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Facial Expressions

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In my continuing analysis of pee porn, I am often drawn towards the facial expressions on the models being photographed. Professional and Amateur models will invariably be 'instructed' to either smile, or to put on a sexy, seductive face, pouting, tongue out etc. In the age of the selfie, it seems that females are even more aware of that look that will seduce. The allure of porn, here shot in a sunny garden, crazy paving and the evidence of either garden tools or swimming pool paraphernalia. This model, has a partial smile that turns into one of slight disgust, her nose screwed up, because she may have detected the acrid odour of what appears to be a strong golden pee stream. She's certainly hirsute, in more ways than one, she's neglected to shave her legs and armpits. A category in porn that some men, and women find enticing and sexy. But it is the face that I'm drawn towards, did she receive instructions from the cameraman? Or does the photo capture her natural reaction, clearly surprised by her stinky micturition.


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A thought that occurred to me a while back is that since men are visually stimulated, porn is better if the girl looks into the camera with a facial expression that communicates something the man can identify with. Either "I'm looking at you, and like you" or "Damn, it feels so good to let that pee out, just between us." Or something like that.

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I know models get paid and take direction, but personally I am way more attracted to whatever the natural facial and body expression they are feeling at that moment are most alluring. I love love the Drunk Pee pics thread. Those girls are just peeing, laughing, chatting, whatever. 

I think candid is the word I’m looking for. 

I believe I’m in the minority, but I never watch or look at professional porn, but still appreciate their livelihoods

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9 hours ago, Mark J said:

I believe I’m in the minority

Then you're in good company

30 minutes ago, cheekyfe11a said:

Whether it is a look of amusement, sluttyness or sweet relief its all great to me

Completely agree!!!!


5 hours ago, fannywatcher said:

just caught out peeing

I have Always loved that pic!!!!

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10 hours ago, StellaD said:

To me it looks like she's saying "ewwww I'm such a dirty girl for doing this" which is half the charm of doing it.



Being naughty is indeed the key…!

Edited by spywareonya
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  • 3 weeks later...
13 hours ago, fannywatcher said:

Once again though...i think on this thread,we need less posed shots more taken on the spur of the moment..

I agree. I like when the pictures look real, like "I can't hold this piss anymore, and I don't care who sees it!"

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Facial expressions are an interesting topic. For me, they signal how much someone is genuinely “into it” which for whatever reason directly correlates to how turned on I am by it. If someone is smiling because it genuinely makes them horny, that’s hugely erotic and attractive to me. 

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Must admit I'm into seeing pics of partly clothed girls more than the completely naked variety (not that I'd turn those down either).  I think it's the mental picture it creates of a girl who's been caught in desperate need - wondering how long she'd held on, whether this was her final option - to wet or choosing to pee somewhere risky or naughty.

Then seeing a sly naughty grin, or the beaming, embarrassed smile of sheer relief is the crowning glory.

Oh, and don't forget those looks of desperation either...





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