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Drone flyer

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46 minutes ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

What a great couple...what great chemistry. A very descriptive story. 

Thank you! I will try and write part 2 in the next few days.

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7 hours ago, Alpian said:

Wow! Love the way you describe the art of photography and modelling through the lens of a horny adept of golden nectar. You do have a camera, do you?

Thanks! I have a camera yes but I'm an enthusiastic amateur taker of pictures and not a photographer! But I was inspired to write this story for a friend who is 🙂

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Part 1: There is nothing more sexy than a woman pissing on the bonnet of a car. You captured it perfectly. Nice! 
I was picturing her as Brigitte Bardot.👩‍🦳
Part 2: will let you know my review later but I am sure it is wet perfection and I hope the car gets even wetter. 🤞

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Part 2: ooooh you got to hold her wet shorts. Nice. 💖 Yes Mike would be a lucky man. Yes, there would be a lot of hot photos to wank oneself silly over. 😉I hope this story continues and I hope you get to do things with Amy as she sounds very tasty indeed. Lovely! 

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2 minutes ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

Part 2: ooooh you got to hold her wet shorts. Nice. 💖 Yes Mike would be a lucky man. Yes, there would be a lot of hot photos to wank oneself silly over. 😉I hope this story continues and I hope you get to do things with Amy as she sounds very tasty indeed. Lovely! 

I hadn't thought of continuing it, but maybe I should 🙂

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1 minute ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

Yes! More locations for Amy to do her thing, more cars, and you can help her out, in many ways!  😉🔥

You've convinced me. The drone pilot will have some fun. I'm just the hack author here 😉

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/20/2021 at 12:12 AM, Kupar said:

Part 2

[Contains female outdoor peeing and solo sexual references]

I have to tell you that I was pretty nervous as I approached the rendezvous with Mike and Amy a week later. I’d spent most evenings over the previous few days looking through their portfolio of photographs, scrolling through image after hot image with my left hand, because my right hand was busy, if you get what I mean.

Most of the pics were of Amy alone, in a variety of provocative poses, indoors and outdoors, nude and clothed, sometimes playing with herself, with and without toys. All very erotic, of course, but it was the way Mike had used angles and perspectives that lifted the images out of the ordinary. I’m not talking about the gynaecological closeups some people enjoy, or the from-a-distance, nude-in-the-landscape arty views that are also enjoyable but done a million times by a million photographers. There were some of those of course, but what Mike and Amy had managed to achieve was more adventurous. Here was a photographer who knew how to choose a different lens, find a different vantage point, encourage a different pose. I could see why he’d be interested in pushing creative boundaries with the addition of drone-based photography, or video.

Some images featured Amy peeing – like I’d seen her do at the old farm building and on the bonnet of my car. Mike had been creative here too – using wide apertures to create short depth of field, focusing on the golden stream as it broke into beautiful droplets frozen by the use of instantaneous flash, with Amy’s ecstatic pee-relief face visible behind, as if through frosted glass.

In one stunningly beautiful monochrome photograph I reckon Mike had stopped down and used ND filters so that Amy’s pee, flowing across the large stone she was straddling, appeared more like a hazy, broad, powerful but slow-flowing river rather than the high-speed jet it almost certainly had been at the moment the shutter opened. One photoset was taken from low down and from several positions, of a laughing, topless Amy standing in stockings and-heels, hands on hips and legs wide apart, on top of a bench in an old workshop. This had given me an idea for how I could use the drone … but more of that later.

A very few images had either needed the help of an assistant or the use of a remote shutter release because Mike featured in them too. And those photos only added to my respect for him as a man. I don’t think I need to say more – except that I’ve never managed to pee when I have an erection like that.

The day was still young, and the light still that wonderful gold that only sunny, warm September days can deliver, when I parked up at the old farm building a few minutes early and started unpacking the drone. I didn’t have to wait long before I heard the crunch of tyres on gravel and Mike and Amy arrived. “Hi mate,” said Mike cheerily. “Glad you’re here – I’m itching to see what we can achieve today, and Amy’s itching to pee, aren’t you babe?” She looked a little anxious – but as gorgeous as in the photos I’d been wanking myself silly over all week.

“One of the frustrating things about pee play photos is that you don’t have very long, or many chances, to get it right,” explained Mike. “When Amy’s all peed out, we have to wait a while for her to fill up before the next opportunity. But we use the time to change outfits and do a few ‘dry runs’ first, so it’s not all bad!”

But we realised we needed to work fast straightaway, otherwise we were going to waste a pint of pee and some glorious light. “Probably best to get some wetting photos in the can,” said Mike. “That way you don’t need to change now.” Amy got out of the car, somewhat carefully – it was clear she’d been holding for a while. The look was pure Americana: cut-off tight pale denim shorts, red check shirt with the tails tied around her midriff exposing a few inches of smooth flesh, and strappy mules. If you’re old enough, picture Catherine Bach as Daisy Duke in the Dukes of Hazzard, and you’ll have a pretty good idea. Except of course, that I didn’t remember Daisy Duke ever enhancing the look by pissing the equivalent of a large glass of OJ and two coffees.

“Quick Mike – where do you want me,” asked Amy. “I need to go really soon!”. I was clearly going to be a spectator for this first set. Between them, they decided to have Amy lean up against the wall of the old building, her arms spread wide, caressing the stonework, squirming and crossing her legs. Mike stood in front of her, camera clicking incessantly. I saw the essence of his technique: he was always on the move, exploring different angles – getting down low, standing on a step stool he’d brought – and for this first set, all available light. He’d chosen the right wall: the shadows worked beautifully to add interest to what in the hands of a lesser photographer would have been dull, basic images.

As her pee started to flow and the pale denim darkened – the patch growing until almost all the front of her shorts were soaked and her pee was running down her legs – I listened to the Amy’s breath and her soft moans. “Oh God, that feels so good,” she whispered, half closing her eyes, turning her face upwards in rapture, but never missing the opportunity to give Mike a series of different poses – her hands pulling the blouse open to show off those gorgeous tits as the pee continued to stream down her legs on to the ground. I realised at that moment that this was much more than just a bit of fun erotic photography: Amy was really, really into pee for her own pleasure – and that’s probably why the photos they created as a team were something special.

When the pee stopped nearly a minute later, I thought that was it, but they had one more trick to get the most out of the first part of the day. Off came the shorts: “Here – catch!” laughed Amy as she threw the sodden shorts across to me. “Do what you want with those while we finish off.” To be honest, I was content to hold them for her and watch as she turned to face the wall, removed a little white thong, utterly saturated, lifted one leg and rested it on a stone jutting out from the surface, and with her right hand, slowly pushed the scrap of fabric between her labia until it had disappeared. The camera clicked. Amy lowered her leg turned around, sat on the ground, spread her knees wide, looked straight at me, and very slowly pulled out the thong. Her post-pee face wasn’t anxious, or etched with relief, it was pure horniness.

I turned to Mike. “Christ, mate. How the hell do you not cum in your pants when she’s like this?” I asked. He just smiled.

[End of part 2]

Wow! I like these stories about drone flyer! When I read the first part, I was very surprised by the style of writing (it's very simple but very exciting), but when I read the second part, I just couldn't put it down. My imagination is now running wild. Thank you very much, I will wait for the third part.

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6 minutes ago, harryprotter said:

Wow! I like these stories about drone flyer! When I read the first part, I was very surprised by the style of writing (it's very simple but very exciting), but when I read the second part, I just couldn't put it down. My imagination is now running wild. Thank you very much, I will wait for the third part.

Thank you! I'm glad you like the story 🙂. I hope I'll get my writing mojo back soon!

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