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What are the hottest pee experiences you saw by accident?

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5 hours ago, LiamLSWhite said:

Hi everyone, I’ve got a question for all of us out there. What are some of the hottest pee experiences you’ve seen of someone by accident? I’d like to hear some stories from you all. I’ll share one of mine below.

In my sophomore year of high school there was this cute blonde chick in my biology class named Ava. She was about my height (5”10) with a great body, something about her face and blue eyes really got me. One day when we were doing a lab I went to use the bathroom. My school was unique in the sense that some areas of the building only had two unisex bathrooms each with one toilet in them. As I opened the door to the bathroom (which wasn’t locked) I accidentally walked in on Ava and caught a perfect glimpse of her squatting over the toilet with a strong pee-stream and squirking sound. As hot as it was I ended up screaming “OH FUCK MY BAD” and quickly backed out. Although this incident may seem hot, it was kinda disappointing because I was planning on asking Ava out but I felt so embarrassed after that situation. Nonetheless, I still think about this sometimes when jacking off. 

Share some of your best encounters on this thread!

That's great.  Could you see her pussy clearly? I had a similar experience walking in on a cousin.  She was also blonde and tall with a slender build.  Learned that day she had a nice landing strip.  

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Those toilets seem to be common all over now, and have even been retro-fitted to the likes of HSTs. And yes, they do have that advantage although in recent years more people seem to be aware of the need to lock the door!

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1 minute ago, pwpj said:

Those toilets seem to be common all over now, and have even been retro-fitted to the likes of HSTs. And yes, they do have that advantage although in recent years more people seem to be aware of the need to lock the door!

Yes, you are correct.  I think that these types of toilets have been around for a long time now on British trains.  They were introduced as they are wheelchair friendly and I believe they were the first type to be wheelchair friendly on the British trains.  The positioning of the internal door controls - particularly on the early implementations was a bit odd, but again, I think it was to do with being able to sensibly access them from a wheelchair.   I believe that more recently the signage has been made more prominent and clear so that when you walk in it is obvious that you need to lock the door manually.  I have looked out for a similar opportunity over more recent times (although I don't travel by train very much) but every time I have seen a girl go in, there is a short pause and then the "occupied" light comes on.


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16 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

Not sure if this really counts because I never actually saw him peeing and he isn't a girl, but I still think about this a lot.

I once saw one of the members of the band I enjoy seeing (and who I have a crush on) exiting the lavatory at a venue where he was playing, just before the show began. The problem with that is that he was coming out of the ladies' room instead of the gents'. To be fair, the loos are poorly labelled there and I saw quite a few hapless men emerging from that room looking embarrassed before going in the correct door.

I'd say it counts - the question was hottest pee related sighting you've experienced and it ticks those boxes for you. 

There's a popular venue who I do a lot of live music photography for (or did until the pandemic struck) where the ladies and gents toilets are in opposite corners - the ladies just to one side of the stage near the band dressing room and the gents right at the far back of the room.  Guys frequently get redirected out of the ladies in varying degrees of sheepishness / drunken bewilderment and frequently try to get in the dressing room thinking it must instead be the gents.  Frequently as well when there's queue, the line of ladies end up holding the door open and giving everyone a view into the bathroom, although I've never seen anything over exciting personally.

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16 hours ago, Necro8617 said:

That's great.  Could you see her pussy clearly? I had a similar experience walking in on a cousin.  She was also blonde and tall with a slender build.  Learned that day she had a nice landing strip.  

I could, it was gorgeously shaved too. 

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8 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Similar story for me although it was not entirely accidental....

I was on a train and a there was girl sat on the opposite side of the train from me a couple of rows ahead.  She got up and went through the door to the vestibule where the toilet was.  As she stood up, I noticed that she was a bit of a "hippy chick",  she was in her early twenties, was tall and had blonde hair that was a bit messy.  She was wearing a long, lightweight, flowery patterned dress which swished around a bit as she walked.  It was one of those toilets with the sliding curved doors (apologies for those who are not familiar with that type of UK train).   Anyway, I saw the door slide open, then she went inside and she stood looking at the door, trying to work out how to close it.   What she obviously wasn't aware of was that the door controls are actually on the opposite wall.  However, when she didn't press any button, the door automatically slid shut.   The telling part was the "toilet occupied" indicator in the carriage did not illuminate, which meant that she had not discovered that she needed to press a button to lock the door.   

I then got up from my seat and walked to the toilet and pressed the open button.   It may have been a bit mean, but I couldn't resist!   The door started to slide open, revealing a side view of her hovered over the toilet, dress hitched up to her waist and a stream of pee falling into the toilet.   The train was moving around a bit, so the stream was also moving as she tried to remain balanced in her hovering position.  The stream splashing the toilet seat as she moved.   The door got to about half way open before she realised what was happening and she turned towards the door and saw me.  I said I was sorry, and I didn't realise someone was in because the door was not locked.  The door continued on it's journey towards open (they are not very quick).   I indicated the controls on the opposite wall.  She reached forward to hit the close button and in doing so she had to move her feet forward.  She was still peeing, so it went all over the floor.   She hit the close button, but the door wouldn't start closing until it fully opened.  So it took another couple of seconds whilst she was trying to press the button with her bum on display to me and she was trying to stem the flow of pee, but still releasing spurts onto the floor.  Eventually the door started to close and she reversed back over the toilet and resumed peeing as the door slowly closed and eventually hid her from view.  I remained outside as I was supposedly waiting for the toilet myself.  When she came out, I apologised to her and she looked embarrassed but said that it was no issue and it was her fault for not realising she had to lock it.

I went in and locked the door and I could see splashes all over the seat and on the floor.  It was a bit of mess really!  I didn't actually need a pee, so I lifted the seat and waited a suitable amount of time before flushing and leaving.  The reason for lifting the seat was so that anyone coming in after me wouldn't think that I'd peed on the seat.

Here is a picture of the type of toilet on that type of train, so you get an idea of my view.

Toby Rackliff 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🇪🇺 on Twitter: "Impressed by  @CrossCountryUK #HST to Bristol today - now with sliding exterior doors,  full Rail Vehicle Accessibility Regulation compliance & retention tank  toilets (Sadly noon return trip

When I visited the UK in 2013 my dad and I took a train on the East Coast Mainline to Edinburgh and these were the exact toilets. 

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2 hours ago, Eliminature said:

Not sure if this really counts because I never actually saw him peeing and he isn't a girl, but I still think about this a lot.

I once saw one of the members of the band I enjoy seeing (and who I have a crush on) exiting the lavatory at a venue where he was playing, just before the show began. The problem with that is that he was coming out of the ladies' room instead of the gents'. To be fair, the loos are poorly labelled there and I saw quite a few hapless men emerging from that room looking embarrassed before going in the correct door. As for my crush, he simply emerged from there with a dour expression on his face - which is unlike him - and went back to the backstage area. No doubt he was embarrassed!

When I went in there a few minutes later to relieve myself before the show started, I noticed in the cubicles that one of the lavatory  seats was in a raised position - indicating that he probably used it. I can only imagine what went through his head when he entered the room only to find no urinals and sanitary bins in the cubicles! I used the lavatory with the raised seat (well, it saved me having to raise it myself) and I still get wet thinking about the fact that I peed where he probably had peed a few moments before.

Fast forward a few more years, that man is now my music teacher and I still have a crush on him!

Definitely counts.  Bit of an unusual situation and very personal for you.  I guess that even though you know him well now that you probably haven’t referred to this situation!

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1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

Definitely counts.  Bit of an unusual situation and very personal for you.  I guess that even though you know him well now that you probably haven’t referred to this situation!

Well no. What could I say? He was doing so many gigs at the time he may not even remember it now! 😀

I do happen to know that he has peed outdoors in rural areas, though. 

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Just now, oliver2 said:

... how on earth do you know that? 😀

He told me. I was talking to him about how the local council have been stringent against public urination where we live. However at the same time, public lavatories and street urinals are all boarded up and not to be used. I went on to say that this was absurd, especially since everyone has to relieve themselves publicly at some point, I'm not innocent of it myself. He said nothing so I said that I didn't believe that he hadn't relieved himself publicly either. He replied that he had, but only in rural areas. Never in a built up area. 

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@Big Bear, That is brilliant.  I bet you are so glad that you picked that perfect timing to come out of your room.  A lovely view that I'm sure you will never forget.   Shows that she was quite relaxed with the idea of peeing around your sister and then when you appeared, there was nothing she could do, so she was gracious enough to just let it happen, see the funny side and didn't cause a fuss.  


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On 10/12/2020 at 11:23 AM, Alfresco said:

@Big Bear, That is brilliant.  I bet you are so glad that you picked that perfect timing to come out of your room.  A lovely view that I'm sure you will never forget.   Shows that she was quite relaxed with the idea of peeing around your sister and then when you appeared, there was nothing she could do, so she was gracious enough to just let it happen, see the funny side and didn't cause a fuss.  


Yeah, i think after the initial shock she just accepted that I was there and had seen her so it was pointless trying to hide. For a while afterwards we would joke about it and she definitely found it funny. Just a shame that that was the only time something like that happened. I encountered my step sisters friends needing to pee on a number of occasions but unfortunately was never lucky enough to have a similar encounter of seeing them peeing. 

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