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Better Tasting Pee

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Since it appears that there are some of you who like to engage in pee drinking, I was wondering if you have any suggestions for improving the taste of the golden nectar.

I have been experimenting with this for some time and will share the results of my findings so far:

The old standby; cranberry juice works well for me.

Plenty of water.

As far a alcoholic beverages; Tangueray Gin with it's aromatic botanicals works wonderfully. Straight or mix it with cranberry juice or tonic water.

Avoid things with caffeine and sodium (salt). Beer pee doesn't do anything for me. And, by all means never, never eat asparagus.

Any other suggestions?

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My ladies taste nice after a few Rekorderlig Ciders (alternate with water) and they think that my beer pee is fine (again, with water). We don't get wasted when doing this, maybe a 6 pack to get giggles started, then just have water.

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Never heard of Rekorderlig Ciders, but don't forget in in the US. There are a number of hard cider beverages here, I wonder if they would be similar? I've never tried them.

I will try the pineapple juice. I'm not sure though, it's high in acid.

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For those who have tasted pee and find it a little too bitter for their taste, here's a tip. Diabetes, amongst other things, manifests itself as an overly high sugar content in the blood if too much in the way of sugary foods or drinks have been consumed. This in turn leads to much higher levels of sugar in pee, which would presumably make it taste much sweeter and hence less bitter.

So, if you want sweeter tasting pee, find yourself a diabetic partner and have them eat a major load of chocolate a couple of hours before you want to drink their pee. :laugh:

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I've had some experience with the Tangueray Gin. The drink of choice for my lady and I is Tangueray and tonic water with a twist of lime. It does make for better tasting pee. The cranberry juice works well and we drink a lot of water. It not only dilutes the taste of the pee, it make you need to go more often.

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I am so happy that you two (CrissyP & MissPiss) have confirmed what I heard about pineapple juice is true. Now I just have to find a woman like you two. To let me taste how sweet it is.

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I'm thinking Tangueray and pineapple juice. That might make a dynamite cocktail! I'll let you know.

I'm thinking a glass of CrissyP's PP with a toothpick and a glazed cherry would make a dynamite cocktail

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If you keep drinking, you can pee a good 6-8 times in an hour.
6-8 times in an hour? :eek:

And here I though was good for output!

I can just read the headline in the papers, "Flash Floods in Colorado"! :)

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Lol, my ladies and I can do 4 times per hour, but it's not a lot, enough to soak a shirt, maybe gag a little, enough to have fun with. We tend to "make more" when we get on the grog, but not a lot of that either, brewers droop has reared it's ugly head once, not going there again.

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Pineapple juice, red wine, carrot juice, almond milk, gin :)

All mixed together? That's one bad ass cocktail!

Seriously, tried the pineapple juice, it works. I've been drinking cranberry juice and gin for quite a while. Tangueray Gin is the best, it has aromatic botanicals that come through in the pee.

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All mixed together? That's one bad ass cocktail!

Seriously, tried the pineapple juice, it works. I've been drinking cranberry juice and gin for quite a while. Tangueray Gin is the best, it has aromatic botanicals that come through in the pee.

Um... I'm not sure if all of that mixed together would have a good flavour, lol -- but give it a try, then tell, :wacky: haha.

I REALLY got to AGREE with the Tangueray Gin!!!!!!!!

That's one of the gin brands I "tasted" through her pee :cool: haha.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Better tasting pee or pee with no taste?

For myself the best tasting pee is whatever comes out. The watery stuff is no different than drinking warm water and the strong stuff a challenge. I personally don't like the idea of someone having to change their diet or drink extra just to make things easier for me. You have to pee, I drink. No more preparation needed. There's also the variety of tastes and the surprise factor of tasting it each time and not knowing what you're getting. If it's watery, fine. If very strong, there's a challenge!

Being that I think most define better as less taste, and not how I'd define better, here are some tips that I've noticed.

  • Large amounts of any fluids (with a few exceptions) will dilute things.
  • Anything sweetened with an artificial sweetener can make it sweeter. Some like this, some don't.
  • Coffee can make it smell and taste like coffee. Tea also leaves a taste of tea, just a lot milder.
  • Avoid salt in the hours before. It both causes you to pee less and makes for salty pee.
  • Avoid protein. That's where a lot of the pissy flavor comes from. Don't go overboard with this. If you're short on protein, your body will destroy muscle and use it as protein. Not good for you and doesn't help the taste. You just have to live with some pissy flavor.
  • Sugars and other carbohydrates don't affect taste at all.
  • If you're going to eat protein beforehand, avoid red meat. It makes pee a bit more acrid than other proteins.
  • Avoid cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) they can impart bitterness.
  • Asparagus. It smells bad. However, if you drink from the tap you'll notice it doesn't taste as bad as you'd expect.
  • Most strong spices will lend a flavor to your pee. You may or may not care for it.
  • Starvation diets. Low-carb diets that induce ketosis make for a particularly foul pee.

If you're going to eat before peeing, and want it to have as little taste as possible, have a bland meal with as little protein as possible, and avoid cruciferous vegetables and the salt shaker, while drinking as much water as you can. Keep in mind that processed foods have hidden salt, yet are bland, so you may think that frozen dinner was bland, yet your pee tastes like the ocean.

By the way. Clear pee may make for the weakest taste, but it's a misnomer that peeing clear is healthier for you. It's actually over-hydration and while not as bad as dehydration, is not your body's preferred state. If you're going to err, err on the side of too much fluid. Just keep in mind that it's not better than having light yellow pee.

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Better tasting pee or pee with no taste?

For myself the best tasting pee is whatever comes out. The watery stuff is no different than drinking warm water and the strong stuff a challenge. I personally don't like the idea of someone having to change their diet or drink extra just to make things easier for me. You have to pee, I drink. No more preparation needed. There's also the variety of tastes and the surprise factor of tasting it each time and not knowing what you're getting. If it's watery, fine. If very strong, there's a challenge!

Being that I think most define better as less taste, and not how I'd define better, here are some tips that I've noticed.

  • Large amounts of any fluids (with a few exceptions) will dilute things.
  • Anything sweetened with an artificial sweetener can make it sweeter. Some like this, some don't.
  • Coffee can make it smell and taste like coffee. Tea also leaves a taste of tea, just a lot milder.
  • Avoid salt in the hours before. It both causes you to pee less and makes for salty pee.
  • Avoid protein. That's where a lot of the pissy flavor comes from. Don't go overboard with this. If you're short on protein, your body will destroy muscle and use it as protein. Not good for you and doesn't help the taste. You just have to live with some pissy flavor.
  • Sugars and other carbohydrates don't affect taste at all.
  • If you're going to eat protein beforehand, avoid red meat. It makes pee a bit more acrid than other proteins.
  • Avoid cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) they can impart bitterness.
  • Asparagus. It smells bad. However, if you drink from the tap you'll notice it doesn't taste as bad as you'd expect.
  • Most strong spices will lend a flavor to your pee. You may or may not care for it.
  • Starvation diets. Low-carb diets that induce ketosis make for a particularly foul pee.

If you're going to eat before peeing, and want it to have as little taste as possible, have a bland meal with as little protein as possible, and avoid cruciferous vegetables and the salt shaker, while drinking as much water as you can. Keep in mind that processed foods have hidden salt, yet are bland, so you may think that frozen dinner was bland, yet your pee tastes like the ocean.

By the way. Clear pee may make for the weakest taste, but it's a misnomer that peeing clear is healthier for you. It's actually over-hydration and while not as bad as dehydration, is not your body's preferred state. If you're going to err, err on the side of too much fluid. Just keep in mind that it's not better than having light yellow pee.

Awesome reply!!! :D

THANKS for that!

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For those who have tasted pee and find it a little too bitter for their taste, here's a tip. Diabetes, amongst other things, manifests itself as an overly high sugar content in the blood if too much in the way of sugary foods or drinks have been consumed. This in turn leads to much higher levels of sugar in pee, which would presumably make it taste much sweeter and hence less bitter.

So, if you want sweeter tasting pee, find yourself a diabetic partner and have them eat a major load of chocolate a couple of hours before you want to drink their pee. :laugh:

The first time I read this post I was appalled and literally recoiled back from my screen. This is incredibly poor and selfish advice. Being that is was written by a moderator and pee fetishists don't really seem to like mixing morals and concern for others with their fetish, I reluctantly let it go. Lest I start a flame war, as this is, on the surface, a very friendly place.

As I don't plan to stick around here, I don't really care if I get flamed and even banned for my response. I just can't let someone give advice that can harm someone else for their own selfish pleasure. I may be the biggest pervert of all of us, but I can't let this one go without setting the record straight.

A diabetic's pee does not contain sugar, glucose to be exact, unless diabetes is poorly controlled and the level of glucose reaches an unhealthy level. (I'm thinking this is about 160.) Encouraging someone to eat enough sugar so that you can taste it means that their blood sugar is at an unhealthy level. The short term effects of this may include kidney infection, bladder infection, or infection anywhere else in the urinary tract. This is because that sugar gives bacteria something to eat.

There's also the tiredness and possible insulin resistance that may make one go from not being insulin dependent to insulin dependent. I can't imagine anyone actually wanting to give themselves daily injections.

Far more insidious are the cumulative effects that may occur later in life such as eye damage, neuropathy, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and this isn't a complete list, as I'm not a doctor or a diabetic, just someone who made really good grades in college in all classes. The bad part is that all of these don't occur until much later, and when they do, you're up shit creek without a paddle.

I hope anyone reading this will not take the extremely poor advice given in the quoted post. It's one thing to indulge in your fetish. It's another to deliberately harm another person in the process.

If you really want sweet pee: Try Splenda (Sucralose.) Much more effective than giving a diabetic candy and works for everyone. And so far no conclusive negative effects on health have been found.

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