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I reallllly wanna do a carpet pee with people (and why xp)

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I think you've touched on a really common thing there - that many of us who now have this pee kink, fetish or however you wish to term it can clearly trace back to events way before we knew what sexuality was.  Just memories of playing, having fun, doing something we kind of knew was against the rules - but in an innocent childhood way.

(In a roundabout way a reminder for responses here that childhood memories are fine providing they are not sexual).

I've got two aspects in my life - one is a girl I was really close friends with through infant school years and then to a lesser extent through junior school.  At high school and beyond we knew each other but didn't associate and now we're friends on Facebook.  I have said a number of times that I'm sure my current situation stems from, or embraces seeing her sitting on the toilet with the door wide open when we were both young.  In retrospect she as a youngster also used to talk about peeing in the pool during swimming lessons.  I have this subtle smouldering fantasy that she may also have held onto a love of peeing through adulthood and one day we could 'compare notes' of present day fun.  That's never going to happen I'm sure.

The other took place when I was 18 and had a thing going on with a slightly older girl in a strange relationship - I was her willing plaything despite her being engaged and getting married.  It was complicated.   But I learned a lot during my time there, both practically, emotionally and sexually.  She was no stranger to peeing outside, although claimed to be pee shy except with her boyfriend and she proved that whilst trying (and failing) to give me a golden shower in the bathtub.  If I could relive that time I'd definitely explore the peeing side of things more - I wasn't strongly aware of my kink at the time and settled for simple answers without perhaps exploring the why's and wherefore's which I'm a lot confident with now.  So yes, that would be fun to revisit now.

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It's kinda amazing how the things we do growing up can manifest into a variety of ways haha, but yeah that's actually perfectly what I was getting at! Ig you could say I want to take the innocent experiences from when I was younger and do them with the full kinky desires of today lol.

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10 hours ago, RainyDay said:

She kept doing an obvious pee dance and wondering out loud if she would be able to make it home, saying that she may just need to squat behind some bushes. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was gauging my reaction or trying to get me to encourage her to just let go.

I certainly wouldn’t have minded had she given in to the urge. :P

It sounds like a little gentle encouragement would have been all she needed. Maybe next time? 😉

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11 hours ago, RainyDay said:

saying that she may just need to squat behind some bushes. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was gauging my reaction or trying to get me to encourage her to just let go.

If I were in your position then, I would definitely have said something to encourage her.   Maybe something like "If you are seriously considering the bushes then that's fine by me"  She was already talking openly about it and might have been seeking your permission.

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I was brought up being told that peeing in our back yard was fine, actually normal, though I never saw my mother do it. My father and I did it out of convenience. Sometime when I was about 6 or 7 I just assumed peeing in my room against the wall was OK.  No carpets were involved, just the wall and a wood floor.  Of course my parents discovered the evidence (of several pees), and told me in no uncertain terms that it was not OK, and I never did again (well maybe a couple times).  But I did find ways to be creative outdoors -- peeing from up a tree I climbed, peeing off the roof, peeing on the roof, peeing in various loose pipes, etc.  Something stuck with me through the years (I wouldn't be here otherwise).  There were a few decades of peeing mostly in toilets (the most boring way possible) before I discovered the world of naughty peeing about 15 years ago.  Life is too short not to find enjoyment in simple things.  My motto became "We all have to pee every day -- why not make it something fun?"  Carpet peeing is a rare treat -- it's a lot of fun but has to be done in a stealthy, non-destructive way.  Either in spots that will never be noticed or smell, or in a manner that is undetectable even if there is a security camera watching.  It's fun hearing the sound on a dry carpet, and also hearing the splashy sound after you've given it a good soaking.

As for reliving my first naughty pees (peeing on walls), yes that is done, usually on restroom walls.

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I've been reliving some childhood adventures and peeing in my vent. @pop-a-squat reminded me with her vent pees that I used to do the same at my old grandmothers house.

Seriously though, there are a number of experiences that I would like to relive. Most of my pee kink experiences were in my young adulthood. I used to date a girl who would pee around my house whenever she needed to, or wanted to for that matter. I have a number of experiences with her that all stand out in their own way, especially this one night that I REALLY wish I could re-create with a willing and naughty participant.

We were snowed in and she couldn't get home, so she decided that she'd spend the night. This was back when my parents were not adamant about a girl and a boy sleeping together in the same room. They had every right to worry as we got up to some really naughty mischief why we were hole'd up in the room. She quickly became very desperate to pee and she couldnt figure out whether or not to just go on the carpet. What she actually did was stand up, part her lips and let a torrent out over the old wall heater. She pissed a full and audible stream. You could hear it cascading down the metal insides of the heater. I angled myself to get a better view, and I could see a single, thick stream, pattering over the window sill and the heater as she stood and pissed like a man. What was sexier than that was her cute butt and back outline. I still cum to that image alone.

Another experience I would love to relive would be that time my friend had to pee really bad on the way home from the nightclub. This could have been made better by the fact that I could have gotten laid that night so it would have been my friend driving, and a really pretty girl that I AM STILL KICKING MYSELF FOR NOT DANCING WITH AND TALKING TO probably fucking in the backseat since I lived at my parents house for six months, but I digress...

My friend and I were getting burger king around 2AM, and keep in mind this was before COVID shut everything down. We were in the drive through when she said she really has to pee. She starts going through all the places at the drive through she could piss: Behind the bush while the line was empty, right there in the drive through before we pulled up to the takeout window. I encouraged her to hold it as she would be caught. We got our food and left. I asked her if she was sure as there was an outline of trees just up ahead where she could go and she said she'd make it home. When we got there, after a bit of talking with each other, she said "Ookay, I'm sorry but it-its coming out, I have to pee". She popped around the other side of the car and said to me "Don't look, don't look", when I wasn't looking at all. Buuut I'd be lying if I said I definitely didn't turn off the music to hear her torrent hit the ground, and I'm so glad I did. She let out the biggest torrent of piss I've ever heard anyone take, pissing for a full 15 seconds like that. I got a semi right then and there. After she was done, I got out the car to go to mine and remarked on her incredible river she made. She smiled and almost looked like she was blushing, but I could have just made her uncomfortable. I have more stories of her that I've written down if you go to my profile. There was also the time she was telling me about how she loved to be made to squirt on someones face. It goes without saying that I would love for us to fuck around just once.

There was also that time I had with a long time friend who became a sort of fwb. She sent me a video of her pissing in the toilet, and I loved it. Before then, she asked me "Do you think I can hold it?" It was then and there that I realized I absolutely love bladder control. I didn't want to test the waters in case she peed on herself, but if she was willing to explore the pee kink like that, I would have arranged something.


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On 10/2/2022 at 9:12 PM, RainyDay said:

This whole idea fascinates me, especially as I continue to learn about the science and/or psychology behind kinks.

I had a childhood friend that seemed to like peeing outside, in the shower, etc. and always encouraged me to do so with her. There was nothing sexual about it, of course. At the time, it was just a silly game… a slightly rebellious, yet harmless, way to occupy our time.

For me, the interest in peeing never went away. I always wondered if the same was true for her, but I certainly never wanted to ask her about it as an adult. However, there was a time when we were hanging out (as adults) and she was making a big show out of how desperate she was. She kept doing an obvious pee dance and wondering out loud if she would be able to make it home, saying that she may just need to squat behind some bushes. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was gauging my reaction or trying to get me to encourage her to just let go.

I certainly wouldn’t have minded had she given in to the urge. :P

I'm all about trying to unlock the psychology behind this condition! And your situation is especially fascinating because it brings up a sort of "chicken or the egg" question. 

Was your interest in pee laying dormant already and then "unlocked" by your friend? Or did her pee based antics rewire your developing brain?

If you hadn't been friends with her as a kid do you think it might have emerged through a different circumstance? Do you think if you hadn't been friends with her that it might not have developed at all? 

And then there's your friend who may or may not have developed an interest in pee. Was her childhood behavior just a way of expressing rebelliousness at the time? Something she would outgrow? Or was it signs of an interest that would stay with her? If that's the case, does it mean the interest is contagious?

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Simpfan said:

One thing that has not changed since my retreat from here and return...I only visit when my bladder is full. It's always a matter of how long I want to postpone the emptying. 

Noted - and one reason it’s lovely to see you here. 

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