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I haven't masturbated in over a month

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This is kind of unusual for me..I used to masturbate at least once every two weeks. even more when i was younger... but now..it's like... i'm not really in the mood.. plus my husband is gone A LOT. pretty much 60 hours a week he's gone... of course i've been pleasuring him when he asks...but..he doesn't really ask to pleasure me.. (we've had this issue for years). 

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No it is not fair. If you give him sex the lest he can do is return the favor, or at least ask. Iam sorry to hear this

I know he is probably tired but it's a 2way street. At least that's how it is between my wife and I. Sometimes I've been dog tired and shes horny and needs servicing hahahaha

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You should tell him that you have needs as well because marriage is a two way relationship. Just bring it up to him and see how he reacts, he probably just doesn't know🤷 and he may be more than willing to help fill your needs if you talk to him. I hope this helps!


Edited by Riley
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45 minutes ago, Riley said:

You should tell him that you have needs as well because marriage is a two way relationship. Just bring it up to him and see how he reacts, he probably just doesn't know🤷 and he may be more than willing to help fill your needs if you talk to him. I hope this helps!


Clear and open communication in a relationship is important. Hopefully be talking through your problems you 2 can resolve them 

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18 hours ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

This is kind of unusual for me..I used to masturbate at least once every two weeks. even more when i was younger... but now..it's like... i'm not really in the mood.. plus my husband is gone A LOT. pretty much 60 hours a week he's gone... of course i've been pleasuring him when he asks...but..he doesn't really ask to pleasure me.. (we've had this issue for years). 

Wow. It's rare for me to go more than 48 hours and I usually manage at least once a day. But my levels of horniness are much less consistent than they were when I was younger. Back then I was always horny, now I get days when I am much less in the mood than others. I take meds which also impair my libido. It's been months since I contributed a story on this forum due to not being motivated or interested enough. In which state of mind inspiration for anything good is in any case lacking.

And it sounds to me as if your husband is being sexually selfish. It should be a two way street as others have said.

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1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

Wow. It's rare for me to go more than 48 hours and I usually manage at least once a day. But my levels of horniness are much less consistent than they were when I was younger. Back then I was always horny, now I get days when I am much less in the mood than others. I take meds which also impair my libido. It's been months since I contributed a story on this forum due to not being motivated or interested enough. In which state of mind inspiration for anything good is in any case lacking.

And it sounds to me as if your husband is being sexually selfish. It should be a two way street as others have said.

I finger no less than 2-3 times per day

Never less, often up to twice those numbers

During the weekend I have sex no less than thrice per day, usually more, and at least a couple of blowjobs as I love to drink cum



20 hours ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

This is kind of unusual for me..I used to masturbate at least once every two weeks. even more when i was younger... but now..it's like... i'm not really in the mood.. plus my husband is gone A LOT. pretty much 60 hours a week he's gone... of course i've been pleasuring him when he asks...but..he doesn't really ask to pleasure me.. (we've had this issue for years). 


18 hours ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

Sex is a twice a year event... 

Your friends here around already expressed exactly what I think of that

TALK to him

Maybe you miss the way to communicate? Your contributions here Always proved you have in incredibly sensitive personality: how can it be it fails to break through?

I give you my strongest hug… the silly thing I that I am half lesbian and love sensitive girls ahahahah





Absolutely agree with you both

You spelled it clear!!!



15 hours ago, F.W said:

Wow,i last had one about 9 hours ago!Getting ready for one soon…

Kinky boy!!!


5 hours ago, Riley said:

You should tell him that you have needs as well because marriage is a two way relationship. Just bring it up to him and see how he reacts, he probably just doesn't know🤷 and he may be more than willing to help fill your needs if you talk to him. I hope this helps!


Agree as fuck!!!

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I've talked to him about all of this multiple times. I'm more into emotional connection. he's more into physical connection. I can't get  the emotional connection since he's not home very much. it takes a lot of emotional connection for me to feel ready for physical connection. 

the whole me not masturbating even by myself.. i don't know what that's about...

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Does he at least try and connect emotionally with you when he is home? I get how you need that connection

My wife enjoys this type of connection as well. When I get back home i always ask her how her day was and how our little boy was Haha. I also ask her what she wants for supper(providing I get home in time haha. As a farmer iam getting busy this time of year haha). We like to have a bath together as often as possible. Sometime it leads to sex right in the tub other times we just talk. Sometimes she just needs to vent and I listen and offer to help however I can. I hope you can get thru to him and he workes towards that emotional connection


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19 hours ago, spywareonya said:

I would like to cuddle Blackie with a bit of dirty talking but I am afraid she is not around!!!

She does log in from time to time. I do hope her break from this site is only temporary, if she takes on at all. Hopefully the great members here can inspire her to stay

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18 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

She does log in from time to time. I do hope her break from this site is only temporary, if she takes on at all. Hopefully the great members here can inspire her to stay

She's great but she must learn self-confidence

We can cuddle her into this!!

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18 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

She does log in from time to time. I do hope her break from this site is only temporary, if she takes on at all. Hopefully the great members here can inspire her to stay

I think everyone at some point takes a break from everything. Even if you love something to your core sometimes it's nice to take a break for a little while and experience other things while your exploring. Maybe when she comes back she will have new experiences to tell and new interests that she never knew she had before 🙂 

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51 minutes ago, Riley said:

I think everyone at some point takes a break from everything. Even if you love something to your core sometimes it's nice to take a break for a little while and experience other things while your exploring. Maybe when she comes back she will have new experiences to tell and new interests that she never knew she had before 🙂 

The point is the REASONS beside getting away

Disheartening is different from new goals

There once was a member here, who went away and I miss to a point that few could ever understand, his name was Brutus

He left the forum due to a personal important goal to be reached and by no means the love I have for him will be enough to cuddle me with good memories, I miss him every fucking day, just like Others, and I Always hope he'll be back

But he won't because now he must chase a personal and important goal

He did not left out of disheartening



We MUST prevent disheartening and it's Blackie's case

Obviously every single human, no matter how strong already (and fuck if she is strong) must keep growing up and question the correctedness of his/her own decisions and characterial features so Blackie will have to play our part in overcoming her own sadness

But we must be Always tighter around our friends of the forum, and support them with real advices and proofs of love, in the hope it will be enough to keep them here


I would lie if I say that "I hope for her to stay" because it would be, for how much do I know her, some kind of unvoluntary negligence against the fact that her Whole life is a struggle and she must follow her heart

If she needs a break then ok

But not out of disheartening, that would be a defeat

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5 hours ago, spywareonya said:




We MUST prevent disheartening and it's Blackie's case


I do think this is way she needs a break. As you said we need to help her from this. Iam sure if we all band together he can help her to stay

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