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Popular Pee Spots (US)

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Hello All,


I was curious if there was currently a database or if it would be admissible to make a database of popular pee spots for people to know of/about starting with the US. Sometimes it's difficult to catch encounters in the wild and obviously something things will influence the influx of public peeing more than others (like events/festivals, weather, etc). However, it people could share general locations to be on the lookout for in this thread I and hopefully others would find it useful. Is this something that has already been done by chance?

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I would agree that sharing specific spots is not the best idea for the reasons laid out by Alfresco.

One thing I would add when looking for a good spot is to be on the lookout for places where people move en masse.  Alfresco mentioned this indirectly speaking of queues to get into places. Double that if the queue is to get into a specific place at a specific time. On the other end, find a city or bar area where every place unloads all at the same time which creates mass havoc and likely lines inside that women did not want to wait in. Cities where Last Call is too late often have people too spread out in terms of when they wind up heading back out onto the street, and that is to your disadvantage in more ways than one.

Also, read the sightings threads on here. Then read them again and take in the context of what is happening that led to the sightings. Some of the storytellers here do a great job.

Also happy to answer some more specific questions via PM. Good luck!

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Agree with everything that @The99Club says.   

I did just think of another one which I have heard is a good opportunity but I've never tried exploring myself.   This is where you get queues for a launch event or a high profile sale for example.   Often these events are just advertised as being open from a certain time on a certain day.   However, people who want to be in with a chance of getting the best buys in the sale or the chance of getting the particular phone on launch date will queue many hours before the event and sometimes will even queue outside overnight.   Without doubt those people must need to pee at some point and the shop isn't providing facilities for campers, so they have to improvise.   For example at one event that I heard about, there was a car park nearby that had a stairwell which became the unofficial toilet with people leaving the queue and using the stairwell for relief before re-joining the queue.   Of course, the report that I read was from the point of view of someone who was complaining about the people using the stairwell as a toilet, but it was still good to read about it.   I suspect that there were also a lot of people who went into the actual car park and peed between cars.

Sales at places like Harrods and Next are guaranteed long queues in the UK, with people camping overnight or from the early hours of the morning.   I'm sure there will be similar in the USA.   Boxing Day sales are on the list of sales that generate the best queues, but to be honest I've got better things to be doing on Boxing Day.  If I lived on my own then things might be different, but as it stands, I'm not likely to go out late on Christmas Day to observe Boxing Day queues.  

So if you hear of a launch event or sale near you, then you may want to check out the queue - even if you are not interested in the product or sale.

Another good option is New Years Eve.   There are lots of events where thousands of people go to see the fireworks at midnight.   These huge crowds often involve hanging around for hours and there are just never enough toilets.   People don't like going far from their spot to avoid losing their friends/family or even losing the ability to get back to their spot.   After midnight there are lots of people who all want to seek relief at the same time so look for places where the crowd is leaving or maybe just before the nearest transport station.   Again, I haven't experienced this for myself, but would love to do so.   Only problem is that I always have a commitment on New Years Day which prevents me going to a busy place on New Years Eve.



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5 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Agree with everything that @The99Club says.   

I did just think of another one which I have heard is a good opportunity but I've never tried exploring myself.   This is where you get queues for a launch event or a high profile sale for example.   Often these events are just advertised as being open from a certain time on a certain day.   However, people who want to be in with a chance of getting the best buys in the sale or the chance of getting the particular phone on launch date will queue many hours before the event and sometimes will even queue outside overnight.   Without doubt those people must need to pee at some point and the shop isn't providing facilities for campers, so they have to improvise.   For example at one event that I heard about, there was a car park nearby that had a stairwell which became the unofficial toilet with people leaving the queue and using the stairwell for relief before re-joining the queue.   Of course, the report that I read was from the point of view of someone who was complaining about the people using the stairwell as a toilet, but it was still good to read about it.   I suspect that there were also a lot of people who went into the actual car park and peed between cars.

Sales at places like Harrods and Next are guaranteed long queues in the UK, with people camping overnight or from the early hours of the morning.   I'm sure there will be similar in the USA.   Boxing Day sales are on the list of sales that generate the best queues, but to be honest I've got better things to be doing on Boxing Day.  If I lived on my own then things might be different, but as it stands, I'm not likely to go out late on Christmas Day to observe Boxing Day queues.  

So if you hear of a launch event or sale near you, then you may want to check out the queue - even if you are not interested in the product or sale.

Another good option is New Years Eve.   There are lots of events where thousands of people go to see the fireworks at midnight.   These huge crowds often involve hanging around for hours and there are just never enough toilets.   People don't like going far from their spot to avoid losing their friends/family or even losing the ability to get back to their spot.   After midnight there are lots of people who all want to seek relief at the same time so look for places where the crowd is leaving or maybe just before the nearest transport station.   Again, I haven't experienced this for myself, but would love to do so.   Only problem is that I always have a commitment on New Years Day which prevents me going to a busy place on New Years Eve.



You mean like Black Friday in 2 weeks? I guess it’s remotely possible but it would suck to go out super early for nothing.

In my city there are not fireworks on New Years Eve, only July 4. Many years I have wandered through the crowd for hours to look for any sign of desperation and it’s always to no avail. It doesn’t seem like a few portable toilets here and there would be sufficient, but somehow it is.

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6 hours ago, mcdky said:

You mean like Black Friday in 2 weeks? I guess it’s remotely possible but it would suck to go out super early for nothing.

In my city there are not fireworks on New Years Eve, only July 4. Many years I have wandered through the crowd for hours to look for any sign of desperation and it’s always to no avail. It doesn’t seem like a few portable toilets here and there would be sufficient, but somehow it is.

Black Friday - yes, possibly. Depends if you have lots of people who queue overnight.

Surprising what you say about July 4.   Are people drinking?  Maybe y nd to monitor places at the back of the crowd rather than in the crowd?  Look for ie corners and also look for tell tale puddles and wet patches.   Then monitor those places for other people coming to add to the puddle.  Also what do people o about transport? Maybe monitor nearby car parks or stations as people arrive and when they leave.

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On 11/10/2022 at 3:18 PM, Alfresco said:

For example at one event that I heard about, there was a car park nearby that had a stairwell which became the unofficial toilet with people leaving the queue and using the stairwell for relief before re-joining the queue.

How that's worded makes it sound so hot omg if it's as bad as it sounds that place must've got flooded!
Does make me wonder if there any locations where that becomes the case not only occationally but all year round

Another good bet is to probably find popular street festivals, there's bound to be areas where the organisers haven't set up temporary facilities nearby (or at all)
the increased activity must lead to something hahaha, only downside being it'll be a one shot thing

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On 11/9/2022 at 7:16 AM, Alfresco said:

Not aware of any databases etc and I doubt if it would be a good idea because it might attract too many "spotters" to the same place which may actually discourage people from peeing there and also might attract attention of the authorities.

However, there are several posts on this site which show how you can get pretty much guaranteed sightings.    The main factors are: lots of people, few toilets, drinking fluids and ideally alcohol.  

Examples are; queues outside nightclubs, queues for taxi ranks and buses at the end of a night out, queues to get into large events, festivals, beach parties, large football matches and so on

If you go to any of these places and spend some time watching the crowds, then you will start to spot people leaving the crowd or the queue and if you observe their actions you will quickly find places that are regular pee spots.   I am not from the US, but I have had a lot of success in seeing girls pee in the UK and the generic patterns will be the same although attitudes may vary a bit.

Some places have much lower footfall but can be worth checking out.   Parking/rest areas with no toilets are a good one.  Near railway stations or metro/underground/transit systems - look for people coming back from a night out, they have probably had a few drinks, then if no toilets on the train, they get off the train needing to pee, the station toilets are locked because it is late, so they pee in the car park or a nearby alleyway.

Similarly if you go to a city where people travel into the city to drink.   Look for bus stations or transit networks where people are travelling in from a distance of around an hour - there is a good chance the transport has not toilets, the people are drinking before they head into town and when they get there they jump off the bus and find a spot to pee.   I've seen this many times in multiple cities.

The main thing is that you have to be prepared for a bit of hanging around and research by way of observation and that for the best chances you either need a very large event or you need to be willing to stay up late at night.

Of course, small scale events like local fairs etc can be a winner because they will have a reasonable number of people and limited toilets which are usually portaloos that often have queues and encourage people to pee outside.   Running events such as marathons can be good as runners hydrate and everyone wants to pee before they start, the queues get long and people run out of time so pee outside.   Also spectators for these kind of things are spread over large areas, often away from toilets.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

I try to look for subway stations without toilets.

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It seems there are two kinds of common pee spots. There are 1) super crowded places, particularly where there's a lot of fluid intake (i.e. drinking), where it would be inconvenient or impossible for everyone to find a toilet, and 2) places that are too remote for there to be toilets, or even just for reasonably clean toilets. 

The crowded spots (1) are things like music festivals, urban holiday celebrations, and nightlife districts. They are more likely to have peeing any given day, and you might see a decent number of people peeing in one small area one particular time you go, but the people peeing are more likely to be in a group of friends who partly cover for them, and someone taking interest in others peeing is more likely to him/herself be seen. The remote spots (2) are like camping spots without toilets, hiking trails, and the horse stables mentioned in another recent thread here. There are way too many of these to list individually even if you wanted to. Since there aren't many people there, peeing incidents are much rarer in any one place, and it's not like you can just go somewhere hoping for sightings. However, you're also likely to be alone yourself and won't be interrupted as easily--and your "targets" are more likely to think they are alone. Plus if you know where to look (I mean not one particular nature area, but how to spot a gap in the bushes or grove of trees that is likely to appeal to pee-ers), and go somewhere that is still popular (for a wilderness/country spot) it isn't TOO unusual at least to find puddles and especially tissues.

I think a lot of it comes down to what kind of environment you feel most comfortable/able to be yourself. For me, I'm much more of an outdoorsy person than a city nightlife person, and so I'm outdoors enough anyway that the majority of my sightings have been there. If I'd go outdoors just to see peeing I'd be quite disappointed though. A few times I've been to large parties where there were decently many people peeing around, but it was mostly too dark to see much of anything anyway. If you like going to lots of parties anyway but feel out of place out in the wilderness, it's possibly better to go to more parties and try to make friends with people who don't mind peeing in front of their friends, at least when drunk.

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12 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

I try to look for subway stations without toilets.

Where I used to live in London the underground station a quiet back entrance down an alley, which I made use of to relieve myself countless times, and came across other guys doing so a number of other times

Edited by oliver2
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