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I peed in the gym swimming pool.... twice!

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Thanks for paging me Oliver2 - and you are correct Speedy3471!  🙂

Hi Trevor99, and I'd like to offer you sincere welcome to PeeFans.

As you'll soon discover I love peeing in pools and so I've obviously enjoyed reading your post. Good to hear you held on until you were in the pool and then released a whole bladder full into the water. A great description and very sexy!  I also like the way you peed again later while doing laps.  Please stay on here and post some more.   

Edited by Maggie_555
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5 hours ago, Trevor99 said:

First time my gyms been open since March so I took the first available time slot (only 25 allowed at one time) We’ve had a really massive heatwave come through so I was very well hydrated in addition to what I was drinking during my workout. I felt the twinge in my bladder whilst I was on the treadmill but held it knowing I’d be going swimming later. Since I was the only one in there I thought what’s the harm and released a whole bladder full into the pool. After 20 minutes of swimming, I had to go again but this time I slowly released while I did laps in the pool. 

Welcome Trevor99. Our pool is allowed 50 people. Its an outdoor pool. Great job pissing the pool twice

I must admit that I've never pissed in a pool before lol 

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8 hours ago, Trevor99 said:

First time my gyms been open since March so I took the first available time slot (only 25 allowed at one time) We’ve had a really massive heatwave come through so I was very well hydrated in addition to what I was drinking during my workout. I felt the twinge in my bladder whilst I was on the treadmill but held it knowing I’d be going swimming later. Since I was the only one in there I thought what’s the harm and released a whole bladder full into the pool. After 20 minutes of swimming, I had to go again but this time I slowly released while I did laps in the pool. 

That's the way to do it! Kudos on holding your bladder until you got into the water.

I know a lot of folks who don't like to pee in the pool unless they're the only one in it at the time. Whatever floats their boats, right? At times like this, mostly empty swimming pools are a little easier to find.

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1 hour ago, Dreadnought101 said:

if it were a cute girl peeing through her swimsuit right next to me and I could feel the warmth. (my ex used to hold my hand under her and pee in the sea, yes you can feel the warm pee).  So I digress, why is it that some geezer doing it is disgusting, but a cute young girl is insta hardon time. ??? psychologists??

(Armchair psych)

Because arousal reduces disgust. If your reaction to a cute girl is “wow, hot - I wanna kiss her mouth hard & kiss her pussy and put my cock up... wait ew her saliva in my mouth? And the wetness from her ... all over my lips? Ewww, gross”, this would be a disaster, romantically & evolutionarily.



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6 hours ago, Dreadnought101 said:

OK just my take on it...first I don't pee in pools, because I have one of my own and I know how hard it is to keep that water sparkling clear and pure (you wouldn't believe the cost).   I spent 4 years in Cyprus and was in the sea on average every other day.....and I didn't even like peeing in the sea???   But here's one for the psychologists??   The thought of being in a pool where some bloke/geezer/kids is/are, peeing in the water (one reason I don't frequent public pools) disgusts me........but...and here's the big one...if it were a cute girl peeing through her swimsuit right next to me and I could feel the warmth. (my ex used to hold my hand under her and pee in the sea, yes you can feel the warm pee).  So I digress, why is it that some geezer doing it is disgusting, but a cute young girl is insta hardon time. ??? psychologists??

Wow, this has become seriously heavy stuff for a newbie like Trevor99. Hey this guy has only recently joined and this is his first post!

If you read this Trevor99, please don't be put off. This place is usually friendly  😉 

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1 hour ago, Dreadnought101 said:I do have a pool and it is sometimes a costly pig to keep that PH balance and keep the water sparklingly clear....

... and that’s with you not peeing in it. Maybe it’s a pig with or without pee...? 🤔

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On 8/16/2020 at 2:22 PM, Trevor99 said:

First time my gyms been open since March so I took the first available time slot (only 25 allowed at one time) We’ve had a really massive heatwave come through so I was very well hydrated in addition to what I was drinking during my workout. I felt the twinge in my bladder whilst I was on the treadmill but held it knowing I’d be going swimming later. Since I was the only one in there I thought what’s the harm and released a whole bladder full into the pool. After 20 minutes of swimming, I had to go again but this time I slowly released while I did laps in the pool. 

Thanks for the post love all the details.  And I don’t mind a guy or girl peeing in the pool.   Hope to hear more stories from you.  

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I’m going to agree with @Maggie_555   I found it very rude to Hijack someone else’s story.   @Dreadnought101 it rude to comment on someone story you find what they did disgusting.   That’s your preference that you’re allowed to have but not voice on someone else’s story.  If u want to ask the question that You have, maybe you should start your own thread and it can be all about you.  This is suppose to be a safe space no judgement.  If u find something that doesn’t suit yourself fancy don’t read it or comment scroll on until u find what your looking for.   For god sakes you in the men’s section which is all about males pissing.  

Edited by Sweets
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Well said Sweets. 

Dreadnought this is the mens section and Trevor just told us a personal story. If you didn't like it a simple not my thing would be sufficient. All this being said let's not blow it out of proportion anymore than it already has

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Not to worry new guy, I've always peed while swimming in pools and I think most women do. It's much more effort for women to get out, especially when wearing a one piece swimsuit. The guys can just step into the locker room and soak the nearest wall, but it's a bit more involved for ladies.

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