontinence either but if you want you can tell the admin this and ask him to ban me and cancel my account I don´t care, the one and only member here that like my posts seems to be Kevin.

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I have no issues with your posts....each person enjoys what they enjoy and who are we to judge. Some people may not enjoy being peed on..but I do..that's my preference :wink:


That´s good you respect my way to like this.

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You´re saying to me you don´t mean any negative with what you wrote but I take it as a humiliating to my disability whatever you say. I DO like pee fetish but as I have written before I have extended that fetish with diapers but no one understand this not even you. I can´t help I was born with a disability that affects my life forever, I have been a member to many ABDL sites too but I have been banned from them because no one understand my diaper fetish and why I have dysfunctional stressincontinence either but if you want you can tell the admin this and ask him to ban me and cancel my account I don´t care, the one and only member here that like my posts seems to be Kevin.

I honestly meant no disrespect and was only trying to be helpful. I never even mentioned your disability, and don't see that as any kind of negative issue at all. I certainly wasn't trying to make you feel unwelcome, and have not the slightest intention of approaching Admin and asking for you to be banned. I admit that the diaper thing isn't my scene, but my scene of peeing in naughty places isn't your thing or that of some other people. But we are a broad church here. You are welcome to post here.

I was just genuinely trying to be helpful, and of course had no way of knowing that you'd been banned from AB/DL sites before. I am in fact someone who prides myself on my live and let live, non-judgemental, attitude to all aspects of consensual adult sexuality, and have become known for being critical of fellow pee fetishists who appear to be condemnatory of the activities or interests of others. I was never judging you or trying to suggest that you do not belong here. I just genuinely, if mistakenly, believed that an AB/DL forum might be something you'd enjoy more, and was therefore only trying to be helpful in suggesting that. So I was wrong and apologise for that, but I was motivated by good intentions and not malice.

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I honestly meant no disrespect and was only trying to be helpful. I never even mentioned your disability, and don't see that as any kind of negative issue at all. I certainly wasn't trying to make you feel unwelcome, and have not the slightest intention of approaching Admin and asking for you to be banned. I admit that the diaper thing isn't my scene, but my scene of peeing in naughty places isn't your thing or that of some other people. But we are a broad church here. You are welcome to post here.

I was just genuinely trying to be helpful, and of course had no way of knowing that you'd been banned from AB/DL sites before. I am in fact someone who prides myself on my live and let live, non-judgemental, attitude to all aspects of consensual adult sexuality, and have become known for being critical of fellow pee fetishists who appear to be condemnatory of the activities or interests of others. I was never judging you or trying to suggest that you do not belong here. I just genuinely, if mistakenly, believed that an AB/DL forum might be something you'd enjoy more, and was therefore only trying to be helpful in suggesting that. So I was wrong and apologise for that, but I was motivated by good intentions and not malice.

Well...ok...I forgive you, I react like this because I have had a very tough grown-up with physically bullying, lies, and people making fun of me because I have a disability. In Sweden people with disabilities are not accepted as humans and therefore humiliated everyday. I dont judge you at all for your fetish of peeing in naughty places, you are still a human just like me but we all have different fetishes. This diaper fetisch is not yet fully accepted in my country, thats why I have it as a secret and it´s very very strange. It´s much easier for girls with this fetish to be accepted but if a man have this fetisch he is humiliated for it that´s why I react like this and I have been very envious and almost hateful to the differenties in how my country treat men and girls in our lifestyle.

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Well...ok...I forgive you, I react like this because I have had a very tough grown-up with physically bullying, lies, and people making fun of me because I have a disability. In Sweden people with disabilities are not accepted as humans and therefore humiliated everyday. I dont judge you at all for your fetish of peeing in naughty places, you are still a human just like me but we all have different fetishes. This diaper fetisch is not yet fully accepted in my country, thats why I have it as a secret and it´s very very strange. It´s much easier for girls with this fetish to be accepted but if a man have this fetisch he is humiliated for it that´s why I react like this and I have been very envious and almost hateful to the differenties in how my country treat men and girls in our lifestyle.

No problem. People with disabilities are not always fully accepted here either and if anything it is getting worse. Since many of them cannot get or hold down jobs because of their disability, many are forced to rely on welfare. But there has been a growing tendency here for certain elements within the media and amongst politicians to whip up resentment at this, with the disabled frequently being maligned as malingerers and scroungers. The government has payed a private contractor to reassess all disability claimants, employing an arbitrary points based system which takes little notice of doctors and often little real notice of the patient's actual medical condition. This contractor then employs large numbers of staff who have fully bought into the notion of disabled people being supposed scroungers and who seek to declare as many as possible "fit for work" to satisfy their own prejudices. Many seriously ill people are thus being arbitrarily declared "fit for work" by this cruel arrangement, some of them so demonstrably ill that they were dead within a few weeks! Several thousand in that category. Terminal cancer sufferers were also regularly being declared "fit for work" until the government stepped in to stop that as being a step too far.

Britain is no paradise for disabled people either. It's just disgusting the way people are treated, and I sympathise with what you have suffered.

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No problem. People with disabilities are not always fully accepted here either and if anything it is getting worse. Since many of them cannot get or hold down jobs because of their disability, many are forced to rely on welfare. But there has been a growing tendency here for certain elements within the media and amongst politicians to whip up resentment at this, with the disabled frequently being maligned as malingerers and scroungers. The government has payed a private contractor to reassess all disability claimants, employing an arbitrary points based system which takes little notice of doctors and often little real notice of the patient's actual medical condition. This contractor then employs large numbers of staff who have fully bought into the notion of disabled people being supposed scroungers and who seek to declare as many as possible "fit for work" to satisfy their own prejudices. Many seriously ill people are thus being arbitrarily declared "fit for work" by this cruel arrangement, some of them so demonstrably ill that they were dead within a few weeks! Several thousand in that category. Terminal cancer sufferers were also regularly being declared "fit for work" until the government stepped in to stop that as being a step too far.

Britain is no paradise for disabled people either. It's just disgusting the way people are treated, and I sympathise with what you have suffered.

No problem. People with disabilities are not always fully accepted here either and if anything it is getting worse. Since many of them cannot get or hold down jobs because of their disability, many are forced to rely on welfare. But there has been a growing tendency here for certain elements within the media and amongst politicians to whip up resentment at this, with the disabled frequently being maligned as malingerers and scroungers. The government has payed a private contractor to reassess all disability claimants, employing an arbitrary points based system which takes little notice of doctors and often little real notice of the patient's actual medical condition. This contractor then employs large numbers of staff who have fully bought into the notion of disabled people being supposed scroungers and who seek to declare as many as possible "fit for work" to satisfy their own prejudices. Many seriously ill people are thus being arbitrarily declared "fit for work" by this cruel arrangement, some of them so demonstrably ill that they were dead within a few weeks! Several thousand in that category. Terminal cancer sufferers were also regularly being declared "fit for work" until the government stepped in to stop that as being a step too far.

Britain is no paradise for disabled people either. It's just disgusting the way people are treated, and I sympathise with what you have suffered.

Exactly the same way is people with disabilities treated here in Sweden. Today, you must be perfectly created without any defects at all to get a job and live a good life without dependence on subsidies from the state. But man is born into the one is and no one can decide anything else. I was born with my neurological disease, I have work tried several times but never becomes a permanent employee because of my unsteady balance, tremoriska trembling of the hands and the slowness of the body, no employers hire people with disabilities because we are too costly for firms but still forcing Gumtree us with disabilities to seek jobs and threatens to withdraw our refund if we do not. I could go on much more but I will stop here.

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Now can we get back to what this thread was about in the first place .

Sure. Well let me just say right here and now that if any girl aged 18 to 58 feels like they want to piss on someone's carpet, just get in touch! Only condition is I want to watch! :laugh:

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I too have suffered all through my life with disabilities at learning , talking and at times even walking , when I was much younger in age . I had to struggle very hard to fit in within my age group growing up . Because a lot of people . Where I live , in the U.S.A. , would look down on me for the disabilities I had to deal with every day . That included , bullying , name calling , fights and made to feel useless and unwanted . As well as unneeded too . Always being last to be chosen for playing games nor even having close friends as well . This also included having a G/F to take out on a date or two . Since I shied away from getting involved in a relationship . For fear of being rejected by girls / women my age . Even today . I still face that rejection . When I'm being Honest at who I am as a man / A Person. I could go on with what troubles I had in growing up . Even when fully grown . I had trouble getting jobs that had a future to being employed for a long length of time . That my disabilities hampered me severly at getting a well paying job and holding onto it . Because I was too slow in working at what ever I had to do . Now I'm was forced into retirement . Because of back issues caused by scholosis I had all through my life . That finally laid me out flat at times with severe pain . Not able to walk nor work for long periods pf time . Due to that pain That prevented me from doing the job I was assigned to do at work .

At present time . my back issues have been corrected , but , I also have other medical issues that make working impossible due to insurance requirements . That companies , over here in the U.S.A. . Now have to cover for . That OBAMA CARE has made a mess of at this time in

not allowing me any chance to get a decent job now ..................................

So I can understand and sympathize with what Diaper Fun , has been through . That I know how hard at times it's to fit in to circles of people that share the same fetish / fetishes as we both have and all the others here . Have as well too . So I do know how He feels at times . We all here must be tolerant of others or else pay for our ignorance at not understanding that No ONE Is Perfect In Life ! !

I don't think Steve 25805 , meant any disrect . Just really wanting to understand why , Diaper Fun , was not seeming to fit in correctly to the threads He had posted on here . That made him stick out in a way . I still accept him as a member here . In trying to help him fit in better withing this community of ours in trying to understand where he's coming from

Now can we get back to what this thread was about in the first place .

Many thanks for your understandings Kevin and I also have difficulties to find a girl and to enjoy love and the sexually part of it. Many thanks for this well written message.

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Imagine this scenario:-

You have just brought home the sexiest woman of your dreams, who is drop dead gotgeous in every respect. She is desperate for a pee and says she wants to pee on your living room carpet just for kicks, but if you let her you will get to watch her pee.

Would you let her do it?

if i could do it with her

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