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Alfresco's Pee Sightings

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6 hours ago, Alfresco said:

11:45 - I saw a slightly curvy girl with a mid thigh length blue skirt and a white blouse and good sized breasts go into the area with the small hilly rise at the end of the park.  I was a bit of a distance away, but headed in the general direction.  She squatted down with her back to a tree.   I walked up to her from her left side but lower down the hill.   She had her bum close to the ground, feet apart, knees raised up and also separated.   She had pulled her skirt up at the back, but it hid part of her bum from the side.  She was texting on her phone as she sat there.   I passed by a little lower down the hill so that I was about 5m from her and my head was level with her head, giving me a better view from a lower angle than if I had been close.   She totally ignored me as I passed and I looked between her legs and got the best pussy view of the evening.  With her feet apart and her bum low, the view from the front was completely clear albeit a little dim due to the low light levels.  There was no sign of any knickers, which had facilitated her opening her legs.   I could clearly make out that she was neatly shaven/waxed with just a little landing strip.   As I was looking at her, she was not actually peeing but the grass below her was damp with some patches glistening on the grass blades in the moonlight that was managing to break through the trees.  I assume she had finished peeing and was allowing herself a little time to air/drip dry before standing up.   I turned up towards her and was walking directly towards the view.   She still made no effort to move or even to hide her pussy, but left it fully on show, which of course I enjoyed immensely. As I got closer, I had to move to the side to pass her.   She still took no notice and continued being on her phone.   I walked up to the bushes behind and to the side of her and pretended I was going for a pee.     I glanced to my side as I was "peeing" and I could see her from the other side, still squatted there.   Finally she casually stood up and walked off, just allowing her skirt to fall back in place but without making any manual adjustments to her clothing.     If only I'd been there a little quicker to have seen the stream, that would have been a perfect sighting.

11:55 - Two girls walked from the night club and turned into the park, immediately stepping over a very low fence into the area with shrubs.   The first girl had a short black skirt and literally squatted as soon as she had stepped over the fence.  I had a reasonable view from the side as I approached, but couldn't see much detail at the front as she was low in the shrubbery.   Her friend was wearing light blue jeans and had her hand on her button about to squat, but saw me coming, so held off.   She then headed further up the slope and a bit further back and watched for me to pass by.   I walked past on the pavement and then double backed and came around the front of the bushes and headed up the slope.  By this time she was squatted in the shrubs and I had a reasonable view and could hear her stream pattering on the dirt.   As I drew level she said "Sorry mate, just avert your eyes".  I looked at her as I said, "No worries, I expect the gents is just up here".   She was OK with that as I carried on past and she carried on pissing.

By this point there were fewer people getting off the buses and I thought I'd been there too long anyway, so I headed down to the beach.    I will report some of those next.   NB those given above were only the best of the sightings in that area.   There were quite a few more that peed by the fountain or in the bushes, but not of significant difference to make it worth detailing them without being too repetitive.

The chubby girl view is quite rare but truly a gift when it happens. You had some great sightings for sure.

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3 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Quite a bit later on, after a few false alarms, I was thinking I wasn't going to get much this night and decided I might be better off going home, but I sat for a while at a bus stop just up from McDonalds.   Their toilets were open, which may have been part of the reason for a lack of sightings, but at this time a bit of a queue had formed outside.  A bloke and a girl left the McDonalds queue and went down a nearby alley.  This was more of a lane that opened directly onto the main road and there were people passing the end, as well as it being brightly lit.   The girl was a petite girl with brown hair, a very tight pink/purple multicoloured top and the tiniest of pink skirts.    She walked about 15m into the alley and stopped and stood with her back to a shop front.  I guessed that she must be debating whether it was a suitable place to pee, so I kept an eye from across the road.  The guy stood facing her, talking and she kept clutching the bottom of her skirt.  Then the guy walked a bit further into the alley and turned to face away from her and away from the road and therefore away from the entrance to the alley.   She hitched up her skirt, pulled knickers down and went into a high squat, bent right forward.   I crossed the road and entered the alley and had a very clear view from the side of her bare legs with knickers at her knees, skirt round her waist and bum openly visibly.  A solid stream was falling from her to the ground and splashing due to the height of fall.   I just kept walking as she was looking down between her legs and trying to hold her knickers clear.   As I got close, she finished and stood up, then tried to pull up her knickers, which turned out to be a dull pink thong (contrast with very bright pink skirt) using one hand to work up each side alternatively as she held her phone and a clutch bag with her other hand.   She turned towards me and said "Sorry".   I said "No worries, I had the same idea" and continued to walk past.   I commented "That's a decent size puddle, I reckon you needed that" and she laughed.   I walked further down and faced a wall, making it look like I was indeed there for the same reason.   Interestingly, she could have walked a little further and tucked herself into a shop doorway, but decided not to bother.   

Photo of the location - you can just see her puddle in front of the first red shuttered door, so you can see how visible she was from the main road.


And the puddle:


Well that's me up to date until the next time I get a chance to be out on my own.   Hope it is not quite so long this time.......

Very nice accounts as usual Alfresco! Loved the accompanying images too, 

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

So this was my first sighting from the above night.  10:45 I was walking on a road when I spied two drunk girls walking.  They kept shouting at each other - well more Girl 1 shouting at Girl 2.  Girl 1 was a big girl, heavily built and tall with short dark hair and was wearing black leggings and dark blue jacket .  Girl 2 was much slighter and shorter and had short, slightly unkept blond hair.  Girl 2  seemed a bit embarrassed by her rowdy mate and was keeping her distance from her as they walked.

Girl 1 crossed the road and kept calling for the other to follow but she kept walking on the other side of the road.  Girl 1 turned down a side street and kept calling Girl 2, who had now passed beyond that street.  Eventually she turned round and they both went down the side street.  About 50m down the side street they disappeared into an open wing on the left. I started down the street.   Almost immediately Girl 2 appeared again and stood on the pavement looking at her phone. 

I walked up the road and the girl in the street spotted me said “Oh no!” and then moved and stood right on the corner.   I could now see that the opening was a very narrow brick paved street, Girl 2 was stood with her back to the narrow street with her legs apart and I could here a splashing noise and trickles of pee started to appear between Girl 2’s feet running out of the narrow street onto the pavement.  I heard a voice from Girl 1 round the cornier saying “This is a great place to have a wee”.  

I walked past Girl 2 and saw Girl 1 squatted so that she was facing out of the narrow street, her right side parallel with the left wall.  She was squatted mid height so her thighs were pretty much horizontal and  spread apart as far as her knees would open with the restriction of her leggings at her knees. I could see her stream falling between her legs and there was a loud splashing sound as her pee fell a good distance to the block paving. As I came into view Girl 1 looked up, saw me and said “You can see my bum”.  I said “I can, nice view” and turned into the alley walking right past her.  Girl 2 said “That is probably why he has gone up here.”  I didn’t deny it, but said “Well I am not complaining”. 

As I passed I saw she had chunky legs and a big tattoo on the side of her leg.    I turned round and got a great view of her ample backside which was lit by a security light.  It was a clear view of her full cheeks, with a thick stream falling to the floor. As I kept walking I kept glancing back.  When she was done, which was just a few seconds longer, she raised her bum and thrust it backwards and bounced to shake off the drips.  I had a clear view of her full bum and a rear view of her pussy, which was a bit hairy.  I couldn’t see detail as I was now a bit far away, but the overall view is imprinted in my mind.  She then slowly stood up straight and pulled up red knickers followed by leggings.  They left the narrow street, retuning to the side street and carried on up the street. 

I waited a minute or so and then went back and took pic of puddle, which is below.   You can see how she was positioned close against the wall but facing the street so she was facing downhill allowing her pee to run away from her and out onto the side street pavement.    Sorry I still can’t work out why photos taken vertically on my phone get rotated when added here. 


Great description as ever @Alfresco. Thanks

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As I mentioned in my first post of this night, I had a near miss with a girl who squatted on the pavement near the corner of two roads but I didn’t see the action.  I did, however, capture her puddle for posterity and your viewing pleasure:


There were a couple of other puddles I found which looked like they had been left by ladies, but I only found the puddles so don’t have the stories.  

The one below was just slightly down the street from the one above.  It is a poor photo as I didn’t realise I hadn’t actually caught the main part of the puddle, which is at the left of the photo.   This is a pavement, the kerb stone is at the top of the photo (again, phone rotated pic when posting), the wall of the properties lining the road would be to the bottom of the photo and the puddle started as a pool in the bottom left corner and ran across to the right of the picture.  You can just see another puddle at the bottom of the pic, but that appeared to be a male puddle which was running down the wall onto the pavement.   Looks like a man and woman peed next to each other.


This one was in a narrow pedestrian path to a service area behind some shops:  


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  • 2 months later...

Excellent detective work, Alfresco! Yeah, it looks like it might have been men doing the deed there. However, I have seen girls squatting in alcoves like that whilst in a nightclub queue, with people just inches away. Usually friends providing a shield like you said, but you're still going to get a good view if you're in the right place at the right time.

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9 hours ago, crazyanglaisy19 said:

Excellent detective work, Alfresco! Yeah, it looks like it might have been men doing the deed there. However, I have seen girls squatting in alcoves like that whilst in a nightclub queue, with people just inches away. Usually friends providing a shield like you said, but you're still going to get a good view if you're in the right place at the right time.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the pee in that alcove was from ladies.  I have seen girls pee in similar alcoves and shop doorways right next to bar entrances when they have people in front of them and even sometimes when they are completely visible.   If they are in the queue and need to pee but there is no obvious hiding place close by, then girls can be willing to squat in full view of passers by, so if they can get a bit of cover then they would certainly be ok with that kind of alcove.

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Fantastic sightings @Alfresco.   On that last one, I wonder even if she (and maybe even her friend) were 'enjoying' the moment as much as just relieving a need?  As you've said, she didn't appear quite so worse for wear so at least some element of pre-meditated pee going on there, and presumably there were options to remove or at least move aside panties.

In other words - I wonder if she and her friend were actually 'one of us'?

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4 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

xFantastic sightings @Alfresco.   On that last one, I wonder even if she (and maybe even her friend) were 'enjoying' the moment as much as just relieving a need?  As you've said, she didn't appear quite so worse for wear so at least some element of pre-meditated pee going on there, and presumably there were options to remove or at least move aside panties.

In other words - I wonder if she and her friend were actually 'one of us'?

I hadn't thought about the possibility that they were of like minds with us, but it was definitely a conscious decision to pee in that manner rather than being a case of being out of control and accidentally wetting herself.    There were people close by and nobody (except me) batted an eyelid.   They didn't take any notice of her at all, whereas if she had pulled her knickers down in a traditional squat in that location then it would undoubtedly have drawn some attention.

I kind of wish I knew whether she had enjoyed it - there is no way of knowing whether she kept her knickers in place purely for modesty and to be totally discrete or whether she enjoyed having wet knickers.  She certainly didn't look uncomfortable walking off with wet knickers.   As you can see from the photo, she was sat in a fair puddle, all of which must have passed through the fabric, so they were more than a little damp.   Other girls might have been tempted to go further down the ramp to the service area and pee with their knickers down, so she probably enjoyed not only the dampness, but the fact that she was peeing discretely so close to others.  The fact that she wasn't in a huge rush to pull her skirt back in place before she left the corner is possibly another indicator that she wasn't a shy girl, so not doing it out of desire to be discrete.   

I'm sort of wishing I'd said something now.....  Maybe just a simple "Feel better now" or "Did you enjoy that?"

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