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Posts posted by WateryMoose

  1. There are a few old and kinda decrepit urinals in my city, when the need arises I sometimes use them. They aren't closed on all sides so if you walk past them you can easily see the men using them, and sometimes their tool XD

    For some reason even if the street around has many people walking there, I don't shy nor feel blocked, I just whip it out, pee, zip back up and walks out of the cubicle. I didn't spot any lady using them so far but maybe it will happen

    • Hot 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Sarah_Hiker31 said:

    Hey, just curious and wanted to see if most people are alike. How much water do you usually drink per day and how many times do you pee per day?

    I would define myself as quite hydrated so I drink about 2L of water, plus several coffee and tea mugs, I pee between 5 and 7 times a day

  3. 43 minutes ago, Tom75 said:

    Hi! My name is Tom, I’m 29 years old, from Paris, France. I'm glad to have found this incredible community! I'm bi, looking for masculine buddies to share this kink and pee everywhere!

    Hello from a fellow citizen 😄

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  4. Yes, although it happened a long time ago, I still vividly remember an accident that happened to me in middle school. To give you the full context, it was during a school trip we made by bus, there weren't toilets on board, so I had to hold it. At some point I found myself desperate and had to think quickly. So eventually, I decided to let small spurts of pee out into my pants, believing it would ease the pressure. Finally, we made a pause and when I stood up... the stain hadn't dried up so it was very visible 😓

  5. Just now, Mary Moon said:

    I always try to go every two hours, staying longer is very difficult for me. Holding it any longer makes me suffer quite a bit and makes me risk an accident. Unfortunately my bladder is very small due to a congenital defect

    Yes that's what I learned... so I assume you don't pee a lot each time either, at least if you wore dark clothes maybe it could go unnoticed if you're lucky enough 😅

  6. Just now, Mary Moon said:

    No, i just got inspiration to create the character

    Alright haha, I was just wondering. If you want I'd be happy to continue chatting with you without clogging this thread! Don't hesitate to drop me a direct message

  7. 3 minutes ago, Mary Moon said:

    When i was in middle school there was a classmate of mine who i considered a friend, but then she turned out to be a terrible person. As inspiration for character of Sofia

    I see I see, is the story based on real events or not?

  8. 22 minutes ago, tulipslane said:

    I'll be frank. I want something to rub one out to. I find pissing cocks to be so erotic, and I especially love public pees. I want to hear when you flopped it out in public because you just couldn't hold it. The time you shared a bathroom with a woman at a party. Anything worth sharing.

    Hm, let me try to remember a particularly nice one... Oh I know!

    It was after a pub meeting at college, fellow students of my group brought some of their friends and we stayed there a fair moment. As it was dark outside, I proposed one of the girls to walk with her until a tram station, after all we were heading in the same direction anyway. While we were walking, both of us really had to pee and there wasn't any public bathroom in sight, none open at least. So we sneaked into an alleyway. I provided cover for her while she pulled her pants down and peed and asked her if it didn't bother her if I went there too. I was really bursting so just after she accepted I quickly pulled it out and started peeing against the wall of the alleyway... And I swear she peeked over me XD

  9. 2 minutes ago, Mary Moon said:

    That's right, it's pretty embarrassing if you notice the elastic sticking out of your pants, or the bulge. I also like to wear tight pants or skirts and the diaper is too obvious. I prefer to bring a change of clothes with me. There's a boy in college i like, and it would be terrible if he saw i was wearing a diaper

    Yes I can imagine how you feel, I hope it works out for you then 🤗

  10. 1 minute ago, Mary Moon said:

    Yes, i also needed my mom to bring me a spare, then i started carrying spare leggings and panties in my backpack in case of an accident. Today, however, when i attend university, when I know i won't have easy access to the bathroom i wear pullups. I feel quite embarrassed about wearing diapers, i know they are useful, but they give me a bit of psychological discomfort. Sometimes i'd rather have an accident than wear a diaper

    Yes I see what you mean, are you worried about others noticing your diaper through your clothes or is the discomfort coming from something else?

  11. 3 hours ago, Mary Moon said:

    You should know that during my adolescence in middle school, several accidents happened to me due to my incontinence problems. Some quite embarrassing and humiliating. Now i have fewer of them because i know how to manage myself better and sometimes i use diapers. I'll tell you some of them:

    Once at midle school, i peed on myself in the gym during gym class because the teacher wouldn't give permission to go to the bathroom during class. Some of my classmates laughed at me and it was very humiliating. But most of it helped me. Towards the end of the lesson, i was playing volleyball, i had a great desire to pee and i couldn't wait for the time to run to the bathroom to be over, unfortunately one of my classmates, while trying to catch the ball, bumped inside me causing me to fall, and i completely lost control of my bladder, soaking my leggings. I burst into tears from the humiliation with my classmates who were there watching me, i remember that some males were laughing, while some of my classmates and the professor accompanied me to the locker rooms. The professor was very sorry, and he told me that I should have told him that he had an emergency.

    Another time, it happened that i was doing a literature test, and during the test I wasn't allowed to go out to go to the bathroom, i had been holding the pee for more than 2 hours which for me is a long time. I finally finished the test and left the classroom to rush to the bathroom. But when there were a few meters to go my dam gave way, at that point i had to tell the janitor to call my teacher and i was really mortified when she saw me with my trousers completely wet, she consoled me and called my mother to have me take her a change of clothes, she was very kind because she kept the accident a secret from my classmates, saying that I had simply felt dizzy.

    Once, we were on the bus for a school trip, and during the trip i had the urge to pee, but we were still far from the next stop, and the bus couldn't stop on the motorway. I was forced to ask one of my teachers for help because i was about to pee on myself and in the end she gave me a plastic container like that for holding lunch and took me to the back of the bus to allow me to free my bladder. I remember that i was very ashamed because there were other kids looking in my direction even though they couldn't see anything because i was covered by the seats and the teacher, it was very humiliating, even if necessary because otherwise i would definitely have had an accident.

    These were the most humiliating incidents in school, they didn't help my self-esteem or social life much. They probably contributed to the fact that even now i am very introverted and insecure

    I remember a girl in my school (I was 13-14 at the time to give you context) that apparently had similar problems, once she had wet herself in the middle of a course so she got rushed outside of the room. A few people were laughing but most people were almost as mortified as she was, me included. She returned wearing new pants so I assume her parents delivered a change or something, but nobody mentioned it afterwards

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