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Everything posted by fanofwetknicker

  1. Wow, well I wish I'd found these stories sooner, great job Steve. Guess I'm one of those who do enjoy erotica such as this, keep em coming please.
  2. Ok, needed to pee quite badly but wife beat me to bathroom, followed her in as we not shy about peeing in front of each other though I don't think she's into pee as much as I am. Mind you she does say she likes watching me pee, outdoors or in the toilet, in the shower is acceptable too but i don't think she'd appreciate me peeing on the carpet or furniture. Anyway I jumped into the shower while she was sat on the toilet and proceeded to piss up against the glass door, then put the tip of my cock right up against the glass so pee was spraying every which way against the inside of the shower doo
  3. I love to see girls showing off their camel toe, so great if I can see the outline of their pussy lips through their clothing
  4. Heres an idea I had a little while ago. Not too far from where I live there is a tourist attraction in the form of a "haunted" house, a former mental asylum. Some people I know keep returning to this place time after time to have the bejesus scared out of them, though I haven't asked these girls, it occurred to me they might occasionally pissing themselves with fright. I'm sure the proprietors would have seen some sights. Also fir someone into wetting themselves wouldn't this be a great place to do so with perhaps a little more acceptance since one could claim ti have been scared into it.
  5. For me my earliest memory of "dirty" peeing I would have been about 4 and shared a bedroom with my brother who was 3. We were stood on our beds peeing at each other. When I was about 7 or 8 I remember we were playing in sand dunes with another friend, a girl, and we all needed to pee, so we dug holes in the sand, and though my brother and I both lay over our holes on our bellies and need into them unseen our female friend started over her hole with her pants down, I think she was as surprised as we were when she sent a jet arcing up in front of her. From that time I was fascinated by how girls
  6. I'm living in New Zealand but have also lived in Australia, am originally from UK
  7. I remember years ago watching an English program loosly based around football (soccer) where a photo was shown of a footballer sat on the grass, supposedly doing stretches, but he was actually taking a pissing out the side of his shorts.
  8. I was getting quite desperate on my way home from work the other day having had a couple of beers with the boss at the end of the shift, anyway was taking a different route home and looking for good place to piss. I turned in to a cemetery and parked up then went for a walk. I was not amongst the headstones but found an unusually styled bench in a gravel area with trees and bushes around, I knew I would have plenty of warning of anyones approach so slipped the end of my cock out the leg of my shorts while sat on the bench and let fly into the gravel in front of me. In the distance in front of
  9. Also uncut, and usually pull foreskin back to pee as otherwise drip develops or split stream
  10. I have pissed in bottles while driving many times, I enjoy it so much I nearly always keep a spare bottle in the car and will avoid using the toilet so I can pee in my bottle.
  11. Thought I'd share some of my expeeiriences with all of you, while it's hard to pinpoint exactly when I started getting interested in pee, one of my best experiences happened when i met a girl who was as in to it as i was. We met and started seeing each other as any normal couple would, and pee didn't feature at first, as how do you broach such a subject when you have no idea of the other party's possible reaction. So, one night we were messing around on the floor in her parents lounge, everyone else had gone to bed, and while both still clothed, she was straddled across my stomach. I proceeded
  12. Found link on YouTube, I love this site and while l enjoy seeing girls wet their pants or the voyeuristic aspect of seeing girls peeing outdoors l also like to see in unusual places and am planning to share this for any girls interested
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