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Posts posted by WateryMoose

  1. 2 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    As an aside, but related, I was in a gents toilet the other day and I could hear splashing from the urinals.   There was an older guy, maybe 70 stood in front of the urinal, left hand on a walking stick, right hand on his dick, staring straight ahead and pissing.   There was some pee going in the urinal but there was a steady and continuous stream going straight down to the floor, making a decent puddle and splashing his shoes and the bottoms of his trousers.  He seemed totally oblivious to this and I don’t know whether his stream was split or whether he had his walking stick in the way or what, but he wasn’t looking what he was doing and it definitely resulted in a puddle on the floor. 

    Or he was too desperate to care altogether

  2. 2 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    I think based on my wife’s reports that they deliberately don’t sit on the toilet seat to avoid contact and then don’t worry too much about the fact that when they release it doesn’t all hit the target.  Of course that makes the seat and floor worse, so the next person hovers even higher and makes more mess.

    Some people will deliberately set out to make a mess but I think they may be in the minority.  

    Maybe I'm the minority then 👀

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  3. 7 hours ago, Sophie said:

    Going to ask you something I asked in the chat a while back...


    Why do we call the plural of goose "Geese", but the plural of moose is not "Meese"?

    Probably because English isn't a very logical language... but I'm not a native speaker so I won't know

  4. On 5/13/2023 at 6:08 AM, Adidas pisser said:

    I used to love going on camping and hiking holidays with 3 of my str8 mates back in my 20s when I was single...

    2 of them were just as into public pissing as I am...

    They would piss anywhere once we'd all had a few 🍻 and sometimes before too...

    So I'd see them piss, and join in, in lots places... I can remember them pissing along the trails, off cliffs, off bridges, in pub beer gardens, under the table in a pub, in front gardens, in a country house garden, all around the campsites, onto disposable barbecues, onto other tents... Great times 💛

    Ah sadly I managed to do that only once... but it was a great time, I hope to do it more in the future and same goes to you 😄

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  5. 15 hours ago, beachmom said:

    teenage boys seem to feel that moms are apt to be offended seeing them pee. It's nothing we haven't seen before guys, no big deal.


    I can't imagine why teenage boys fear being caught by their parents when what they're doing is quite normal, especially for guys.

    My mom didn't believe it to be normal the way you conceive it apparently, not that she would have harshly punished me if she caught me I guess, but I didn't want to risk it 😅

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  6. To answer the question, just as many people here, as soon as I was able and taught to pee standing up I'd say. I grew up in a very rural area so it was fairly easy and common for boys to pee in the woods, fields, their backyards etc. Not that it happened all the time either (and I had to be careful not to get caught by my parents doing it), but I'd say this is how it started, I guess I eventually came to enjoy the naughtiness of it

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  7. 5 hours ago, beachmom said:

    So your mom has a times told you it's okay to pee outside on a few occasions, but you're terrified to do so around her because you think she could object? Really all you would have to do is say you urgently needed to go and be in a place where no restroom was near, it would be doing exactly as she's told you to do in the past. Also there are the convenience alibis. such as being working in the yard and not wanting to track dirt in or when shes in a hurry and not wanting to take the time to look for a restroom. You can easily explain that you were doing so for her benefit and being she's told you it's okay before......

    True enough, this is something I've done a few times haha, but well yea I didn't feel that comfortable, maybe I should have been more daring. Past is past now, and well if I have sons in the future I suppose I'll draw inspiration from you haha

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