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Drunken Pee

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It always feels better to pee when drunk then sober especially if i had beer but that's problaby because alcohol makes you have to go worse so the relief gets stronger when drunk only because the urge is stronger then when your sober 

Edited by Peefreak99
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9 hours ago, ForgotPass said:

To me, it's just really uncomfortable. I can never get all of it out when I'm drunk which often makes me feel a little frustrated as I keep needing to go over and over.

Mabye if you hold it for a while and go when you really have to? I think your body will aoutomaticly push everything out then 

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  • 1 month later...

yes, it's more fun, because you're drunk therefore you don't care so much where you actually go to piss, and you have a full bladder so you piss longer and higher and harder. So you can make more of a mess.

For instance, years ago, having just started uni and moved to a new town, i discovered that i pissed up the wall of the police station while intoxicated. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and pissed for about a minute at some considerable power  and it was only later that someone told me what i had just done. 🙂 

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Certainly on the watching side of things. I was in bed one night when I hear someone drunkenly  yell out those magic words, "I NEED TO PEE SO BAD!", went outside pretending to do laundry and while going to the separate laundromat next to the apartments, I caught a beautiful glimpse of a girl violently pissing on a tree. I kind of stared, her drunk friends didn't stop me and instead took pics of her. That was a fun 10 minutes.

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I don't particularly find peeing when drunk any better, but I do like it when girls get drunk and have to pee.  It is lots of fun watching them and they have far fewer inhibitions so are willing to pee far more openly.

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