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Discussions on Eliminature Peeing Standing

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2 hours ago, p1ssputz said:

@Eliminature someone may have asked already....but is that you in your avatar? I seem to remember finding that picture a looooong time ago on the internet along with an article about women peeing standing up. I don't remember the details at all but I do remember the excitement upon finding it. (If I remember correctly, the article explained how that lady had managed to go in many places, and that specific picture was a monument or something. I don't remember if it was an article or a dedicated website, though. It might have been the latter, something dedicated to peeing.) It spurred along my fetish at that time. So if that's you, hot stuff, and thank you!

I'll browse your picture thread later, there might be some that I might recognize. 🙂 Good times.

It isn't me, but you can find a little bitof info on it here. Hope you enjoy looing through my images nonetheless. 


On 10/7/2020 at 3:37 PM, Eliminature said:

Sophy Rickett's images...Women_Pissing_-_003.thumb.jpg.61bc7a7925adc6e5939bc5350fb655fc.jpg360215149_zVauxhallBridge(provisionalfile).thumb.jpg.ea448b93786c83c0a0f6bf3d0cc539f8.jpg1585931285_zSilvertown(provisionalfile).thumb.jpg.cfd7f7f29b20fad8b2da0fd9ff7ee9bb.jpg487260228_zOldStreet1995(provisionalfile).thumb.jpg.604900fb0e79f23f154da0726dd01ffc.jpg


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16 hours ago, Thiscouldbeanywhere said:

I always thought it looked a little like princess Di. Tbh

I'm sorry if that's sacrilege 

I think that's just the fashion of the time. The image was taken in 1995, I understand. 

But no, it isn't me! 😉

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