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Everything posted by nygirl

  1. Unfortunately, I think I am too shy to ever admit this fetish in real life. I would love to relieve myself in a man’s mouth while he sucks me, but I fear it would tarnish their image of me. There have been times I was so horned up that I couldn’t help it and did it without their consent. Like the aforementioned time above. Another time, I was riding a boy’s face and just couldn’t help but squirt some into his mouth while he sucked my clit. He was naive, though, and thought I squirted. I let him believe that to avoid the truth. Another time, I was in the shower with a boy an
  2. I am in college where bathrooms are very inconveniently placed. The women’s is a floor down. I have not once pissed in those toilets, as it’s so inconvenient. I always piss in either the sink, out the window, or while I’m taking a shower. Also, if I am taking out the trash, I piss in the trash before I take it out. If I use the sink, I just sit on the ledge and piss, then run the water. My suitemate has complained about the sink smelling like piss, but I just blamed it on a piping issue. However, when I use the window, I stand on my desk and piss out the window onto the picnic area b
  3. This is sometimes exactly how it feels. I have phases where I am more into piss than other times. I’m in a pretty intense phase right now. Once, when I was being sucked, I couldn’t help but let a few drops go without warning. I am the type that gets REALLY wet when I’m being sucked or licked. So I don’t think he noticed the first time I did it. But of course, I couldn’t help but do it again. He pulled back with surprise this time. I didn’t know how to explain myself, but I was so turned on that I didn’t really care. He reluctantly went back down there, and I humped his mouth until I
  4. I was raised by a single father. He never closed the door to piss. And he was the one who changed my diapers, toilet-trained me, and when I was a bit older, taught me to pee standing up. So not much privacy there. We always pissed in front of each other when we lived together. As I got older, this changed a bit. I started closing doors, but he never did. I still piss in front of him if we are outdoors and the situation arises. Or if we are on a road trip and I piss in a cup.
  5. On a small boat with a guy I was with at the time, I once turned away and pulled my shorts aside and pissed into a cup while sitting across from him. He couldn't see my pussy, but could definitely hear everything. When I was done, I emptied it into the water. I have done the same in the car: pull my shorts aside and piss into a cup and dump it out the window. Another time, I went behind a scaffolding wall and pissed against it, where my friends could hear and see the piss trail coming from under the wall and onto the sidewalk. Strangers were walking through my piss stream as I was pi
  6. I do it all the time. It is especially convenient in nasty places, where I don't want to touch anything. Just earlier, I pissed out the window to avoid interacting with my roommate.
  7. Piss is like a territorial type of kink for me, so I piss each time I enter the pool. I always get the urge to do it the second my pussy hits the water. But sometimes I piss if I’m interacting with a guy, or intentionally piss near a hot guy. I really don’t understand why I have this kink. Growing up, pissing in the pool would always put me in an aroused state. One day after being horny after pissing near a boy at the pool, I got the idea of putting my pussy over the pool jet. I got my first orgasm this way. Now, whenever I’m in a hot tub, I sit directly over the jet on the seats so
  8. My neighborhood is getting gentrified with huge luxury, ugly homes. Homes nobody who grew up here could ever afford. So when they were being constructed, my friends and I would go in and piss at them at night before they were fully finished.
  9. I have this secluded corner in my subway station that I piss in most days after I get off the train at night. Usually nobody is around. But when I’m there in the daytime, the place smells very strongly. I often see people standing exactly where I pissed while they wait for the train.
  10. Some screwed up part of me finds pleasure in “revenge” pissing. For example, my friend and I once really had to piss and walked into a government building to ask to use the bathroom. They said no, so we pissed in their stairwell. I had beef with a boy in high school, so I pissed on his truck. At a hotel, there was once a bunch of rowdy drunk guys being annoying in the pool/hot tub area. So I went into the small hot tub with a few of them and pissed for a solid minute in water and got out.
  11. You can look this technique up somewhere else, but you can pee standing up rather neatly by spreading your labia. The inner pussy lip. That way, nothing blocks the stream from coming out splattering everywhere. It takes a bit of practice. I love pissing on things standing up when I am wearing shorts, as I can just do it through the pant leg.
  12. My whole kink started by watching my male friends pee outside carelessly when we were young. Usually they would tell me not to look, or would turn their backs. But I could hear and see their marks afterward, imagining what it looked like between their legs. I would feel a tingly, pressure-like feeling down there. I used to think it was also because I needed to pee. I would get wet thinking about it, not knowing what it was, I would think I was leaking pee. That was years before puberty. I was about 10 when I decided to be "naughty" and look back while my friend peed, seeing a penis for the fir
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