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Peeing on car wheels and tires

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Was anyone else taught to pee on automotive wheels/tires or witnessed others doing it? Where does this idea come from? Where did you learn it? What do you think of this today?

This idea has always been bizarre to me. The time I spent growing up in Spain and France the nannies (mostly in Spain) would often encourage us to pee on wheels/tires of cars and trucks. This included the family cars, random cars on the street in Spain, trucks at the farmers market etc.. I can distinctly remember looking at the steel wheels and tires of many old 70s-80s cars while wetting them with my pee with a nanny helping me. I also found it strange because there is almost always something else to pee on near a car that would be less impacted. In retrospect I wonder why the nannies didn’t just have us pee on the ground between/beside the car like the girls or on a near by wall, bush, tree or post?

From a visual/spatial viewpoint its weird because you are peeing on something that is meant to move. I remember once peeing on bus wheel/tire with my cousins and then being in traffic beside it and watching our pee run all over it as it slowly turned. 

I also spent some time growing up in the US south and had a school friend who grew up on a ranch. His whole family drove Chevy trucks. He would always pee on the wheel and his mom encouraged it. I can remember many times on the ranch we would pee on the wheel when we could have peed many other places. He also peed on the wheel of his mom’s suburban in the school parking lot, shopping malls, football stadiums, the driveway etc. and sometimes I joined him. 

My father never tolerated peeing on the alloy wheels of any of our fancy cars and would chastise the nannies if they let this happen. I can remember once a nanny let my cousin pee on the painted alloys of one of his brand new Mercedes he had just had custom built by AMG in Germany. He let her have it and immediately washed the wheel. Years later as I got into cars I totally understand this. I have had to restore expensive wheels that were corroded or had paint destroyed by (I assume) dog pee. Its really not great for a painted wheel or any other painted surface to have acidic pee dry on it. Its also weird because the brakes are often exposed through the wheels. Acidic liquid is not good for them either. 

In the days before fancy allow wheels, it was somewhat understandable to pee on old steel wheels or even today on some industrial vehicles. But with the majority of cars today having big alloy wheels that also exposed brakes, it seems like an outdated practice.

I thought the practice was largely dead until I heard a group of pretty posh moms, most of whom have fancy cars, talking about having boys pee on the wheels/tires. I guess its still taught today. 

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When I’ve been desperate to pee when driving home some tears ago I did pull into a lay by and peed on the wheel and tyre of my car. It was a steel wheel, not any fancy alloy wheels I did it a few times as it felt natural to piss on it

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2 hours ago, F0rester said:

I recall hearing that if targeting the tires of your own vehicle, public urination is legal in the UK. No idea on the truth to that. 

I was going to mention this, although I believe it is a little more specific than this.  Some sources say this is for taxi drivers and they must also have their right hand on the roof.  It is a bit spurious though as it is not actually illegal to pee outside in the UK unless the location is subject to specific bylaws. So, maybe it was considered good practice as peeing in that position forced you to give yourself a bit of cover between your body and the vehicle, so avoiding being charged for indecent exposure.

The law probably stemmed from early days of horse drawn carriages with wooden wheels and high sides.

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13 hours ago, Alfresco said:

The law probably stemmed from early days of horse drawn carriages with wooden wheels and high sides.

The horse drawn carriage origin is interesting. I wonder if it was common to pee on/through carriage wheels?  That seems like it would offer little cover, as the wheels had wide spokes and the carriages rode high on the wheels, with the wheels often protruding beyond the end of the carriage. Unless you were extremely close to a spoke it would probably offer little cover and at that point quite a bit of splash back. Perhaps the point was to pee between the spokes and end up under the carriage? At that point your pee is going the same place as horse pee. That would explain why it would be more polite to pee there if the horse pee is already there, than on a near by wall, tree etc.. 

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As has been alluded to...

There is a thing that almost requires the pissing on to wheels or indeed  the things what moves us about.

Any dog will tell us all that 🙂 !!!

I read an account a while back from a NASA engineer, where he recalled that a little dog chased his car down the road, he stopped and the little dog pissed on his car wheel, then it walked away quite satisfied....

He said, paraphrased, ... That's what we did, pissed on the Moon and having done so, just walked away,... Satisfied !

I really don't quite understand the  psychology of all of this, but as an observer ... There is a connection in the pee/piss/ scent marking thing that we do... Coz that is what we do...? As do any number of other animals.

The mystique of it ..? Is kinda what it makes sexy , Well in a way for me and perhaps for us other humans? ... Perhaps?



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9 hours ago, Havelock said:

The horse drawn carriage origin is interesting. I wonder if it was common to pee on/through carriage wheels?  That seems like it would offer little cover, as the wheels had wide spokes and the carriages rode high on the wheels, with the wheels often protruding beyond the end of the carriage. Unless you were extremely close to a spoke it would probably offer little cover and at that point quite a bit of splash back. Perhaps the point was to pee between the spokes and end up under the carriage? At that point your pee is going the same place as horse pee. That would explain why it would be more polite to pee there if the horse pee is already there, than on a near by wall, tree etc.. 

I am not really sure about the horse drawn carriage origin, but it might be from that time as there is also a law about Hackney Carriage drivers carrying a bale of hay I have read somewhere.   The logic with peeing on a carriage wheel would be that the carriage would have a hidden space of the wheel arch between the wheel and the coach body which would give privacy and avoid offending the eyes of maidens. (Although I am sure that some maidens would have enjoyed the view).  In those times there would be little in the way of public facilities and it might just have been an acceptable discrete place to go.   The bit about horse pee already being on the road is also very valid.

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8 hours ago, Euro said:

He said, paraphrased, ... That's what we did, pissed on the Moon and having done so, just walked away,... Satisfied !

Another astronaut, well cosmonaut, related aspect is that Russian Cosmonauts peeing on the tyre of their bus on the way to the launch pad.  Quoted from here, is a little background.   The whole article gives details of other traditions that are followed prior to space flight.

“Following the blessing, crew members board a bus to the launch pad. But it’s not a direct journey—there is a mandatory bathroom break along the way. According to the ESA, Gagarin was on his way to the launch pad in 1961 when he realized he needed to urinate one last time. The bus was stopped, and Gagarin got off, headed to the back-right tire, and relieved himself. As a tribute, each bus trip to the Baikonur launch pad now incorporates a stop, during which crew members pee on the back-right bus tire.“

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  • 1 year later...

A girlfriend of mine works as a lorry driver says if there's no bathroom she "cool the tires" with her pee. She says it's so common among the lorry drivers too.

Once we went camping, we "cooled the tires" of the camper several times. She said it was like praying for safety lol

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