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Weight loss.

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Just came in my mind that i would like to share my experience of lifestyle change and weight loss and would like to know has anyone similar experiences.

So here it goes, i have being overweight for most of my childhood and teenage and was bullied at the times with school about that. (nothing too bad but still) When i was in my early 20´s i decided that now i am gonna change my ways for a sake of healt atleast. I decided to reduce my calories and started to walk at daily basis and nowadays i couldnt even think about a life without good refreshing walks almost daily, and it do good to my back also. First few weeks wasnt easy must have to admit that, but maybe after couple of months i was totally used to it and still are.

In total i lost about 60 kg in time of 2-2.5 years and now i have been 86-89 kg in 5 or 6 years and i am 186 cm in height, got a little bit loose skin someplaces but i am happy with it. Everything is so much easier now what it was compared back then, i dont wanna be there anymore. Well here it is and maybe it would help someone else who is struggling about same issue to know that its possible as you start with a small teps.

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3 hours ago, willinglywet said:

Just came in my mind that i would like to share my experience of lifestyle change and weight loss and would like to know has anyone similar experiences.

So here it goes, i have being overweight for most of my childhood and teenage and was bullied at the times with school about that. (nothing too bad but still) When i was in my early 20´s i decided that now i am gonna change my ways for a sake of healt atleast. I decided to reduce my calories and started to walk at daily basis and nowadays i couldnt even think about a life without good refreshing walks almost daily, and it do good to my back also. First few weeks wasnt easy must have to admit that, but maybe after couple of months i was totally used to it and still are.

In total i lost about 60 kg in time of 2-2.5 years and now i have been 86-89 kg in 5 or 6 years and i am 186 cm in height, got a little bit loose skin someplaces but i am happy with it. Everything is so much easier now what it was compared back then, i dont wanna be there anymore. Well here it is and maybe it would help someone else who is struggling about same issue to know that its possible as you start with a small teps.

Iam sorry to hear about you being bullied in school, kids can be very cruel

The first steps are the hardest, pardon the pun hahaha. You changing your lifestyle is amazing, good for you. I bet you feel great, both physically and mentally after your lifestyle change.

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Brilliant inspiration - well done.  Not only as said above are the first steps the hardest, but I do think that the hardest obstacle is our own minds.  That's a brilliant amount of work you've done, and a very hard amount of work too.  Well done for sticking with it.

I think that's the part that gets forgotten - the weight loss, or in other people's cases whatever changes they make - ceasing smoking, drinking, training or whatever - the mental commitment involved is huge.  Well done.

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5 hours ago, Bigpiss89 said:

Wow well done that amazing. Glad you are feeling better in life as well.

sorry you were bullied I was bullied through school for a number of different reasons and it was horrible 

Sorry to hear that you have bullied too it can be very horrible and cruel. In my case i think it wasnt so bad, just littlebit here and ther, offcourse bullying is never acceptable though.

Edited by willinglywet
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On 1/5/2021 at 8:54 PM, willinglywet said:

Sorry to hear that you have bullied too it can be very horrible and cruel. In my case i think it wasnt so bad, just littlebit here and ther, offcourse bullying is never acceptable though.

Yes it can and I hated how much I was but I also believe it can make you stronger and from what you have said you have done amazing.. really please for you 😌

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  • 3 months later...
7 minutes ago, p1ssputz said:

FIgured I'd weigh in.

I've never been large or fat, and I never was bullied or anything like that - I'm pretty much just your average guy. However, I'm in my mid-thirties, and I've been realizing that some habits need to change....and the best way to do that is little by little. I did gain weight after college due to drinking and bad eating habits - about ten years ago - and two years ago, I decided to stop drinking entirely and did so successfully for various personal reasons. However, I'm now in a position where:

  1. I need to actually get myself into shape for health reasons going forward, since I'm not getting younger
  2. I need a replacement "drug" for alcohol and bad habits that can make me feel better
  3. I need to combat my generally sedentary lifestyle, which involves too much screentime and a lot of sitting due to my job.

I'm not rotund, but I definitely can't call my body type "athletic". I guess I kind of have the skinny-fat dad-bod thing going on, and I'm kind of over it.

Getting active isn't something that I really want to do, quite honestly, but at this point it's necessary. Re-reading this thread reminds me that things like this have to be long-term goals - you don't do it for a few weeks; you do it for a few years and you continue doing it. Small steps - I will remember that.

I hope you find the strength you need to get those good habits established @p1ssputz. Your need to give up things that you know are bad for you, and get more active, for health and ageing reasons resonate with me. It was largely fear that motivated my exercise at the start. But I found that I actually really enjoyed my choice of physical activity (running); I think I was lucky there. With the cigarettes a few years earlier, it was a combination of fear, a supportive wife and a personal challenge to do something I knew was right. It turned out not as difficult as I thought it would be, but I know many who have struggled. So good luck.

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5 minutes ago, p1ssputz said:

Yeah. I think that giving up drinking in April 2019 has laid a foundation - I would try going to the gym every once in a while, but I never stuck with anything because of my drinking habits. (Getting up early before work to go to the gym doesn't work if you drink the night before and wake up with a hangover. Fuck that shit.) When I was in high school and college, I used to be able to do pull-ups/chin-ups, and now I can't at all. Used to be able to bang out pushups if I needed to, also. I've lost weight recently due to some diet changes (due to orthodontist work) and I really only noticed because I was able to do more pushups than I could before, so I've started training those again and I think I'm going to try to work in bodyweight exercises even if it's casual. I've been trying to do a thing where I'm mindful of my time, so I have an alarm on my computer that tells me the time in fifteen-minute intervals; I'll get up and do some squats or some pushups or something that gets me to move a bit.

It'll be slow-going, I'm sure, but there will be a change with time. I want to be healthy going forward, but I realize that I'm also tired of being that one guy with the skinny arms, narrow shoulders, and not-so-narrow hips (genetics). Having a mid-life paunch isn't helping me either. That has got to change.

Sounds like you're self-aware enough to make it work my friend. (And without wishing to trivialise anything, I reckon sometimes simple vanity can be a decent motivator of lifestyle change - it played its part for me!)

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