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Everything posted by P-Spud

  1. Um... there -is- a place on this site to post pix of the "other related topic" if you have them.
  2. Ha! We should double date them! :wink: Heard about the movie, never did see it. Was it any good?
  3. I've tasted my own a few times. Got some of my wife's on my finger when she was going and tasted it. Like you say, salty, but bitter too. I'd love to try drinking, but I don't think it will ever happen. :frown:
  4. Hi Sally. Yes, I remember them. Sorry to hear they got busted. Beautiful girl, Lucy. Hope they're all right.
  5. Oh yea, Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully! A medical doctor with a secret lust - to sit on Muldar and ...
  6. Carey Mulligan who played Sally Sparrow in "Blink" is my favourite these days. Wish she'd let her hair grow back though. I'd love to have her sit in my lap with a short skirt on, look me in the eye and let go on me! I wonder how the Doctor passes waste. Some details of his anatomy have surfaced but not that. There would have to be -some- kind of waste disposal system aboard the TARDIS.
  7. Wow - I'm surprised! Can you give us any details about what they offered?
  8. Vikka, I understand your anger at being regarded as being merchandise. I feel the same way when deluged by the endless stream of advertising on TV, radio and now the internet. To the marketing industry, we all are merchandise.
  9. Neutral subject for me too. I don't dislike them, but don't get off on them either. I do like to rub them, but the pleasure given is not usually sexual. To someone who has been on her feet all day, a foot rub can be almost as pleasurable as sex. *Footnote* - Maybe I'm wrong about this. Perhaps the ladies could comment yea or nay?
  10. Thanks for that Autumn. It was all just common sense consideration for others but, as we know, common sense is not that common. Hope I've always behaved as a gentleman.
  11. Here's some more. OK, the last one was kinda cheating. :biggrin:
  12. Underwater porn! Please feel free to contribute to this post.
  13. This could be kind of difficult, but I like to see properly coloured pee. I expect people in the films are told to drink lots of water to increase the quantity, but it doesn't look realistic if the pee is colourless.
  14. All but desperation - don't care for the discomfort aspect. G.S. are my favourite. Especially female on male :-)
  15. Hi Vikka. Nice to have you with us. I'm a newbie here too. Good atmosphere here, I think you'll like it.
  16. Off an eighth floor balcony of the high-rise building I used to live in. It was a hot summer night, about 3:30 AM, no one around. From above, the stream flared out gradually on the way down. An interesting sight, I wish I could have taken a picture. This would be a great idea for someone who wanted to produce a photoset for this website!
  17. Like many others here, I can't remember a time when I wasn't interested. Before around ten years old, there was no sexual connection but that fascination was there. I can't recall any incident that might have caused it, I always figured that I was just wired that way.
  18. P-Spud


    I've accumulated a lot of pix. Several years back, in a kind of paranoid mood after an odd occurrance, I wiped my files and destroyed my back-up CDs. Since then, I've learned a bit about encryption :-) I have quite a bit to share. Much of it is old material, but sometimes, reruns are ok.
  19. P-Spud


    Hello. Pleased to meet you all. Looks like a pretty good community here.
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