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About martan1258

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  1. You gave them the bast example. They saw it and thought it would be fun to do so. As long as its usual thing there ๐Ÿคญ
  2. Maybe you never explored where the bathroom was, because you never need it ๐Ÿ˜ I saw only puddles in changing cabins, but its still a lot of fun to use these cabins like toilet cabins. Once you enter a cabin that stinks like piss, you cannot leave without some marking.
  3. Inviting you and your friends means the entire house becomes a stinking urinal full of piss. According to your stories from the partys ๐Ÿ˜‰ And yes, I was at my friends place. The toilet was downstairs far from the bedroom, so a couple of times I used a corner. The carpet was dark, so nothing could be noticed.
  4. Yes, its very contagious ๐Ÿ˜„ Its a broken window theory. Every sign od misbehaviour attracts more people to do so. And the more the place is wet and stinking, the more people will decide to piss there. If you get to an alley that is pissed on 1000 times, noone can object you any damage. And why be the only one who holds their pee or struggles to find a toilet when everyone is obviously pissing there? Thanks to our public pissers for opening new public toilets for everyone to use ๐Ÿ˜„
  5. It will be a surprise for the host when he notices a smell in a corner after a couple of days ๐Ÿ˜„ Its even hotter imho. Everything is ok at the first glance, but there is a lott of pee soaked in carpets, cushion etc
  6. Good job! Hope there will become more decorations like that. The plain wall really needs it ๐Ÿ˜„ And the girls can wash the stairs with their waterfalls
  7. Bigger houses are ideal for discreet pissing. Sometimes it remains hidden and the host finds out after longer time. But at your party it was really obvious that the entire house was only an urinal for everyone without so much hiding. Anyway the host will regret organising a party like this...
  8. Looks like at least some rules were kept, you had a mens and a ladies room dedicated for peeing ๐Ÿ˜„ I would assume that later every place that was out of sight of the party oragniser was used por peeing. Corridors, staircase etc. Why go upstairs if you can use the nearby corner, no one will mind anyway ๐Ÿ˜„ And after a while everyone will start doing so... Why use a toilet? Yes, for girls a separate room is better, but guys can piss literally anywhere. Girls are very creative about these things, usage of the T-shirts etc. I really like their attitude.
  9. I wonder why the others didnt piss on floor too after they saw her. Pissing into the drain or even on floor would make it faster ๐Ÿ˜…
  10. I bet the daughter would do the same if she had to pee ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Very likely this was not the first time when her mother peed in public with her seeing it.
  11. This carpet will smell like piss for ever lol
  12. Next time you can hold a little bit longer and piss somewhere on train. The last train in the night is almost empty i think, so its a good opportunity to wash some seats ๐Ÿ˜„ Or piss all over the toilet. This amount of piss soaked in a seat will do really good smell ๐Ÿ˜„
  13. The sink looks like an urinal anyway. So you just used it the right way ๐Ÿ˜„
  14. I like stations which look like this place. Free and convenient toilet for everyone who needs
  15. Whats your opinion about pissing in public places? Such as alleys, underpasses, public transport stations etc? Theoretically it harms a lot of people, but most of the people dont find it "too unpleasant experience" when they have to go around a puddle of pee. And the property is not damaged or broken, its only "dirty". I dont feel like a victim if I find a pissed on staircase. But someone someone might feel so...
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