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Urinating on the Carpet (video)

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1 hour ago, WendyMarty said:

how do you manage to get away without your landlord or house mates noticing? xx

As mentioned in the opening sentence of my original post, there literally is NO TOILET here in the family apartment not even any pipework for one to be easily installed. Therefore, all of us have to use the apartment itself as a lavatory. What else can we do when we get desperate to relieve ourselves?

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It is an amazing situation that you are in @No Toilet.  I am finding it incredibly intriguing, so sorry for asking questions, but hope you understand.   How many people live in the apartment?  What's the balance of male and female and what is the relationship between you - i.e. any couples, or just flatmates or what?

Is this a case of the apartment has communal toilet facilities in the building and you don't want to go out and use them?  Do you have running water and sink for washing and/or doing dishes etc?  You could pee there.   Not that I'd want to spoil your fun.

I'd love to be able to pee anywhere on the carpet and have done so in small amounts on rare occasions, but surely if you do it regularly it must cause some problems with the build up of pee in the apartment.   I take it you must drink lots to stay dilute, but even then I would expect there to be some smell after a while - I guess that's ok if you are all accepting it and don't mind the smell, but what about the landlord?  

Would love to hear more about the practicalities.


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5 hours ago, Eliminature said:

What about the other bodily function? How do you take care of that? 

I'm was quite curious about that one as well.. 

My new place in the country has no toilets either (just a old outhouse that's collapsed in on itself years ago) 

But has over a acre backyard so I just go outside for.. Ermm.. Well.. Everything 

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22 minutes ago, No Toilet said:

Sorry for the delay in replying, I wanted to be at home in private to write this.

Firstly, thank you for your interest and understanding about my pretty unique situation and I hope the following will answer your queries.

I live in the family apartment with only my dad  now but there used to be three of us until a couple of months ago when my sister moved out to an apartment of her own (with a toilet)! My mum sadly died around 3 years ago. Indeed, this apartment is what I have called home since childhood and I have always known it to be toilet-less. The apartment itself is the first floor of what was a two storey house which had two bathrooms but only one toilet, downstairs. During the conversion, the fact that the upstairs bathroom had NO TOILET was somehow overlooked and one was never provided. Indeed, there isn't even the pipework to plumb one to, so would it would be a pretty major job to install.

So whilst our neighbours downstairs have the luxury of a proper toilet, we upstairs have to improvise and literally use our own home as a lavatory to relieve ourselves which we have been doing so for years as we have NO access to any other toilet facilities at all! So much so it has become second nature to us and it is common for us to inadvertently see other family members openly "going toilet" at home when they get desperate and cannot hold it any longer.

The building is local authority owned but managed by an housing association and came unfurnished (so all the carpets and furniture my parents bought themselves). We have a fully functional kitchen and bathroom- just no toilet, so can wash, cook and bathe as normal.

We don't solely use the carpet for our toilet needs but also other things around our apartment such as the sink, bath, bottles, buckets or wet ourselves (if we have trousers on) as you may have seen me doing in other posts on here. We don't generally use the bed or sofa as a toilet. However, the carpet is our preferred urinal as virtually the whole apartment is carpeted and we find it quick and easy to just kneel, sit or crouch down and piss freely. I also like seeing how large a puddle my pee makes on the carpet.

During periods of high use, such as when we are at home all day, the apartment can begin to have a pee smell to it which is made worse in the winter months when we generally pee more anyway and the cold temperature doesn't dry the carpet (or our wet trousers) as quickly as it would in summer. We do try to keep fresh air circulating through by opening windows if the weather permits which does help.

Even though it was born out of necessity, after all these years we have continued to relieve ourselves without a toilet and kind of  grown to enjoy it.  Indeed, I have gone a step further and try not to piss in a toilet or urinal at all, even at other people's houses or places that have such facilities but instead seek somewhere else to empty my bladder like I do at home.

Wow I think you ended up quite Lucky! 

What I wouldn't have given to grow up in a place like that, I only got grounded for peeing on The Carpet or even outside While growing, 

I am surprised your downstairs neighbors haven't caught on to a smell.. 

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I'm not usually into watching men peeing, but you've earned an O from me. I love seeing dudes pee hands free, wherever they are! It's the best thing ever! I wish I lived with you and could go anywhere I wanted to! You are one lucky guy.

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6 hours ago, No Toilet said:

Even though it was born out of necessity, after all these years we have continued to relieve ourselves without a toilet and kind of grown to enjoy it.  Indeed, I have gone a step further and try not to piss in a toilet or urinal at all, even at other people's houses or places that have such facilities but instead seek somewhere else to empty my bladder like I do at home.

May I ask where you've peed at your friend's homes 😇 Im intreagued.

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2 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

Where do you go to empty your bowels? Surely you have to do that 

Even that has to be done somehow without a toilet in our apartment. We usually deal with this situation by using an area of the bathroom (where the toilet should be) which is lined with newspaper to go onto, there is also an empty bucket to use.This is then disposed of in a plastic bag with the tissues and thrown in the rubbish.

We sometimes take advantage of proper facilities elsewhere when the opportunity presents itself.

Not ideal but it serves the purpose.

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3 hours ago, Bacardi said:

Well. When you gotta go you gotta go! 

Exactly! I need to relieve myself somewhere! It is made more difficult with the lack of toilet facilities in my apartment and thus not being toilet trained, I have to improvise and find other things to relieve myself at. Although I use the carpets at home to piss on, I wouldn't at another persons home unless they wanted me to or did so themselves (doing so on a hard floor is easier to mop up).

I have kept the fact I am not toilet trained largely secret (a few close friends know) but one of my friends came up to use the toilet and saw me urinating in his sink! Awkward...

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On 10/18/2020 at 3:40 PM, Wolf187 said:

I was wondering... If You or your family had Friends or relatives over growing Up... Did they mind having to use other things as a toilet? 

Just curious ^_^


Most of the time we seldom invite visitors and I was discouraged from bringing mates back to my apartment because of the lack of a lavatory for them to use if they asked to use the toilet whilst in our company. Lots of thoughts crossed our minds... what if they discovered one of our puddles on the carpet or inadvertently saw us wetting or relieving ourselves somehow in the apartment.

However, when we did have first time visitors (or the first time my close friends came back to mine) it was always difficult when they asked for the toilet as we had to tell them that there isn't one at our home! The reaction to that was usually one shock or thought we were winding them up. We said it was no joke, go to our bathroom and look if you want! We then suggest to them that if they are desperate to piss they can use the carpet, sink, bath, empty bottle or wet themselves instead like we have to.

Of course, most visitors had concerns about privacy (others seeing their genitals) as our apartment is pretty open plan and the idea of relieving themselves indoors with no facilities or even urinating in their clothes was against what was "normal" for them. Not wanting to be rude and leave, many had to reluctantly accept the situation and take up the offer of using our own home as a lavatory by going in the sink, on the carpet, in their trousers or in one case urinating on my bed!

Naturally, we had to be careful when we had visitors not to openly go toilet or pee our trousers in view of them

What follows is usually a conversation about why we have no toilet, how we can live like it or similar.

Repeat visitors such as relatives or my close friends got used to the idea of pissing in other places when they came but apart from one or two were never comfortable doing so. One of my male friends was so at ease with our toilet arrangements that one day he, without warning, urinated in his jeans in front of me as we talked (wetness clearly visible) and said that any of us could freely pee on the carpet with him present with no problem.

Edited by No Toilet
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