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A little awkward and shy...

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...but glad to be here among like-minded people.

You can call me Xander or Elyse; I answer to both. Genderfluid (she/they) lesbian. I very recently discovered that I might be more into pee than I probably should be, but after lurking around on here, I can see I'm not alone.

Things I like in general include Jane Lynch, reading, writing, drawing, gaming, coffee, musicals, and cats. Anything else, just ask.

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Hi and a huge welcome to the site.   Shy isn't always a bad thing - it's quite an effective self-preservation tactic for one.

That said, you can feel comfortable here, it's a safe and very respectful place where close friendships can be made but privacy is also valued.  Hopefully you'll feel very quickly at home - if there is anything (or anyone) bothers you do please let us know. We're here to help.

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