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Roadside Pee Last Night

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Bless you @ukpeegirl86 - at least only slight dampness to put up with for the rest of the journey home. 

Better than spending the next week trying to dry out your soaked car seat.  I know we often worry about being spotted - but anything more than a few feet away and the most anyone is going to see is a tiny flash of bare bum. 

Huge thanks for sharing with us. 

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1 hour ago, oliver2 said:

I got honked at the other day in a similar situation but it was daytime and I wasn’t being particularly discreet

Those geese don't like it when you pee near them do they?

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the story. I like hearing about women who cut off their pee streams. Also the visual of you moving about with your jeans and panties down is both amusing and hot!

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On 2/8/2023 at 11:38 AM, ukpeegirl86 said:

Driving home from a long journey last night I got within 10 miles of home and needed to pee desperately. I knew I wouldn’t make it so I planned to stop at the first chance to have a pee in a lay-by, car park, alley way etc - whichever I came upon first. I came first to a lay-by but there was a lorry parked up so I wouldn’t have privacy. Driving onwards I chanced upon another lay-by set back from the road with nobody there, but a farmhouse behind some 50 metres away. I pulled in and got out the car immediately as I was by that point desperate. I knew I could potentially be seen from the farm house but there were no lights on and at that point I couldn’t wait any longer. There was a bin I could squat behind which along with my car would shield me from the road but not the farmhouse. I decided to just squat behind the bin, reasoning the farmhouse occupiers were probably used to seeing people peeing in the lay-by and weren’t close enough to see any detail. 

I quickly pulled my jeans and knickers down and squatted facing towards the bin and the road, holding the top of the bin for balance. Immediately the pee began to flow in a torrent. Unfortunately due to the angle I was squatting at, which was awkward due to the grass verge and myself holding the top of the bin to balance, it quickly became apparent that my stream was soaking the back of my right leg my jeans and my knickers but I was so desperate I didn’t care. I relieved the initial pain from holding for so long but by then I was soaked. I don’t know why but I attempted to cut my stream and move onto the tarmac to avoid getting wetter. It was by that point futile.  I didn’t pull my jeans and knickers up but I took a few steps over to my car and squatted with my back to it against the back bumper and I continued pissing onto the tarmac, this time avoiding my clothing (as pointless as this was because I was already wet). I then realised I was pissing facing directly into any oncoming traffic and cut my stream again, moving round to the passenger side of my car and finishing my pee out of sight. 

I got back into my car damp but relieved and drove home for a shower.

I understand you, due to incontinence i have often had to pee improvisedly in makeshift places and i have had to deal with wet trousers many times. ❤️

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