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How many times a day does a girl pee?

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I don't know when I'm at work or out and about but when sat at home relaxing on a weekend, providing i'm not engrossed in a movie I tend to pee maybe 5 or so times a day.

When I first wake up and just before I go to bed, and a few times inbetween. It all depends on what I'm doing really.


I've just thought about it a little more. I know I go more often on a work day.

When I first wake up, just before I leave for work, during my break, during my lunch, just before I leave work or just after I get home, one or two more during the day and once before bed. So on a work day I go at least 7-8 times.

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I'm hoping the answer would be, "As often as she likes to."

Some enjoy to hold all day, sometimes all night, too. For them, one or two times a day is all they need to do.

Others like to drink and pee, pee and drink, drink and pee, repeatedly. Even 20 times a day might not be enough for them.

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  • 11 months later...

It depends n how much and what I've drank. Beer and coffee make me have to pee. in the summer on our boat I drank beer or wine coolers. I spent a lot of time with my rear over the side and peeing in the river.

I guess I pee about seven times during the day starting with my morning pee

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If you want averages, then between the time they get up until dinner time, maybe 5 each, not constant but close enough for government work.

When pee fun is planned, we drink lots, girls on Apple or pear cider, and I'm on mid strength beer, usually with a glass of water between each one. After a couple of hours, and usually after the first pee "breaks the seal" we can easily pee 4 times an hour, pretty much every 15min. With three of us mucking about like this, equates to every 5 min. This makes a lot more pee than you may imagine and sometimes goes on way longer than planned. This only happens on a weekend or weekdays if we miss it too much, not every day and not every week.

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  • 3 years later...

Eeeh, on average I wanna say I pee anywhere between 5-10 times a day. It depends on how much water I drink and how much activity I do. Sometimes if I'm super into a chapter I'm writing and I don't want to get up I'll hold it for hours until I'm finished. I can hold probably about three of my own normal pees at once. 

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I have a tiny bladder so I usually go a lot😂😂

Normally I go around 8-10 times per day but it depends on my fluid intake. 

If I drink caffeine through my day. I can go 12-13 or sometimes 14 times. 

I tend to drink a lot of water so that could be a reason for going so much 😂😂

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