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Last outdoor pee

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On a trail this afternoon. I went out half full and held until I felt the first drops were about to escape. Pulled my shorts leg opening aside just about in time. Heard a sound, so I hurried a bit at the end. At least my shorts were black and quick-dry.

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Earlier today I peed behind my car in a busy parking lot in the middle of the day! A couple people walked and drove past but I don’t think anyone actually noticed, at least they didn’t say anything. A short and very yellow pee…I need to drink more water!

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@gldenwetgoose sounds like your wife is starting to accept you peeing outside when the need arises.  I know you have said before that she would protest.  That's good progress in itself and I'm glad you had an enjoyable pee.  Location looks ideal for pulling off with a caravan.  Hope you had a good weekend away as well.

Since I'm here, I'll mention my most recent outdoor pee too, which is a similar, sort of circumstance.   We had been somewhere for the day, finished up at a little cafe/diner place and had something to eat and drink.   We left without using the toilet and it is 1.5 hours home, which would have been 3 hours since I last peed.  That doesn't sound too bad, but I'd had a pint mug of tea before setting off for the cafe and a drink at the cafe plus water in the car.   I told my wife that I was stopping for a pee and pulled into a place that we've both used before.   I turned the car around and parked so the driver's door was against the side of the quiet road, got out and stood with the door open, instantly starting a very long and very necessary pee, which hit the mud of the bank, running down onto the tarmac and off under the car.   My pee gradually eroded a little channel into the muddy embankment.  Unfortunately Mrs A didn't need to pee but she did comment on how long I was peeing for - like "Blimey turn the tap off" and "you'll flood us out".   

The location:


I approached from the camera viewpoint, turned around and parked on the left of the picture in the slightly wider area, peeing into the bank to the left.  I have stopped on the right before, when both my wife and I peed by the gateway, but it tends to be very muddy that side where farm vehicles come in and out of the gate, so lesson learned, I now turn round first and use the other side. That's the third time I've used that location.

I could have waited 20 minutes and stopped at the services on the motorway, but stopping and peeing right next to the car in a lane is a lot quicker than coming off the motorway, negotiating the route into the car park, finding a space, walking into the services, walking to the back of the services to find the toilet, using the toilet and then returning to the car and getting back on the motorway.  I reckon that adds 10-15 minutes whereas a stop in a lane adds about 2-3 minutes.

Edited by Alfresco
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23 hours ago, Alfresco said:

@gldenwetgoose sounds like your wife is starting to accept you peeing outside when the need arises.  I know you have said before that she would protest.  That's good progress in itself and I'm glad you had an enjoyable pee.  Location looks ideal for pulling off with a caravan.  Hope you had a good weekend away as well.

Since I'm here, I'll mention my most recent outdoor pee too, which is a similar, sort of circumstance.   We had been somewhere for the day, finished up at a little cafe/diner place and had something to eat and drink.   We left without using the toilet and it is 1.5 hours home, which would have been 3 hours since I last peed.  That doesn't sound too bad, but I'd had a pint mug of tea before setting off for the cafe and a drink at the cafe plus water in the car.   I told my wife that I was stopping for a pee and pulled into a place that we've both used before.   I turned the car around and parked so the driver's door was against the side of the quiet road, got out and stood with the door open, instantly starting a very long and very necessary pee, which hit the mud of the bank, running down onto the tarmac and off under the car.   My pee gradually eroded a little channel into the muddy embankment.  Unfortunately Mrs A didn't need to pee but she did comment on how long I was peeing for - like "Blimey turn the tap off" and "you'll flood us out".   

The location:


I approached from the camera viewpoint, turned around and parked on the left of the picture in the slightly wider area, peeing into the bank to the left.  I have stopped on the right before, when both my wife and I peed by the gateway, but it tends to be very muddy that side where farm vehicles come in and out of the gate, so lesson learned, I now turn round first and use the other side. That's the third time I've used that location.

I could have waited 20 minutes and stopped at the services on the motorway, but stopping and peeing right next to the car in a lane is a lot quicker than coming off the motorway, negotiating the route into the car park, finding a space, walking into the services, walking to the back of the services to find the toilet, using the toilet and then returning to the car and getting back on the motorway.  I reckon that adds 10-15 minutes whereas a stop in a lane adds about 2-3 minutes.

That looks like the perfect place for a quick piss stop and bets stopping at the services anyday shame the wife decided she did not need to go though

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On 2/11/2024 at 10:20 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

It's currently Sunday night and I'm back at home from a weekend away in our touring caravan.

My last outdoor pee took place on Friday afternoon by a farmer's gate just next to the A658 between Harrogate and Leeds in Yorkshire UK.  Here if anyone's really interested.

I'd had a morning working from home, my wife was at work but finished at lunchtime, so we collected our caravan from our storage yard, hitched up and set off just before 2pm.  Our route was pretty much all 'A roads' which for the non-uk are basically main roads between towns but not motorways or freeways.  So no major service areas and the like.

With that in mind I'd had a pee before setting off, and was hoping to make the journey in one.  Now - there are two factors to consider...   Towing the caravan makes my car and caravan together 13m long and 2.3m wide  (43ft long, 7.5 ft wide) so just pulling into a cafe car park isn't really an option.  The other factor is that most route planners don't take the logistics of towing into account.   So I'd planned the route in advance, complicated by some roadworks.  I knew my Google maps was going to try and take me down some little lanes which I was going to ignore, and I had a good idea from memory of which to ignore.

All was going well - I was an hour-and-half into the journey, and I felt the need to pee.  Google on my car display said I had 20-ish minutes to go.  I'd ignored a couple of country lane turnings and reached the next town - then Google told me to take a road I didn't remember.  Instantly that put me on edge... was it going to take me down a narrow lane shortcut.   And with that on edge, suddenly I really needed to pee.   Like from a '5' to a '9' in about two minutes.

All of a sudden I was looking for a bus stop, or a parking layby and there were none in sight.  I was starting to panic slightly, clenching and holding for all I could.  I crossed a roundabout and then spotted a field entrance that looked just big enough to turn into and then turn so the back of the caravan was just off the road.

"Sorry, I'm going to have to have a pee" i told my wife...  expecting a shake of the head and 'that look'.  I was expecting to have to go and use the caravan toilet.  instead she asked "Are you going to hide in the hedge over there?"

That sounded like the perfect option, and very welcome - so I walked towards the field gate, avoiding a big flooded area of the muddy track and peed a very satisfying and quite long pee onto the grass beneath the hedge.


Incidentally, whilst at the campsite I inadvertently used the ladies' bathroom.  But nobody else was in, or came in, or caught me.   So all's well there too.

having used this turn in myself those hedges made a perfect toilet 🙂

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