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Im very new to this. Ive had an attraction to watching females pee since i was a teen.. ive fought with it off and on since then. Sometimes indulging in it and sometimes being ashamed/embarassed and ignoring it. The woman i am married to now is aware of this and she seems to enjoy allowing me to get enjoyment out of it...

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Hi and welcome.  I understand your desire to fight your interest in pee.  That's how I felt for a long time until I went online and discovered there were lots of people with the same interest.  At that point I decided to accept that it was part of who I was and make peace with it.  We're a very fiendly bunch here and I hope you have a great time.  

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Hiya and welcome.  I'm a fellow newbie and everyone has been so nice and welcoming that you really don't have to worry.

I can understand though.  I've pretty much accepted who I am but I do sometimes wonder why I enjoy it so much.  I'm glad your wife seems to be so understanding.

I hope you enjoy your time here.


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