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On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 3:29 PM, spywareonya said:

Sometimes they got that subtle yet awful bossy spiritual arrogance like "It's important, so fuck off"

Which is spiritually rude

It's one of those cases where democracy reveals its inherent flaw as the power NOT of the people but of simply its most numerous portion, which not Always is the best one

As Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government, but I never heard of a better one"

I work all day with the British people and - believe me - my eyes have been truly opened to how many stupid people there are out there, each and every one of whom potentially has a vote.

Biggest flaw with democracy? The stupidity of the electorate. The idiot bloc out there is so large that no party can hope to win without securing the votes of a substantial chunk of it. So democracy is in large measure idiots en masse deciding who runs the country. The idiot bloc can outvote all intelligent voters of any political persuasion. Which probably goes a long way towards explaining the shite we are all in.

Problem is, one person one vote - gifting immense power to the stupid - is the price we have to pay for freedom. Because down any other road lies tyranny. So democracy is highly flawed but all the alternatives are invariably worse.

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Modern films..

I use the classic "ZULU" as an example here.

If this was made nowadays,it wouldnt be the epic it was.It would maybe have the star cast as the men of the 2/24th rgt,but the Zulus would now be just about 10 men then an army of 3000 computer generated images,which always look cartoony despite the obvious amazing technology,that can bring dinosaurs to life etc.Instead of actually using 3000 extras to play them,as in the 1963 original.

I think this approach is also why i dislike the Craig Bonds.Apart from not liking him much as Bond,i find him just wrong for the role,they have been using CGI for the special effects.In the Connery/Moore Bonds,if they wanted to blow up a Jumbo Jet,then they would have BOUGHT a real Jumbo Jet and detonated it on film,how spectacular,creating that WOW factor...now you would just know it was a CGI Jumbo Jet....boring..."Oh wow,look how that CGI Jumbo Jet came apart"

In films like Jurassic Park,ok,you have no choice to use CGI,but in other cases,film producers-flash that cash!



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  • 2 weeks later...


I just turned on my computer 30 mins ago and it didnt seem to come on.Just a dark screen.Next after attempting to reboot it,it tells me its "downloading updates".I never told it to do this,why was it doing this!It then took another 10 mins before i could access it at all,with a stupid tiny blue wheel always coming on every screen,holding up what was trying to do!

Then after turning it off,it then began "downloading" yet again,meaning i couldnt turn it off another 10 mins.Arrrrgggg!

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On ‎9‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 1:28 PM, fannywatcher said:


I just turned on my computer 30 mins ago and it didnt seem to come on.Just a dark screen.Next after attempting to reboot it,it tells me its "downloading updates".I never told it to do this,why was it doing this!It then took another 10 mins before i could access it at all,with a stupid tiny blue wheel always coming on every screen,holding up what was trying to do!

Then after turning it off,it then began "downloading" yet again,meaning i couldnt turn it off another 10 mins.Arrrrgggg!

PC are boot-programmed to updates about a little group of periodical upgrades automatically

Yes, it can really impair its use, more tha anything if you got little time and you know you'll not be able to use it for a long time after this time-lapse expires, and your stuck in impotence as it says "2 hours to completion"

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Ok,this topic covers just about everything i hate about the modern world since about 2010...

Mainly...in TV shows,or adverts,that feature unrealistic portrayals of racial equality..like an advert that might be a beer ad,will have a gang of lads all on a night out,so far so good.Yet in this gang will be:1 white man.1 black man.1 mixed race guy.1 Indian or Pakistani man.Maybe a chinese guy in a wheelchair..Most gangs of lads I see are about 98% white lads.Or 98% black lads.Ive NEVER seen a Pakistani in a pub.Stupid.The fact i NOW have to state "im not being "racist" even annoys me,because im not..Is the reasoning here behind this,the advertisers think ethnic minorities will not buy their beer if they arent portrayed on TV?

TV shows,or films,that must feature mixed couples nowadays.In every show or movie there will be;1 straight couple.maybe 4 gay couples,representing the various combinations of "LGBT" types.1 mixed race couple.Again,removing entertainment to promote an unrealistic view of life.In my street there are none of these variations,only straight couples,or singles.

The "MeToo" movement....which to me is a load of women,complaining that a man once looked at their boobs at a showbiz event.Or touched her bum,flirtatiously,but didnt actually rape her,or insert any body parts in her various orifices.Shock,horror,men find women attractive,what will we do?

The black man for James Bond...Idris Elba is a great actor,but why SHOULD James Bond be black?Why is it so important?I think the character was WRITTEN as a white man,as he was a naval officer,unfortunately in the 1950s when written,i think NO black man would have been a naval officer,so by default he would be likely to be 99.9% chance of being white.I think many Bond devotees will be turned OFF by this.Its the same thing making Dr Who a woman now.Im no fan of this anyway,but if i was,i wouldnt be anymore..If Dr Who was female,they would have written it before in 1963 when it began.

I think thats it for now anyway.

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On 9/4/2018 at 7:09 AM, fannywatcher said:

dislike the Craig Bonds.

I do as well, I think the former bonds were better for the role, “real gentleman” but still cool, just right there. 


I currently dislike very much:

- modern pop music, especially from my country. When you hear modern German pop music you will hear NO DIFFERENCE between the songs AND the singers as well! Sound all the fucking same!! 

- drivers that don’t use their turning signals. Just fuck you, that’s not a spoiler to indicate where you’re fucking going! 

- people who can’t say what they want. Sorry here but mostly girls do this, of course not all but some are.  “yes” means “yes” and “no” means “perhaps” and “perhaps” than means “yes” and “no” means “I fucked my best friend” WHYYYY?? Just say what you mean, better for everyone! 

- pride for something you didn’t do anything for. Of course it’s “okay” to be black/gay/whatever, not just okay, it’s completely normal. But that’s it then, no need to be proud of it or whatever, you didn’t chose it, it’s not an achievement to have black skin or love people of the same sex. And even worse to attack white or straight people. When I’d say I am proud to be a white, straight, german man I’d offend four groups of social justice warriors... completely stupid! (and I wouldn’t say that, what’s there to be proud of??)

that also goes for money that the parents earned, why should you be proud or show off with that? You did NOTHING for it!

- political correctness, everyone suddenly hates you when you make a joke about a minority or a women, even when you don’t praise them like gods just because they are what they are YOU are the bad guy...

- racism, sadly comes back to a country that should know best, what racism is able to do with people, still many are again (not only here, the whole world seems to be more and more racist). Has to do with the refugees here, still because one out of 10.000 actually is a criminal not ALL OF THEM are 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ But that’s something the nazis or just very stupid people here (oops, that’s the same thing, my bad) can’t understand. 

- and finally, superficial people that think they could judge me because of my age. NO, just because I am younger than you I’m not necessarily stupid, immature or whatever you else might think

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P.C continued...


The way now before every film or show on TV is given a disclaimer.."this film may feature attitudes,or language of the time which some may find offensive".When its about the American Civil War era,i reckon thats pretty likely,"Boy".(Im waiting for the time when Jefferson Davis,President of the Confederacy is played by Samuel.L.Jackson.).Incredibly,unbelievably,it was given before they showed "The Dambusters"...for a second i thought,offensive language?Richard Todd,Michael Redgrave,surely not..then,of course,the name of Todds'  character,Guy Gibsons' DOG!Which was called "ni**er".Im sure Sqdn Ldr Gibson when he bought his dog called it "ni**er" because it was a black labrador,NOT because he thought it would offend anyone.(see how im even afraid to write it nowadays?)

That is one reason that a new production of it by Peter Jackson has been shelved,because the writers wouldnt write the name.

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On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:23 PM, Potatoman said:

drivers that don’t use their turning signals. Just fuck you, that’s not a spoiler to indicate where you’re fucking going! 



On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:23 PM, Potatoman said:

modern pop music, especially from my country. When you hear modern German pop music you will hear NO DIFFERENCE between the songs AND the singers as well! Sound all the fucking same!! 



On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:23 PM, Potatoman said:

people who can’t say what they want. Sorry here but mostly girls do this, of course not all but some are.  “yes” means “yes” and “no” means “perhaps” and “perhaps” than means “yes” and “no” means “I fucked my best friend” WHYYYY?? Just say what you mean, better for everyone! 

I understand this is complicated, but I agree with you totally


On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:23 PM, Potatoman said:

and finally, superficial people that think they could judge me because of my age. NO, just because I am younger than you I’m not necessarily stupid, immature or whatever you else might think

Always hated this


On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 9:42 AM, fannywatcher said:

Is the reasoning here behind this

I absolutely get what you mean

You're not against ethnic integration was it sincere, you are against the hypocrisy of how it is portrayed today


On ‎9‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 7:14 AM, fannywatcher said:

P.C continued...


The way now before every film or show on TV is given a disclaimer.."this film may feature attitudes,or language of the time which some may find offensive".When its about the American Civil War era,i reckon thats pretty likely,"Boy".(Im waiting for the time when Jefferson Davis,President of the Confederacy is played by Samuel.L.Jackson.).Incredibly,unbelievably,it was given before they showed "The Dambusters"...for a second i thought,offensive language?Richard Todd,Michael Redgrave,surely not..then,of course,the name of Todds'  character,Guy Gibsons' DOG!Which was called "ni**er".Im sure Sqdn Ldr Gibson when he bought his dog called it "ni**er" because it was a black labrador,NOT because he thought it would offend anyone.(see how im even afraid to write it nowadays?)

That is one reason that a new production of it by Peter Jackson has been shelved,because the writers wouldnt write the name.

Yes this is hypocrite as fuck, I completely agree with you


On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 7:23 PM, Potatoman said:

political correctness, everyone suddenly hates you when you make a joke about a minority or a women, even when you don’t praise them like gods just because they are what they are YOU are the bad guy..



On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 9:42 AM, fannywatcher said:

TV shows,or films,that must feature mixed couples nowadays.In every show or movie there will be;1 straight couple.maybe 4 gay couples,representing the various combinations of "LGBT" types.1 mixed race couple

Again, yes, hypocrite. Yet I have to add this consideration of mine: nowadays that some subjects are not forbidden anymore to talk about, I think people (I mean creative people) feel the curiosity to stuff their creations with this new subject simply because it's new

I agree with you there also is a great hypocrisy in some of them, but I am quite convinced that other times, the reason lies in what I just wrote



On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 9:42 AM, fannywatcher said:

The "MeToo" movement....which to me is a load of women,complaining that a man once looked at their boobs at a showbiz event.Or touched her bum,flirtatiously,but didnt actually rape her,or insert any body parts in her various orifices.Shock,horror,men find women attractive,what will we do?

Kept this as last since indeed this is a problem

Women, more than anything modern women, have deep psychological issues against their own sex, they are discomforted (ask 100 women how many have regular period beside those who have illness explaining why, as our lovely BlackInkSoul: 95 of them will tell you they got it thrice per year, as their hormonality is fucked) with life itself, and hate men as you guys simply are not twisted as them


To be sincere, THERE ARE men who really had an attitude like "Since women are different than men they inherently have to be inferior and I will act accordingly" and these men are pigs, but the #MeToo movement is a bunch of hysterical failed-feminists trying to have the world pity them not for happened to them (which 99% of times is NOTHING) but because they feel lost in their lives


I have Always hated men who thought women were (here I mean they ACTUALLY believe, uh, not as a manly erotic play) plaything, but they learnt that this kitty can scratch, I'm not complaining about them on Facebook



On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 9:42 AM, fannywatcher said:

he black man for James Bond...Idris Elba is a great actor,but why SHOULD James Bond be black?Why is it so important?I think the character was WRITTEN as a white man,as he was a naval officer,unfortunately in the 1950s when written,i think NO black man would have been a naval officer,so by default he would be likely to be 99.9% chance of being white.I think many Bond devotees will be turned OFF by this.Its the same thing making Dr Who a woman now.Im no fan of this anyway,but if i was,i wouldnt be anymore..If Dr Who was female,they would have written it before in 1963 when it began.

You know, this is probably the only point I do not agree 100%, as I think that ethnies and sexes are SO unimportant as subject, that sooner or later, for the simple math of chances, it will have ended up for a black guy, or a chinese guy, or a gay guy, or whatever else, to portray a character. I know you adore their overall tune as in many chances you stated how you loves those movies and having them turned upside down puzzles you, but indeed I think it is not linked to this new new concept of "non-straight-whites everywhere so-to-prove-we-are-not-racists", here I really thing is like throwing dices, I am indeed surprised nobody still made a female reboot of Doc Who.

I absolutely get what you mean, as I think you're saying that a franchise is a franchise because it follows some basilar concepts, as Jurassic Park won't be Jurassic Park anymore if the next chapter will involve only CIA agents fighting against dino-smugglers terrorists without a single dinosaur on screen, but at least it's not like the hypocrite tv spots you hate so much, Idris Elba is a complete "by chance" thing, he even starred in The Dark Tower by Stephen King while EIGHT BOOKS composing the series portrayed the protagonist as white, he's simply shooting so many movies ahahahahaha

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Why do people recently feel the need to basically colour their arms in blue scrawl?Im not talking about the discreet meaningful nameor little picture on the forearm,but where somewhere just is covered from wrist to shoulder with huge meaningless patterns?Looks hideous to me.Or even on their legs,and necks.Makes me feel sick sometimes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


By this i dont mean the actual games,football,golf,athletics etc,etc..Rather i mean the "industry" that pervades it.

My one case in point that covers what i mean,the hypocrisy,and self-flagellating hand-wringing.

Lately,the multi-million footballer Ronaldo,has been implicated in a rape allegation.Within hours,his "sponsors",such as NIKE,and a video game creator that uses his image(his "image" alone on a game box will earn him more than most win on lotteries),are releasing statements about how they abhor rape,and how they are "reviewing his contract".Yeah,like the rest of us accept rape as part of life then?Im guessing before they gave him such lucrative contracts,they would have ensured he was squeaky clean,and didnt have any such offences in which he had settled out of court,with a girl and paid one of those disgusting "non disclosure agreements"?

So now she has ripped up that,and is seeking justice against her assailant,all of a sudden,they "abhor" rape?Most likely,they more "abhor" the fact that their star man has been found out,and its going to cost them...

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Movie trailers.

Simple one this.When they show trailers that basically reveal most of the upcoming films outstanding points,so when you watch the film,you feel youve already seen it!Stop this!

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TV shows that revisit scenes constantly.

This seems to mainly be American TV but im sure its general...It seems to feature especially in those "reality" Cop shows,or those airport customs things..

Where a show will spend about 5 minutes telling you what youre ABOUT to see,over the next ten minutes,then,spends 2 minutes telling you what youre ABOUT to see in part 2.

Then as part 2 begins,it tells you what you ALREADY saw in part 1.Then it will go "coming up in part 2"...and then spend about 5 minutes telling you what youre ABOUT to see in part 2 AGAIN....so over the course of the show you only see about 1/3 actual programme,the rest being revisits of what you already saw!!!ArggggHHH!!!!

Edited by fannywatcher
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Im not talking like the Bushmen of the Kalahari,or the Aborigines of Australia,or other primitive tribal groups,who kill one or two animals enough to feed their people for a day or so,and usually they respect their environments,and cause little ecological damage.

I mean any kind of organised hunting,in which money is likely to change hands,and large numbers of animals,like Grouse will be killed for fun.Or in some countries,rich people pay thousands to shoot large animals like Lions,Giraffes etc...of course this is "all for conservation".Yes,these psychos would have you believe,the animals virtually BEG you to kill them,in order to preserve their habitat,or whatever shit they give out.The best one is "the money goes back to wildlife conservation".Or it goes towards buying a nice new Yacht,or fancy cars for the reserves owners maybe?

Its time ALL "sport" shooting was banned across the world.Many species were wiped out by this form of recreation.

Perhaps allow it in this form.Give the hunter a bow and arrow,and a spear,let them try kill a Rhino that way.IF they succeed,they can take the trophy.Yea right....

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  • 4 weeks later...

The modern movie industry.

Recently released is a movie called "Overlord".This ostensibly is about the invasion of Europe on June 6 1944,Operation Overlord.Specifically featuring the airborne drop part of it by the US 101st Airborne div.So far you might think,hmmm sounds ok.Then apparently one unit comes upon a kind of human experimental bunker where all kinds of bizarre experiments go on with zombies etc.Still sounds like a worthy try.

However,in the the trailers ive seen there is one glaring error.There is a black paratrooper.

In the US forces in WW2,they did allow blacks to serve,but not integrated into front line units,usually as drivers,cooks,supply chain etc.They did form exclusive black units which did fight very well,i think there were a few tank units,artillery,and even a fighter squadron,the "Red Tails" which had its own film,and were in fact excellent pilots,and were regarded by Patton himself,but NOT mixed in with white troops,just white officers.

Whether or not it was right of the USA to have this policy of segregating its fighting men by race is another issue,but ITS HOW IT WAS IN REALITY IN WW2...

THIS is indicative of the modern movie industry,where all historical accuracy,common sense or reality goes out of the window,to be replaced by a slavish dedication to "diversity".Without taking into account the WW2 US military,and society in general, didnt feature the word "diversity".So this is really an INSULT to the brave men of the 101st Airborne.This film tacitly is calling the brave paratroops of the 101st "racist".There were NO black paratroops on D-DAY.Despite the film being a fictional story,without a truthful historic base it is nonsense.It is pandering to snowflake obsession with "diversity".I wouldnt be surprised if the General isnt portrayed as an aborigine or Zulu chieftain.(he wasnt by the way)

To have black troops in a war movie,you need to make a Vietnam era story,like "Platoon",when such barriers were removed,and they fought as well as the rest.

Its not "racist" to demand historical accuracy in the media.Video games are recently moving in this direction.A recent game "Battlefield 5" was rubbished for portraying women,and black soldiers once again as frontline combat troops.Nonsense!


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On 9/5/2018 at 12:29 AM, fannywatcher said:

i grew with connery and moore etc,to me hes too serious and pouty.

Sean Connery is the ONLY Bond for me!  Connery said that his favorite film was From Russia With Love due to its good story and characterization.  He went on to say he thought the films got too much into gadgets as time went on. 

Oddly enough, my fave film is Never Say Never Again.  I'm in the USA and everyone in the theater applauded at his first close-up on the screen.  After 12 years, he was Bond again!  I never saw a reaction like that at the movies.

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On 9/4/2018 at 1:09 AM, fannywatcher said:

Modern films..

I use the classic "ZULU" as an example here.

If this was made nowadays,it wouldnt be the epic it was.It would maybe have the star cast as the men of the 2/24th rgt,but the Zulus would now be just about 10 men then an army of 3000 computer generated images,which always look cartoony despite the obvious amazing technology,that can bring dinosaurs to life etc.Instead of actually using 3000 extras to play them,as in the 1963 original.

I think this approach is also why i dislike the Craig Bonds.Apart from not liking him much as Bond,i find him just wrong for the role,they have been using CGI for the special effects.In the Connery/Moore Bonds,if they wanted to blow up a Jumbo Jet,then they would have BOUGHT a real Jumbo Jet and detonated it on film,how spectacular,creating that WOW factor...now you would just know it was a CGI Jumbo Jet....boring..."Oh wow,look how that CGI Jumbo Jet came apart"

In films like Jurassic Park,ok,you have no choice to use CGI,but in other cases,film producers-flash that cash!



I hate CGI.  I won't watch a CGI movie, period.  It sucks!

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On 8/27/2018 at 7:41 AM, spywareonya said:

To be trained to kill is much more complicated than you may think

You cannot be simply "trained" to kill

The capability to do not hesitate and pull the trigger NOT by disassociating with the action but INDEED partecipating with all your soul to what you are doing, this requires moral strenght more than training.

A country happy for diversity and not under the iron boot of tyranny, has much to lose, and will fight like hell even if untrained. The Red Army was not that trained nor well-equipped until dear Tovarish Timofeevich built his trademark assault rifle, yet they kicked the Nazzz's asses proficiently

I see your point BUT I am less concerned  at the thought of that ruining the troop's manliness

Yes, the Russians pushed the Germans back...after losing 26 million people!  Of the estimated 50-80 million people killed worldwide during WWII, 26 million were Russian civilians and military personnel.  They lost more than any nation, by an astronomical margin!  The USA had just a tad to do with defeating Nazi Germany too.  Just a bit, doncha think? 🙂

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On ‎10‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 9:02 PM, fannywatcher said:

Movie trailers.

Simple one this.When they show trailers that basically reveal most of the upcoming films outstanding points,so when you watch the film,you feel youve already seen it!Stop this!

It's actually even worse when the trailers are the only good bits and make the film look like something good, but when you see it it is shite.

I remember one notorious episode when I was a lad when ITV for days showed trailers about some film set in D-Day in World War 2, with shooting, bombs and action, to be shown on Sunday. We all looked forward to the film.

Turned out to be two hours of shite about the personal lives of several people who were going to be involved, but focussing on the prelude to the action, and the action only occurred in the last ten minutes, which was where all the trailer clips came from. 

So we were misled and sat through a load of boring shite.

You cannot judge a film by it's trailers.

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Treatment of girls in online video games.

Ran into this the other night when Maigh was playing Destiny 2 online. She joined a random game that required online chat to be enabled, fair enough, easily done. When she announced herself to the team members, it immediately turned toxic with comments like:

"You're a girl, what are you doing here", "Get your tits out", "Shouldn't you be washing dishes?" And other things in a similar vein.

Maigh doesn't care, never bats as much as an eyelid, just gets on with it. When she beats someone, several times over it gets even worse, it's like it just doesn't fit in with these guys scheme of things. She stirs them up, and when done she will leave with something like "Thanks for the game, pussies" and sits back to listen the madness that unfolds. 

Why are ladies treated this way by online gamers?



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1 hour ago, Scot_Lover said:

Treatment of girls in online video games.

Ran into this the other night when Maigh was playing Destiny 2 online. She joined a random game that required online chat to be enabled, fair enough, easily done. When she announced herself to the team members, it immediately turned toxic with comments like:

"You're a girl, what are you doing here", "Get your tits out", "Shouldn't you be washing dishes?" And other things in a similar vein.

Maigh doesn't care, never bats as much as an eyelid, just gets on with it. When she beats someone, several times over it gets even worse, it's like it just doesn't fit in with these guys scheme of things. She stirs them up, and when done she will leave with something like "Thanks for the game, pussies" and sits back to listen the madness that unfolds. 

Why are ladies treated this way by online gamers?



Frankly cos there are a lot of immature twats out there who in every day life, to avoid exposing themselves as the tits they are, put on a mask of fake maturity and decency, whilst keeping their immature and twattish thoughts to themselves. The internet emboldens them. They feel free to let their inner immature playground bully have free rein, to release the inner twat they usually struggle to hide. 

The more they act this way, the more inferior they feel deep down. Over-compensation-for-small-dick syndrome. Which is why the better her putdowns, the more effective her verbal domination, the better her gaming ability, the more threatened they become by Maigh. Defeating them and calling them pussies must be a lot of fun and guaranteed to drive them off the scale.

It's probably both funny and pathetic all at the same time.

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Perfume adverts. Why are none of them remotely related to selling the fragrance? I know smellivision hasn't been invented yet but it's always some random bollocks. 

A blonde woman walking down the street in a skimpy outfit, she has a tiger on a leash. It's foggy, dark and there's litter blowing everywhere like a horror movie. She stops and looks at the camera.

"Pussy. Eau de toilette" 

Fade to black

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Guest UnabashedUser
3 hours ago, Sophie said:

Perfume adverts. Why are none of them remotely related to selling the fragrance? I know smellivision hasn't been invented yet but it's always some random bollocks. 

A blonde woman walking down the street in a skimpy outfit, she has a tiger on a leash. It's foggy, dark and there's litter blowing everywhere like a horror movie. She stops and looks at the camera.

"Pussy. Eau de toilette" 

Fade to black

Hysterical funny LOL. Yes, if there were some way to bottle that wondrous scent of engorged and freshly aroused pussy it would be a best seller. My wife from time to time will  get a finger full of that wondrous aroma and waft it under my nose not only to temp me for later, but reward me as she knows I love it so.

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