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Red flag, Yellow streams: The Soviet Republic of Pisuaria. (From Omorashi.Org)

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3 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

Me: 'Im gonna continue my story!' 


Also me: *struggling to write a college paper* 


I wish I could continue to write about the land of urinals, but between school and family encroaching on my every private moment, idk.

Yes, do take care. I totally get what you mean, I moved back in with my family last year after years living apart, and since then it's been much harder to find time alone to write. 

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Ms. Tito said:

Chapter 6.5: Katarina 

Katarina was an entry level government official. An office secretary, with almost no sway over political dealings within the Communist Party of Pisuaria. She was happy, however. She lived a quiet, simple life in her one-bedroom apartment, spending her days running numbers and occasionally fooling around with anyone who needed release in the office. That would soon change, as her superiors would give her a promotion. 

"You're sending me to America?! But, why?" She asked over the phone with shock. 

"We need your help setting up an embassy in the United States" The man on the other end of the call replied. 

"With all due respect, comrade, I have a life here. I can't just uproot my entire world. Even if I were to work in a foreign country, wouldn't it be better if I lived in one of our allied states? Lavatria, Kaymala, hell even Jiyu, and that is halfway across the planet!" 

"Because, we want the United States to see us as a legitimate, independent nation. An embassy only further solidifies our recognition as a state. I know you'll be able to handle it." 

Katarina, protesting one last time, asked "I guess you're right, but their society is so bizarre and barbaric. Women aren't even allowed to be topless in public over there!" 

The higher-up again assuaged her concerns. "We still need you over there. Don't worry, you will have a house where you can relieve yourself and be nude as you please. When you get off the plane, take the bus to Kalicone Wilderness. Your home should be near there." 

Katarina reluctantly agrees to the arrangement and asked when she is to leave for America. She began to pack her backs, and move her life overseas, where her work will be done. 

Sounds like a promising set-up 🙂 

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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

(It's finally here! The 7th Chapter of the somehow miraculously acclaimed Pisuaria series! Slight warning that there is a little hardcore BDSM in the background. Nothing too much, just a collar and spanking. After a year of procrastination and a week of development, hopefully it's worth the wait.)


Chapter 7: Foreign Intimate Relations 

As a small, reclusive socialist island nation, much of the international community ignores Pisuaria, so most of it's trading is done with Cuba and China, however Russia, Belarus, and even the unrecognized breakaway Pridnestrovie Moldovan Republic, or Transnistria, trade goods with Pisuarians, despite the Russian Federation and it's allies' feelings towards so-called "gay propaganda." While Pisuaria has a shaky relationship with her mother country, Russia, they are no friends of NATO either. They've frequently spoken out against the US-led interventions in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and most recently Ukraine. However, Pisuaria has friends of its own, found in the similarly omorashi-inclined nations of Lavatria, Kaymala, and Jiyū. Titled the "International Pact for Free Love and Expression" by the Pisuarian government, the member states of this union have one common trait. Public urination, nudity, and sex are all legally and socially acceptable. The pact was started by Lavatria and Kaymala in 1948, and later joined by Jiyū in the 1970s after it became independent from Japan. Pisuaria is its newest member, joining in 1991 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. 

Today was the annual Festival of Cultural Friendship, an event where people from all four nations in the Free Love Pact came together and enjoyed food, carnivals, music, and of course, sex, for a week. Last year, Lavatria was the host nation for the festival. This year, Pisuaria is hosting. 

The festival was a celebration of each of the four nations' cultures, with both their common nonchalant attitudes towards sex and urination, to their different cultural music and food. Jiyū's traditional food heavily inspired by Japanese cuisine was especially popular. 

At the Valentina Tereshkova airport, passenger jets carrying people from Jiyū, Lavatria, and Kaymala landed and docked at the airport gates, unloading hundreds of people. Inside there were banners saying "Welcome to the 63rd annual Festival of Cultural Friendship" in each nation's official and native languages. People in various states of dress and undress were welcomed by customs, and directed to buses that would take them to a train station, where they would get on a train to the capitol city of Tualya. As they reached the capitol, buildings were draped with flags and banners celebrating the four nations and their unity.

Zvezda Tikhanova was present for the festival, and showed the visitors around the city. Zvezda, or Star in English, was non-binary, meaning they didn't fit into either of the traditional Western, or even Eastern gender norms. They had long, curly, dirty-blonde hair, and green eyes that shone like emeralds. A t-shirt hugged their lithe frame, however they didn't wear any pants or underwear. They had a small pair of breasts, a petite ass, and an average sized dick. They, along with other Pisuarians, welcomed their visitors warmly. 

As cultural exchange was a staple of this festival, visiting delegations were encouraged to partake in sexual activities with other delegations, an orgy of people from different corners of the world. At the festival grounds, people chatted with each other while sharing a kiss, or feeling each other up, and others just chose to fuck each other openly, sometimes in small groups. Still others were taking breaks in between fucks to rehydrate, continue chatting with each other, or piss on some wall or near some bushes, and in some cases on each other. Zvezda was having fun with two people in particular, a Lavatrian man, and a Jiyūan trans woman who calls herself a "futanari." Their names were Michael and Hirumi. He, along with Zvezda, were sucking her off and licking her balls. It didn't take very long to make her cum. Hirumi went over to get some water when the three of them decided to take a break, and Zvezda thought it might be a good idea to pee and then drink some water. When people are having sex for a long period of time it is important to stay hydrated. 

They went over to a wall where some other people were peeing and got their penis into position before letting out a stream their own. Since they weren't wearing pants or underwear they didn't have to worry about getting them out of the way to pee. A Kaymalan woman was squatting next to them and pissing on the wall as well. She took a glance at Zvezda's cock and said "You have a nice dick." 

They replied "Thank you, you look pretty as well. My name's Zvezda, by the way." 

"Ulla" She responded. 

"Care to join me and my group?" "Sure!" 

The two headed back to Hirumi and Michael, who were already fucking each other again, this time Hirumi had a collared leash around Michael's neck. She was spanking his ass as she fucked him fast and hard. Turns out they both like to play rough. Ulla and Zvezda got to work on each other next to those two. Zvezda began running their fingers across Ulla's vagina, as she fondled their balls in her hand. Her other hand wrapped around Zvezda's butt, and she moved on from their balls to stroke their shaft. Zvezda let their fingers find their way into Ulla's pussy, and began to work their magic. She kept stroking them off as they kept fingering her and rubbing her clit. 

"Fuck, I think I'm gonna cum!" Ulla cried. 

"Me too, I'm about to explode!" Zvezda moaned out. 

The two came one after another. Zvezda's semen splattered all over Ulla's stomach. They both hugged and relaxed. "That was amazing, thank you," Ulla whispered, before kissing Zvezda on the lips. Hirumi let out a loud moan that interrupted their kiss, as she came inside Michael's ass. She then began to piss inside his ass, pulling out when she finished. A mixture of cum and piss dripped from his hole as he stood up. The four friends had a fun time with their little orgy. But the festival was still not over. It has only just begun. 

I am glad to see the muse has descended again for you @Ms. Tito 🙂 

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3 hours ago, BeneathMyWillow said:

I love it, brilliant! And what a great idea to join the worlds together like this. (In fact, as long as you don't mind, I might try to write about some Kaymalans visiting the same festival?) 

I'd love it!

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As part of the Soviet Union, most of Pisuaria's military assets belonged to Moscow. The local Pisuarian military has never been particularly large, even at the height of the Cold War, and the end of said Cold War and independence from the newly formed Russian Federation has seen it become even smaller, but like most of their society it's extremely egalitarian on certain things, all physically-able adults serve as conscripts for two years between the ages of 18 and 20, with an option to volunteer for further service.  However, beyond the conscription period, the military is run as a strict meritocracy with a high standard of training, the only things that matter to the powers that be are your competence and loyalty, meaning they defy the stereotype of ComBloc armed forces of relying on "quality over quantity".  They also issue their troops with a unique type of energy drink as part of their standard combat rations developed in the island nation's OKB (said OKB focused on health-related sciences, and is still considered one of the best biomed labs and hospitals in Eastern Europe thanks in part to an influx of Western cash in the 90s and early 2000s in exchange for sharing some of their less sensitive research) that functions as a powerful diuretic as a side-effect.

Pisuarian People's Army: A very small unit that mostly serves as an extra deterrent to terrestrial-based threats that the police can't handle, with extra emphasis on countering amphibious landings.  They have two infantry divisions (partly motorized with Russian-made armored cars), and a single tank division equipped with a domestically modified version of the T-72B main battle tank and BMPT fire support vehicle.

Pisuarian People's Navy: One of the more historically significant parts of their military and the most well-known in the West among military personnel if they even know about them at all.  Their sailors were among those who mutinied along with the crew of the Armored Cruiser Aurora and kicked off the October Revolution, and during the Second World War, their own take on the Naval Infantry (inspired by Soviet units formed near the Black Sea shortly before) was noted by German and Finnish troops as being particularly vicious opponents, with a tendency to piss on the corpses of certain enemies (particularly SS troops) as a sign of defiance.  During the Cold War they were considered among the most aggressive by their NATO counterparts, having decided for a time that their best defense was a good offense.  After the Cold War their Navy has downsized somewhat (some of their ships having been so decrepit due to funding issues that they were among the ships sold to Pepsi of all people at one point).  What remains of their surface assets are is a Slava-class guided missile cruiser operating as flagship of the surface fleet, a quartet of modified Koni-class frigates, and a smattering of smaller corvettes, missile boats, and small coastal defense craft.  Their submarine fleet consists of a half dozen Paltus-class (Kilo-class) submarines.

Pisuarian People's Air Force: The most well-known part of the Pisuarian Air Force among civilians (more on why later).  Unlike most Soviet-modeled militaries, all aviation assets are operated by their air force.  During World War II, some of their women served in the fames 588th Night Bomber Regiment, later known as the 46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment, known most famously as the "Night Witches" after the name given to them by their German adversaries, but when their parent unit disbanded, the Pisuarian squadron remained extant and became part of the PPAF, but starting in the 1960s transferred from bombers to helicopters, with one of their flights utilizing heavily decorated Mi-28s for demonstrations.  Their fixed wing aviation units are almost entirely oriented around defense, consisting of a single fighter wing equipped with MiG-29As, an anti-shipping/interdiction squadron equipped with Su-24s, a support squadron equipped with an IL-76 EAW variant, tanker aircraft, transports, and more.  It should be noted that in more recent years the PPAF has shopped around for replacements for the aging MiGs, even considering Western options like the JAS-39 and Rafale, and at some point expressed interest in the F-35, before the US rejected any sale to the small nation on the grounds of how close to Russian soil they are an the odds of an intact plane being stolen or captured.

Special Forces: Pisuaria has the usual assortment of GRU Spetsnaz units, including Alfa and Vympfel counter-terror groups, but their KGB also has their own unit dedicated to rooting out 'counterrevolutionary' sentiments in the armed forces (formed in direct response to the attempted military coup in Russia in 1991 as the USSR collapsed), although their operatives are also present in any large civilian entity of note (such as the aforementioned OKB and all schools); despite the stereotypes, however, they're notably..."light-touched" on said issues, being trained in psychology (the long and rigorous training program for their agents has been noted to be equivalent to having an Associate's Degree majoring in Behavioral Psychology at a western college) to first attempt to persuade dissenters to change their minds, then if that fails to resort to methods like gaslighting to break their mental resistance to such coercion, with more overtly disciplinary actions only being taken if these also fail, among their more common tactics being forced urine holding (which can be enforced with the use of diuretics and things like catheters or urethral plugs to make the sensations particularly unpleasant).

Economy: Pisuaria has a socialist economy much like the Soviet Union it used to be a part of, as an Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the RSFSR. It still does most of its trading with Russia, Belarus, China, Cuba, and Vietnam. The Pisuarians are savvy enough to know that they have something that others find value in: nostalgic products from the Soviet era.  As a result, stuff like vodka and their own unique takes on things like doctor's sausage and "tourist's delight" (many of which might actually use urine as an ingredient for some reason) are some of their major exports, along with their own modernized takes on social realistic and futuristic art (a lot of it pornographic, usually soft-core) of the type that was popular in the USSR, and some of the works have appeared in prestigious galleries across the world, some selling to private collectors in the six figure range.

COVID Protocols: There were actually minimal attempts to lock down the country when COVID hit (on the grounds that their OKB ran a calculation and found that a lockdown would only have a minimal impact on the virus' spread, plus it was feared that their entire economy, and the government by extension, would collapse if forced to shut down for more than absolutely necessary to get medical infrastructure mobilized) as the small population of Pisuaria meant that the entire population reached herd immunity to the main strain within a few months, though certain extra laws were passed to protect the elderly (the most vulnerable demographic), and their famed OKB even developed their own vaccine with few if any negative side-effects, but their small size means that they can't really produce enough of it to export in large batches (though it has been noted that due to the high mutation rate of coronaviruses, this vaccine may no longer be as effective as it used to be now that newer strains have evolved).

Olympics: Before independence from the Russian Federation on December 29th, 1991, Pisuarian atheletes competed in the Soviet national olympic team. The Pisuarians avoided the doping scandals of their Russian counterparts and so could compete under their own flag, but protests have been raised specifically about some of their trans-female athletes competing in women's sports (and indeed, such things were banned by the Olympic Committee for a long time) under the argument that they still possess a man's athletic capability and as such possess an unfair advantage.  Other than this issue, in Summer Olympics, they tend to perform well in gymnastics, water sports (and I don't mean pissing), women's football (aka soccer), and track, and in this world's alternate take on the Tokyo Olympics ended up taking home a Gold and a Bronze medal, the Gold in men's water polo (their team trained with their aforementioned Naval Infantry to make them exceptionally good, at the cost of a high dropout rate in training due to injuries),  and the Bronze in women's gymnastics (one of the fields where it actually pays to have a more petite and less masculine body).

Nuclear Arsenal: At one point, Pisuaria actually possessed nuclear weapons, specifically a trio of Soviet nuclear-tipped ICBMs housed in three silos, and a handful of nuclear-tipped cruise missiles.  In the mid 1990s, they agreed to return these weapons to the Russian Federation under a deal brokered by the United States (echoing a similar deal with Ukraine...one that I think the Ukrainians have come to regret) in exchange for the aforementioned Kilo-class submarines to replace the older Foxtrot-class vessels they retained.  The three emptied silos were converted into additional research facilities for their OKB, one of them becoming a computer server farm (which eventually contained one of the most powerful supercomputers in eastern Europe), another into a quarantine facility for studying highly virulent pathogens, and the third into a climate-controlled warehouse for temperature-sensitive items.  Guided tours of these converted silos are also on offer for anybody who's interested in seeing what a Cold War-era missile silo looks like.

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8 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

Guided tours of these converted silos are also on offer for anybody who's interested in seeing what a Cold War-era missile silo looks like.

Is that what they’re calling it now?

Ah, Comrade! … yes, I have several tonnes of head canon which are now, unfortunately, redundant for their original purpose and could perhaps be melted down and converted into some new product for the Good of the Pisuarian people. Such as, perhaps, a stainless steel urinal.

NARRATOR By this, @oliver2 revealed himself to be a spy, since no true Pisuarian would use a urinal for anything

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14 hours ago, oliver2 said:

Is that what they’re calling it now?

Ah, Comrade! … yes, I have several tonnes of head canon which are now, unfortunately, redundant for their original purpose and could perhaps be melted down and converted into some new product for the Good of the Pisuarian people. Such as, perhaps, a stainless steel urinal.

NARRATOR By this, @oliver2 revealed himself to be a spy, since no true Pisuarian would use a urinal for anything

There are plenty of urinals, it's just that they're usually in bathrooms or in public plazas. If there aren't any around they just find a wall to splatter or a bush to water.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/6/2022 at 5:10 AM, Ms. Tito said:

It's Olympics time, and you know what that means! Me maybe finally getting off my ass and writing another chapter, probably inspired by the Olympics. Maybe. Idk. 

Faster, higher, stronger, together. (Unzips)

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  • 2 years later...

New Pisuaria lore drop (I know it's not a chapter, but at least it's something.)


Public Celebrations and Holidays: Pisuaria has many public holidays, most of them secular holidays left over from the Soviet Union. Its three biggest holidays from the days of the Union are Worker's Day on May 1st, Victory Day on May 9th, and Revolution Day on November 7th. Every May 1st, there is an informal civilian parade in the capital. Victory Day celebrations are similar to other former Soviet republics such as Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, etc. Every year on May 9th, a military parade is held showing off the island's small military and honoring the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Revolution Day is the same sort of affair, however it is the only former Soviet country that still celebrates November 7th in this fashion. It also has some holidays unique to Pisuarian culture. The biggest Pisuarian holiday of the year is the Festival of Love and Pleasure, a week-long orgy that starts on June 1st and ends on June 8th, coinciding with the start of Pride Month in many Western countries. Since the island has a sizeable population of both Orthodox Christians, primarily Russians with  Belarusian and Ukrainian minorities, and Catholics, mostly Lithuanians and Latvians, both Orthodox and Catholic religious holidays are celebrated. Christmas, which falls on the 25th of December, is celebrated by Catholics and secular citizens alike, with Orthodox Christmas falling on the 7th of January. Hanukkah is also observed by a minority population of Jews, mostly descendents of people who fled to the island during World War II. With the influx of Western culture in the 1990s came a rise in popularity of Halloween, a holiday not traditionally celebrated before the end of the Cold War. Halloween is one of the biggest holidays in Pisuaria today, rivaling that of even Salem,  Massachusetts, Dublin, Ireland, and Transylvania in Romania. New Years Eve is another big event, where people will wait for hours in the capital square and watch the concerts until 11:59 pm, and then fireworks display after the clock hits midnight. There is plenty of drinking, dancing, and yes, pissing. Prior to midnight, the President gives an address to the nation on TV, and once the clock hits midnight, the national anthem will play, and after that a recording of "С Новым Годом, Друзья" plays on radios, televisions and loudspeakers in the city and on radios and televisions all across the country.  


(Pisuaria doesn't have Pride Month, because they keep shit gay all year.)

Victory Day: 

New Years: 


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