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Why am I banned from so many forums?


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Maybe I cross lines that I  am not aware of.  I have been banned from a half dozen websites.  My stories in particular have been rejected by all websites but Peesearch and this one.  But my non-pornographic stories seem to offend people as well and I've only had one postwd online.

I'm trying to understand what people find so offensive.  So for people who've read my stories, what am I doing?  The people I seem to offend the most are the more "liberal" -- "progressive" -- Christians.



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Well, it's very difficult for any of us to lend any advice as to why you have been banned from other forums. We've got no idea of any interactions you've had there.

One would imagine they all have their own terms and boundaries. If there is something in their rules and you happen to have posted a story which steps over that boundary, then that could be a clue?  You mention Christian sites in particular - if you're talking evangelical then I'd guess just the word Fuck would be sufficient.  Or have you ended up in any unpleasantries where people have passed judgement or criticised your work? When you say 'banned' do you mean being physically removed and blocked from membership or just having stories removed?

As far as this site goes, clearly there are published site rules and moderators would gently at first provide advice and warnings would be given in the case of any infringements.

For what it's worth, I've just glanced at your couple of most recent story posts. I know you haven't actually asked for any critique so my apologies...

I have to say I like the dialogue aspect of your stories and the way they're written in a consistent past sense, telling the tale of what happened by the conversation between the characters.  However I found that the stories raised more questions in my mind - maybe that's your intention - but what was the background, where were they, what was around them...?  All that sort of description that can really build up the picture beyond simply a script.  Also I found the stories quite abrupt and finishing quite suddenly.

But those aren't criticisms and definitely no reason to ban them - they're merely my thoughts.  So having offered no meaningful answer of you your question about other forums, I'll just wish you well on this one.

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I used to be a Conservative Christian.  I wish I could still believe but I don't.  The forums I got banned from were 'Christian' forums and 'Conservative' political forums.  I got emails that I had been banned, and my IP address was blocked from the forums.

I got into conflicts because I criticized "Christians' -- not 'Christianity'. But I also got people VERY upset for posting parts of stories I considered harmless.  One guy sent me the "Personal Message' ; "Pull your fucking head out of your ass, there are women in vocations, and young children on this forum!" Those were his exact words.  I had started a thread titled "How much can you benchpress?"  The subject was. "How many of you are like me, you join a gym and you never go?". Was he drunk, or on drugs?

Here is an exert from one of my stories that I got a four month suspension for.


When I finished High School his ever practical father, a General Contractor, insisted that I learn a trade. Then, and only then, might i consider attending a college or University -- if i really wanted to. So for four years I muddled my way through an electrician's apprenticeship. My fourth year of the apprenticeship I decided to take evening classes at Sacramento Junior college to try and decide if i was really "college material".


One evening while studying in the cafeteria, before a class, i became aware of a photographer walking around and taking pictures.


"Just general campus pictures for a course catalog." he explained.


I wasn't sure if he really wanted his picture in a course catalog, but the photographer persisted and even seemed to take a little enjoyment in my discomfort.


"How about a picture with you and those girls over there?" he suggested with a wink.


The girls must have overheard the conversation because they turned to listen. They all seemed totally gorgeous and unapproachable. Despite my lies to my friends you could say that he was inexperienced with the ladies. The truth was that I had never had a real "girlfriend" in High School, or since.


"C'mon." the photographer waved his hand and encouraged me to get up and follow him to the girls table.


Three of the girls seemed positively thrilled at the opportunity to have their picture in a school publication. The fourth girl, noticeably shy, shook her head to say "no". 


This brought a big grin to the photographers face and he insisted that i sit alone with the shy girl and pose for a picture. So the other girls got up and i sat down nervously next to the shy girl. She quietly introduced herself as "Maria". I studied her long brown hair, her slim curvy body, her beautiful intense eyes, and imagined how silly i would look seated next to her.


The photographer had us lean close together and pretend to study a book together. He had us pretend to carry on a conversation. I couldn't remember what he said. It was.. well it was a little embarrassing... And the photographer even had me put an arm around her and cuddle slightly as she pointed to some interesting imaginary thing across the room.


After the pictures I briefly introduced myself to the girls, then i had to rush off to class. I saw the girls from time to time throughout the semester but never managed more than a word or two with them. However, i began slowly developing a very intense infatuation for Maria.


Before i knew it Fall semester was over and the catalogs for Spring semester appeared. On the cover, among other campus pictures, was the picture of me with my arm around Maria as she pointed excitedly.


I enthusiastically signed up for Spring classes and rushed to campus the first evening of Spring quarter. But Maria was nowhere to be found. I didn't even know her last name. She looked maybe German or Dutch, but i wasn't sure. I searched the crowds of students but i couldn't even find her friends. I felt a sort of strange vague sense of hopelessness. I felt lost -- empty.


Of course my mom immediately spotted his picture on the cover of the course catalog and wanted to know all the details about my "beautiful secret girlfriend." I reluctantly confessed the truth...


"Billy, why didn't you ask her out and try and get to know her better?" My mom questioned "The worst that could have happened was that she could have said no."


My dad seemed amused by the situation but didn't say much.


"Billy, you know you can meet a lot of nice girls in college." his mom reassured him. "Maybe you should take some of that moldy money you've saved up and go to University -- at least for a couple of years. It will be a good experience. And maybe you'll meet another nice girl like Maria."


So off I went to University that following Fall. I didn't quite know how I ended up at a small private University nestled high in a mountain valley in Colorado, but i did. It was certainly different than California.


The crisp surprisingly cold mountain air of Fall seemed to be trying to become a Winter. I was bundled up in a new down filled coat and trudging up the hill towards the campus, from the lower parking lot, when i saw her. It couldn't be her..  I took a deep breath and the ice cold mountain air filled my lungs and made me stop momentarily to catch my breath.


I anxiously hustled up the hill after her, but i turned away when she looked back my way, and pretended to study a brick church I'd stopped in front of. Oh my god it seemed to be her..


Nervously i followed... She almost certainly had a boyfriend and i wasn't sure what he'd say to her if i caught up with her. "Hi aren't you my soulmate, Maria?" No, that would sound ridiculous.. But it would sound confident!


"Maria" headed into the Student Union and I followed pretending to study some notices on a job board just inside the door.


"Find any killer jobs?" A cute little blonde asked Billy.


"Um, I don't know... I um don't know what I'm looking for..." She was cute but Billy didn't really feel like talking to her. I needed to find "Maria".


"You know.." She grinned broadly "You're really not bad looking."


"Um uh thanks.." i hadn't expected that.


"Anna...My names Anna! You know.." She started again. "You look a lot like my friends old boyfriend."


I didn't know what to say, and i didn't want to be rude, but if I didn't leave soon Ifelt certain that I might never find Maria again.


"Look...", Anna took a breath "They broke up... but her parents don't know about it... Would you consider....? Would you consider.. pretending that you are him?"


"Are you crazy!" I blurted out as I started to turn and leave "I have to go meet somebody."


"You don't have to say much." Anna chased after me. "All you have to do is come by and say hi to her parents."


"I don't know." I laughed.. heading down the hall towards the dining area.


"Please.." She begged.


"What do I get out of it?"


"I don't know.." Anna gave me an anxious look. "Do you have a jealous girlfriend or something?"


"No... I mean yeah! Yeah I do! Leave me alone.."


I headed into the dining area with Anna chasing after me.


"You hardly have to do anything. Just call yourself "Billy" and say hi." Anna pleaded.


"Do you mind.." I gave Anna a dirty look.


"There they are." Anna pointed to a group of people seated around a table, at a large booth.


"Hey.. Billy!" A man seated at the table jumped up. "Come on over and say hi!"



Anna smirked at me





The man jumped up and headed my way with an outstretched hand.


"Billy! I'm Maria's father, Jim." He gave me a firm handshake


I felt dizzy and confused.


"Billy, Maria's told us a lot about you. Why don't you sit down with us, and meet the family."




I followed with such wobbly legs that i could have been drunk.


An older man, perhaps her grandfather, got up and offered me his hand. "It's good to meet you Billy." he smiled.


"So what are you studying here?" Jim asked.


"Electrical engineering."


"An engineer!" Maria's mother responded enthusiastically.


"Maria." Jim called over my shoulder.

"Dad… Billy.."


I turned and saw Maria. Her face was white as a ghost.


"Maria?" Jiml frowned at her. "Dad.." Maria took a step in our direction. "Hi.." she said so weakly that I almost couldn't hear her. My heart beat hard, and everybody instinctively scooted over a little so the two of us could sit down.


I sat down but Maria just stood there.


Jim gave her a confused look. "Sit down Maria..please."


Slowly, and trembling a little, Maria sat down next to me.


"Billy, we saw your picture on the cover of the course catalog." Her mother smiled and pulled an old worn copy out of her purse 


Maria's little brother snickered, and Maria looked at him crossly.


"Really?" I wasn't sure of what to say.


Maria was teetering on the edge of the seat seemingly afraid to let her body touch me . I couldn't resist any longer. -- bravely i slid a hand behind Maria and snuggled her against him.


"Not a bad picture." Billy grinned. Maria's body was soft and warm and Ic could feel myself helplessly growing hard.


Unexpectedly Maria sniffled, and tears ran down her cheek.


"Maria?" I whispered.


"Would you two like to be alone for a minute?" Maria's mom asked.


"Yeah.." I nodded. Maria didn't say anything. "Actually I need to get to class."


Maria scooted over and I stood up.


"Well, nice meeting you Billy" Maria's father nodded.


I headed out of the Student Union and Maria followed.


"Billy?" Maria looked at me through teary eyes.




Maria handed me a piece of torn paper with a phone number on it. "Thank you."



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32 minutes ago, 1badboy said:

I used to be a Conservative Christian.  I wish I could still believe but I don't.  The forums I got banned from were 'Christian' forums and 'Conservative' political forums.  I got emails that I had been banned, and my IP address was blocked from the forums.

I got into conflicts because I criticized "Christians' -- not 'Christianity'. But I also got people VERY upset for posting parts of stories I considered harmless.  One guy sent me the "Personal Message' ; "Pull your fucking head out of your ass, there are women in vocations, and young children on this forum!" Those were his exact words.  I had started a thread titled "How much can you benchpress?"  The subject was. "How many of you are like me, you join a gym and you never go?". Was he drunk, or on drugs?

Here is an exert from one of my stories that I got a four month suspension for.


When I finished High School his ever practical father, a General Contractor, insisted that I learn a trade. Then, and only then, might i consider attending a college or University -- if i really wanted to. So for four years I muddled my way through an electrician's apprenticeship. My fourth year of the apprenticeship I decided to take evening classes at Sacramento Junior college to try and decide if i was really "college material".


One evening while studying in the cafeteria, before a class, i became aware of a photographer walking around and taking pictures.


"Just general campus pictures for a course catalog." he explained.


I wasn't sure if he really wanted his picture in a course catalog, but the photographer persisted and even seemed to take a little enjoyment in my discomfort.


"How about a picture with you and those girls over there?" he suggested with a wink.


The girls must have overheard the conversation because they turned to listen. They all seemed totally gorgeous and unapproachable. Despite my lies to my friends you could say that he was inexperienced with the ladies. The truth was that I had never had a real "girlfriend" in High School, or since.


"C'mon." the photographer waved his hand and encouraged me to get up and follow him to the girls table.


Three of the girls seemed positively thrilled at the opportunity to have their picture in a school publication. The fourth girl, noticeably shy, shook her head to say "no". 


This brought a big grin to the photographers face and he insisted that i sit alone with the shy girl and pose for a picture. So the other girls got up and i sat down nervously next to the shy girl. She quietly introduced herself as "Maria". I studied her long brown hair, her slim curvy body, her beautiful intense eyes, and imagined how silly i would look seated next to her.


The photographer had us lean close together and pretend to study a book together. He had us pretend to carry on a conversation. I couldn't remember what he said. It was.. well it was a little embarrassing... And the photographer even had me put an arm around her and cuddle slightly as she pointed to some interesting imaginary thing across the room.


After the pictures I briefly introduced myself to the girls, then i had to rush off to class. I saw the girls from time to time throughout the semester but never managed more than a word or two with them. However, i began slowly developing a very intense infatuation for Maria.


Before i knew it Fall semester was over and the catalogs for Spring semester appeared. On the cover, among other campus pictures, was the picture of me with my arm around Maria as she pointed excitedly.


I enthusiastically signed up for Spring classes and rushed to campus the first evening of Spring quarter. But Maria was nowhere to be found. I didn't even know her last name. She looked maybe German or Dutch, but i wasn't sure. I searched the crowds of students but i couldn't even find her friends. I felt a sort of strange vague sense of hopelessness. I felt lost -- empty.


Of course my mom immediately spotted his picture on the cover of the course catalog and wanted to know all the details about my "beautiful secret girlfriend." I reluctantly confessed the truth...


"Billy, why didn't you ask her out and try and get to know her better?" My mom questioned "The worst that could have happened was that she could have said no."


My dad seemed amused by the situation but didn't say much.


"Billy, you know you can meet a lot of nice girls in college." his mom reassured him. "Maybe you should take some of that moldy money you've saved up and go to University -- at least for a couple of years. It will be a good experience. And maybe you'll meet another nice girl like Maria."


So off I went to University that following Fall. I didn't quite know how I ended up at a small private University nestled high in a mountain valley in Colorado, but i did. It was certainly different than California.


The crisp surprisingly cold mountain air of Fall seemed to be trying to become a Winter. I was bundled up in a new down filled coat and trudging up the hill towards the campus, from the lower parking lot, when i saw her. It couldn't be her..  I took a deep breath and the ice cold mountain air filled my lungs and made me stop momentarily to catch my breath.


I anxiously hustled up the hill after her, but i turned away when she looked back my way, and pretended to study a brick church I'd stopped in front of. Oh my god it seemed to be her..


Nervously i followed... She almost certainly had a boyfriend and i wasn't sure what he'd say to her if i caught up with her. "Hi aren't you my soulmate, Maria?" No, that would sound ridiculous.. But it would sound confident!


"Maria" headed into the Student Union and I followed pretending to study some notices on a job board just inside the door.


"Find any killer jobs?" A cute little blonde asked Billy.


"Um, I don't know... I um don't know what I'm looking for..." She was cute but Billy didn't really feel like talking to her. I needed to find "Maria".


"You know.." She grinned broadly "You're really not bad looking."


"Um uh thanks.." i hadn't expected that.


"Anna...My names Anna! You know.." She started again. "You look a lot like my friends old boyfriend."


I didn't know what to say, and i didn't want to be rude, but if I didn't leave soon Ifelt certain that I might never find Maria again.


"Look...", Anna took a breath "They broke up... but her parents don't know about it... Would you consider....? Would you consider.. pretending that you are him?"


"Are you crazy!" I blurted out as I started to turn and leave "I have to go meet somebody."


"You don't have to say much." Anna chased after me. "All you have to do is come by and say hi to her parents."


"I don't know." I laughed.. heading down the hall towards the dining area.


"Please.." She begged.


"What do I get out of it?"


"I don't know.." Anna gave me an anxious look. "Do you have a jealous girlfriend or something?"


"No... I mean yeah! Yeah I do! Leave me alone.."


I headed into the dining area with Anna chasing after me.


"You hardly have to do anything. Just call yourself "Billy" and say hi." Anna pleaded.


"Do you mind.." I gave Anna a dirty look.


"There they are." Anna pointed to a group of people seated around a table, at a large booth.


"Hey.. Billy!" A man seated at the table jumped up. "Come on over and say hi!"



Anna smirked at me





The man jumped up and headed my way with an outstretched hand.


"Billy! I'm Maria's father, Jim." He gave me a firm handshake


I felt dizzy and confused.


"Billy, Maria's told us a lot about you. Why don't you sit down with us, and meet the family."




I followed with such wobbly legs that i could have been drunk.


An older man, perhaps her grandfather, got up and offered me his hand. "It's good to meet you Billy." he smiled.


"So what are you studying here?" Jim asked.


"Electrical engineering."


"An engineer!" Maria's mother responded enthusiastically.


"Maria." Jim called over my shoulder.

"Dad… Billy.."


I turned and saw Maria. Her face was white as a ghost.


"Maria?" Jiml frowned at her. "Dad.." Maria took a step in our direction. "Hi.." she said so weakly that I almost couldn't hear her. My heart beat hard, and everybody instinctively scooted over a little so the two of us could sit down.


I sat down but Maria just stood there.


Jim gave her a confused look. "Sit down Maria..please."


Slowly, and trembling a little, Maria sat down next to me.


"Billy, we saw your picture on the cover of the course catalog." Her mother smiled and pulled an old worn copy out of her purse 


Maria's little brother snickered, and Maria looked at him crossly.


"Really?" I wasn't sure of what to say.


Maria was teetering on the edge of the seat seemingly afraid to let her body touch me . I couldn't resist any longer. -- bravely i slid a hand behind Maria and snuggled her against him.


"Not a bad picture." Billy grinned. Maria's body was soft and warm and Ic could feel myself helplessly growing hard.


Unexpectedly Maria sniffled, and tears ran down her cheek.


"Maria?" I whispered.


"Would you two like to be alone for a minute?" Maria's mom asked.


"Yeah.." I nodded. Maria didn't say anything. "Actually I need to get to class."


Maria scooted over and I stood up.


"Well, nice meeting you Billy" Maria's father nodded.


I headed out of the Student Union and Maria followed.


"Billy?" Maria looked at me through teary eyes.




Maria handed me a piece of torn paper with a phone number on it. "Thank you."



I found it. You said you were growing hard. I bet that’s what did you in. Lol. If that’s what you keep getting banned for, I think you’ll be safe here.

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It was the "growing hard" reference that got me suspended, but more explicitly sexual posts got little or no attention.  This was a Catholic forum.  It was part of a story I had tried to write years before and honestly didn't read it over carefully before posting it.

Some little girl posted "What's wrong with giving boys blowjobs?" And somebody replied "Please, there is not supposed to be sexual discussions on this forum.".  

Some guy started another thread asking if Catholics could only have sex in the 'Missionary' position, because he preferred to have sex with his girlfriend in the 'Doggy' position.  And the response was something like "Please I don't want to know.  The Catholics never discuss subjects like this."

Why did they get so upset about my little story excerpt? Why didn't I just get a warning?

 Maybe it was because the story had Billy (Actually I used the name Rick originally) deceiving Maria's parents.  I had also revealed that the story was largely about Maria, and she was a very powerful witch.  The subject of witches gets some Christians worked up.

The story continues with Billy continuing to run into Anna, while only getting glimpses of Maria.  She sort of has a boyfriend.

Billy starts having dreams where he is with Maria and Anna in their dorm room.  Then one morning he actually wakes up in bed with Maria in her dorm room.  Anna is not there.  She has been dead for years.  She died back when she was a veterinary student and got a disease from a horse she was working on.  Billy is a witch too, but not nearly as powerful as Maria.

Maria gets kicked out of the dorms and moves in with Billy.  The get ahold of a grimoire -- a witches bible -- and they resurrect Anna.  But they kill an old man in the process,  almost die, and accidentally resurrect the disease too -- it extends it's wings and goes flapping off.

It would be a politically incorrect story now, but it is curious that Literotica rejected this 'story' years ago.  Was it because of the age of the characters.  Here in USA people start University at eighteen years old, but I suppose they start earlier in the UK.

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I've got rather a lot of experience of the evangelical Christian upbringing, albeit in the UK.

For anyone who doesn't - think of it very much along the lines of the movie Footloose - almost a cult type scenario, where the cult leader is pretty much self imposed to protect the moral welfare of their followers. They do that within a culture of apparent love and nurture where everyone is kept close, parents are to bring their kids up a certain way and lots of things are banned.  For those kids, telling them something is banned is the fuel on the fire making them just want to do it more. Drinking, partying. Sex....

So in the instance of the groups banning you, I guess that any story that hints towards or seems to be setting the scene for teenagers getting it on behind their parents backs would cause their alarm bells to ring.  They're aware that happens in the real world, they educate their children that those are the sins and mistakes other people commit and they certainly don't need somebody within their (online) community sharing those sort of stories...

Now, previously I suggested a number of positives about your writing.  To stick my nose in again, in the excerpt you posted I did get confused that you went from first person writing to then third person writing about Billy.  Took me a while to work out who Billy was.

And in your last post, a couple before this - those last three paragraphs about Maria, Anna and Billy - waking up in bed together, witchcraft, killing an old man..... well to be honest I can sort see you having a whole supernatural movie climax in your head - something like a Stephen King explosive ending - but in a few short paragraphs it just sounds mind-blowing.  If you shared any of that, the slightest hint of supernatural would probably have done the trick of getting you branded. 

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I was involved with the Evangelical Christians after being involved with Catholicism, and I understand what you are saying.  I stay away from the religions now.  I am no longer a believer, and I think that groups as fragile as that can be a little dangerous.  Definitely snowflake sensitive types.  I suppose I'm being a little over-sensitive myself.


Buy I still wonder if there isn't something about my writing style that people dislike.  My editing is not always that great.  I wrote this story originally first person, then switched it to second person -- and then I switched back again.  

The part about the hard-on was something I had overlooked in the editing.  I got the idea from a vampire book I'd read when I was a teenager.  Maybe it was the 'Vampire Diaries'?  It was a book I'd gotten from the school library.  A women meets a group of vampires, and she spots a teenage boy standing -- with a hard-on -- with the vampires.  But it's like that joke "Is that your gun, or are you just happy to see me?"

My writing is definitely inspired by Stephen King and you are absolutely right about where I was going with that story.  I might go back to writing that story, but this is certainly not the right time to post it.


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So that this newbie doesn't get banned, p can someone summarize for me regarding age whether relating to experience and when writing a fictional story. Can fictional stories make reference to sex and piss play with somebody under the age of 18. I understand the probable answer to that question with reference to true experiences is no. But I'm looking for clarity when writing fiction. Thank you very much for any help you can give.

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6 hours ago, PissLover1 said:

So that this newbie doesn't get banned, p can someone summarize for me regarding age whether relating to experience and when writing a fictional story. Can fictional stories make reference to sex and piss play with somebody under the age of 18. I understand the probable answer to that question with reference to true experiences is no. But I'm looking for clarity when writing fiction. Thank you very much for any help you can give.

Well, last thing any of us want is people getting banned, so good on you for checking first.  Hopefully you've already read the site rules.

Within Rule 2, it is stated "References to events/memories whilst you were a minor may be acceptable if they are not sexual. For example, recalling that you first noticed your interest in pee around age 15 is acceptable, a story involving two minors peeing on each other is not."

It's not an absolute black and white area, and there is some margin for discussing things that happened as a child.  Many of us can trace our interest back to some trigger, I know I certainly can.  The key point is that it was an innocent thing that happened between two children, and it wasn't anything that gave any sexual feelings then or now.

As you've touched on, it can be a different matter with fiction. Most of the fiction on this site is written in the knowledge that it will trigger sexual feelings in the reader.

So to answer your question - "reference to sex and pissplay with somebody under the age of 18" would be unacceptable. Writing a story about two minors having sex, peeing for each other, a person of any age being turned on by seeing a child desperate or peeing - all those sort of things would be outside our rules.  

A a story which includes characters recalling 'sex and pissplay when they were younger' without mentioning age or giving direct references (like quoting school years) would be more a way to approach it. For example someone thinking back to a memory when they were young of the boy next door.

I hope that helps - please feel free to message one of the team if you'd like any further guidance.

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12 minutes ago, PissLover1 said:

Thanks much for this.  I'm not clever enough to do the workarounds, and I certainly would not be turned on by reading them, so I am going to interpret this as "no" and take a pass. 

Hopefully only taking a pass from that particular submission?

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You have to be very careful.  I don't like the idea of underage sex, and yet I have had stories rejected for "underage"...  I will post a little excerpt as an example.

My story "Grizzly Mountain" was rejected by Literotica for "underage".  I think I have figured out what it was that they considered "underage" -- but it was NOT!

When Billy and Ruka had sex at Grizzly Mountain they would fall asleep and have shared dreams.  In one dream Billy is with Ruka -- as an adult -- but they are back in his childhood bedroom on an Army base.


“Mmmm..” I looked down at Ruka’s flushed face and kissed her warm moist lips.

Ruka smiled, “Jennifer choose well.  I like you much!” 

The “Womp Womp Womp” of a Huey, flying over the base, momentarily drowned out the sounds of the old A/C unit on the wall.

“Billy are you in there with a girl?” My mom called.

“No mom..”

I glanced at the window, “Tommy!” I gasped.  I had forgotten to close the drapes!

“I’m telling!” Tommy set his face with determination

The world faded away as I slowly opened my eyes.


“You fuck me in your sleep.” Ruka smiled at me.

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