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Official News Live Chat + Live Messenger

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All members have been upgraded to a new chat system, where you can see who's online in the chat right now (i.e. very recently opened it) and where you can access the chat with a little popup in the corner of your screen on every page. Hopefully this makes it more accessible. The navigation also now has a little red bubble with the number of people recently active in the chat. 

Gold members have been upgraded to live messenger as well. This is private Facebook-style real-time chats, and often much more convenient than private messages back and forth.  Gold members can currently only message other gold members and staff, but this will soon be expanded if the trial is popular.

Please bear with me as there may be some small bugs initially, but overall the chatting process should be improved. Sound can be disabled if you have no interest in chat. 🙂 Enjoy.


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I already have a complaint about the chat. Is it possible to increase the history? I'm going to miss out on so many conversations if I can only see an hour (or x messages if it isn't time based) 

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2 minutes ago, Sophie said:

I already have a complaint about the chat. Is it possible to increase the history? I'm going to miss out on so many conversations if I can only see an hour (or x messages if it isn't time based) 

Fixed. 🙂 

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Looks interesting - definitely like the look of the pop-out window, looks perfect for more discreet chatting whilst using other apps.   Let's face it, a lot of the time there can be little change on the site but interesting chats going on.

Wonder if the signing into chat will put people off?  Recently seen a few people comment they've forgotten chatbox exists....   But not being negative, will see how it goes.

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This potentially opens up the possibility to have more specific chatrooms. Currently the only one is Live Chat, but wouldn't it be nice to have some more, like e.g. General (current Live chat), Peeing, Videos, etc. Not exactly sure what and how many chat rooms there should be, not too many I guess. But it would give people more possibilities to freely discuss specific issues and not interfere with the general talk about the weather so to speak.

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17 minutes ago, RGlendale said:

This potentially opens up the possibility to have more specific chatrooms. Currently the only one is Live Chat, but wouldn't it be nice to have some more, like e.g. General (current Live chat), Peeing, Videos, etc. Not exactly sure what and how many chat rooms there should be, not too many I guess. But it would give people more possibilities to freely discuss specific issues and not interfere with the general talk about the weather so to speak.

This is definitely an option. It has been mentioned before but the logic was that one live chat would make it more active if everyone was in together, as of course multiple convos can still take place. Also, if you have to move to a specific room to talk about a specific thing, it may not be as natural.

I am not dismissing the idea though, I think there is definitely potential for what you propose, but I would be interested to see if chat activity increases first before adding different areas. 

The other consideration is we don't want to detract from the forum either. For example, the things you mention like general chat, pee videos, pee chat etc are all currently areas of the forum.

So I think there's potential, but just got to figure out the best approach bearing all those things in mind. Hope that makes sense. 

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45 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Looks interesting - definitely like the look of the pop-out window, looks perfect for more discreet chatting whilst using other apps.   Let's face it, a lot of the time there can be little change on the site but interesting chats going on.

Wonder if the signing into chat will put people off?  Recently seen a few people comment they've forgotten chatbox exists....   But not being negative, will see how it goes.

You only have to press the button once to sign in (I assume you mean the agree to the rules part) and so I think if anything that may intrigue people to see what's happening in the chat. Like you said, wil have to see how it goes, but I definitely think the changes should highlight the chat more (such as number of active chatters displaying in navigation and having the popup in the corner of every page). Thanks for the feedback, let me know how you get on with it. 🙂 

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Overall I like it! The chatroom seems to be more snappy and responsive and I like being able to see it wherever on the page I'm at. The live messenger is fantastic too! Much much easier to have a conversation. I will need to play about with the themes some more but nothing seems wrong with them. 

I am not a fan of having to sign in to be able to even read the chat. Sometimes if I'm not feeling chatty or I'm busy and going to be on and off the site I will stay logged out and read the chat when I can. I'm also not keen on messages saying xyz has posted a new thread . I don't need to be informed, I'll find it while browsing and most of the time the topic doesn't interest me. 

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I do like the ability to have a 'subtle' chat window up without the full PF window, that's just me...

Maybe I do need to take the plunge into gold for live messenger too.  

One tiny observation - don't know if it's an easy fix....   When typing a message and referring to someone else's previous message  I often tag them by clicking on their name in the chatbox so that it pops their username into my message at the cursor point.  Only thing is now, the chat line leaves my cursor flashing before their name rather than moving to the end. Consequently when I carry on typing it inserts further text before their name....

Edited by gldenwetgoose
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4 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I do like the ability to have a 'subtle' chat window up without the full PF window, that's just me...

Maybe I do need to take the plunge into gold for live messenger too.  

One tiny observation - don't know if it's an easy fix....   When typing a message and referring to someone else's previous message  I often tag them by clicking on their name in the chatbox so that it pops their username into my message at the cursor point.  Only thing is now, the chat line leaves my cursor flashing before their name rather than moving to the end. Consequently when I carry on typing it inserts further text before their name....

That doesn't happen on my tablet, I haven't tried it on my pc yet 

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2 minutes ago, Sophie said:

That doesn't happen on my tablet, I haven't tried it on my pc yet 

I'll try on my phone....    Probably my own fault for using one of those funny apple things.

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1 hour ago, Sophie said:

I am not a fan of having to sign in to be able to even read the chat. Sometimes if I'm not feeling chatty or I'm busy and going to be on and off the site I will stay logged out and read the chat when I can. I'm also not keen on messages saying xyz has posted a new thread . I don't need to be informed, I'll find it while browsing and most of the time the topic doesn't interest me. 

- Topic updates have been removed. Agreed can find them in sidebar / activity already.

- As for signing in, I believe you can sign in as a guest with a temporary name (something unidentifiable to you if you wish) and it should remember that every time you visit the site not logged in (unless it's incognito mode). 

52 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I do like the ability to have a 'subtle' chat window up without the full PF window, that's just me...

Maybe I do need to take the plunge into gold for live messenger too.  

One tiny observation - don't know if it's an easy fix....   When typing a message and referring to someone else's previous message  I often tag them by clicking on their name in the chatbox so that it pops their username into my message at the cursor point.  Only thing is now, the chat line leaves my cursor flashing before their name rather than moving to the end. Consequently when I carry on typing it inserts further text before their name....

Yep you can have it in its own popup and even resize it to a small size so it can be much more discreet. You can also change the colours too if the yellow stands out too much. Sure, just let me know if you wish to upgrade and test it out (more details here for what else is included).

As for the glitch you mention, using Chrome I'm not getting that error on a desktop/laptop. I'll try test out if i can replicate the glitch though to get it solved, as I agree thats a bit annoying. All fine my side though.


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25 minutes ago, Rewdna said:

I seem to be having  problems with this new chat.Incredibly laggy and cursor is all over the place.I'm using safari on my tablet.

Hm, sorry to hear that, it's faster for me if anything, but it seems like it's not cooperating well with Apple/Safari.

Could you try clearing your cache just to make sure there's nothing left over from the old chat thats interfering? 

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I can no longer access the chat 

[[Template chatbox/front/room/chat is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

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Could someone with mac/safari test the chat now?

@Rewdnashould be better hopefully.

Added a few other little tweaks too (basically the ideas mentioned above ^^ ) 

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1 hour ago, Admin said:

Could someone with mac/safari test the chat now?

@Rewdnashould be better hopefully.

Added a few other little tweaks too (basically the ideas mentioned above ^^ ) 

I'm using Safari 13.1 on my Macbook (OS High Sierra) and iMac (whatever the version after High Sierra is).  Chat basically seems to work absolutely fine for me - wasn't causing me any problems this morning either.  The cursor placement on clicking a username still seems to exist - but absolutely not a problem worth worrying about.

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10 hours ago, Admin said:

Yep you can have it in its own popup and even resize it to a small size so it can be much more discreet.

I can't find anything in the menu button to let me do this.   The menu lets me change the colour and toggle the sound,  but there's nothing about creating its own window or resizing.

For me the chat is just a very small window which seems to be anchored at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.  I can't find any way to move it or resize it.

(I'm using firefox.)

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5 hours ago, likesToLick said:

I can't find anything in the menu button to let me do this.   The menu lets me change the colour and toggle the sound,  but there's nothing about creating its own window or resizing.

For me the chat is just a very small window which seems to be anchored at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.  I can't find any way to move it or resize it.

(I'm using firefox.)

The 'open in popup' option is only available from the chat at the bottom of the homepage. Here are the ways to access chat:

> Scroll to bottom of homepage and there's a bigger version of it 

> Press 'chat' button in navigation and it will open a page with nothing but chat on it

> Open 'live chat' in corner of any page of peefans for a condensed version of chat whilst browsing sitre

> Scroll to bottom of homepage, press the three horizontal lines in corner, press 'open in popup' and you'll have a popup that you can resize to suit your needs (you could have it full screen if you want).

The fourth and final option on this list is the one you're referring to. You just need to open the popup from the main chat on the homepage, rather than the mini chat in the corner. 

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1 hour ago, Admin said:

Here are the ways to access chat:

Thank you,  that all works fine for me now.

As you correctly deduced,  I was trying to do it all from the condensed version in the corner of the page.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After using it for a little while I really like it, it's snappy, the sound is nice, I like being able to keep it in the corner. 

My only complaint is about the image embedding. Photos often appear broken until I refresh the page and I hate how the images are resized,. I can understand resizing them in the chat but it would be nice if clicking on them took you to the full sized one. 

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3 hours ago, Sophie said:

After using it for a little while I really like it, it's snappy, the sound is nice, I like being able to keep it in the corner. 

My only complaint is about the image embedding. Photos often appear broken until I refresh the page and I hate how the images are resized,. I can understand resizing them in the chat but it would be nice if clicking on them took you to the full sized one. 

Hm, just had a look at the chat and when I click an image it does open it in a box at a larger size. And all the photos loaded for me too, although perhaps the refresh issue is just for the person posting the picture? Do you know if it's specifically gifs or all images that problem happens?

Glad to hear the main functionality is working well though! 🙂 

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@Admin I like the new chat the only thing that I can't do now but could with the previous system is edit my own messages. I somtimes am a bit quick off the mark and my typing is a bit off and I get letters jumbled up, so when this happened before I was able to edit my own messages. Could this be implimented on the new system? No biggie if not it would just be useful if I could do this. Also have you considered maybe keeping the Live messenger a perk for Gold members? Just thinking this could be a way to encourage more members upgrade to Gold?

Edited by lovestoseepee
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