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Legalize Public Peeing, Or...

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I think this sounds like a straightforward solution to a problem that has been over complicated for years.

So many things we find offensive, we do so because we’ve been told it’s offensive.

It wasn’t that long ago that mixed race marriages were considered offensive, and just in the recent past have same sex marriages become acceptable. 

So in another 10 years will we look back and wonder why in the world public urinating was so offensive?

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I totally agree with this article. As a whole we need to stop criminalizing things that poor and homeless people do because they're poor and homeless, and instead actually make an effort to, y'know, help and support them

Edited by Peenicks
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33 minutes ago, LickerLover said:

I think this sounds like a straightforward solution to a problem that has been over complicated for years.

So many things we find offensive, we do so because we’ve been told it’s offensive.

It wasn’t that long ago that mixed race marriages were considered offensive, and just in the recent past have same sex marriages become acceptable. 

So in another 10 years will we look back and wonder why in the world public urinating was so offensive?

It's such a simple solution to what has become a blown out of proportion thing. Let's face it, peeing isn't limited to a certain few...every living person urinates, and to be able to pee in public anywhere at anytime is so right. And I  hope we don't have to wait 10 years to look back, I  would hope that it becomes a human right to urinate outside in under 2-3 years. Besides, it is certainly a partial solution to the current water shortage in certain areas.

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8 hours ago, RainGod said:

Great article! Every time one of us unzips and exercises his natural right, it's one more stream in favor of making the world a better place, so whip em out guys!

I love your attitude! I've whipped mine out on 3 separate times on Saturday, and each piss was a positive vote toward public urination. Keep unzipping, guys, and make your piss count.

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Of course there should be more public rest rooms publicly supported.  Considering the millions of tax dollars that are spent on things that are not necessities, keeping rest rooms clean and supplied would not be that costly.  This is especially critical for women's facilities, since men's needs can be more basic, and it's also necessary to have facilities wherever there is a concentration of the homeless.    

Until there are more toilets available, some public urination is going to happen.  If it damages property perhaps there must be some penalty, but most often people pee in alleys or other places where it will be washed away by the next rainstorm, and that should be acceptable.  A person can hold a bladder full of beer or other diuretic beverage just so long and then it must be released.  

Penalizing public urination is attacking the symptom of a problem, not the cause.  

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