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24 Excellent

About Rosie2810

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  • About Me
    I was introduced to this world by my best friend :) I'm not actually in to pee myself, but I LOVE when I can excite him by sending sneaky pee vids of myself ;) so I thought I'd join the site to see if others would appreciate my talents ;p

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    How easily it turns people on, and the excitement I then get for being the source of that :)
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Camping one time with friends and family, including my friend who's a huge pee fan, I ducked out of the tent at night to pee, squatted a little bit away from the tent to wee. Didn't realise others were still awake, had almost finished when my friend walked over towards his tent and heard me peeing :p I said something unintelligible I think, he couldn't see me ducked down but knew what I was doing and the look of amazement and desire on his face was just incredible :D I felt like a goddess, it was so exciting :D

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  1. My friend is a member here too, so I really hope he sees this and gets a kick out of it 😄 he told me about this site 🙂
  2. I haven't pretended not to realise before, but I have definitely let my best friend watch a few times 😉 I'm not actually in to pee myself, but he is and I'm always happy to oblige. I love being admired for a bodily function I would usually have been embarrassed about, so I feel like a goddess when I know he's watching 😉
  3. This is actually my first post here! My last pee was on the bathroom floor, making a video to send to my best friend 😉 he loves it.
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