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Everything posted by gladeriga

  1. Found this on archiveofourown, and comparing names you are the same person. You make good stories! Hopefully you continue some of them over there as well.
  2. I love this. How casual everybody are with just pissing in his room, marvelous. Hope too see more in this series.
  3. Welcome back, good seeing you again. And hoping for some more wet stories. 🙂
  4. This is perfect! I love how casual she is about it, there definitely seems to be some experience with this in the family. I would definitely respond to her teasing and ask if she wants a drink or something. Maybe it can lead to some interesting situations, and hopefully some more casual peeing and drinking.
  5. Very good read hentaixt, not a huge fan of peeing on electronics, but that's just my preference. Otherwise very nice and I'd love to hear more from these sisters.
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