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Posts posted by WateryMoose

  1. 14 hours ago, beachmom said:

    Much more so, while my husband will do so in very private places, such as our yard or in the woods, he's very hesitant to do so in any semi-public place. As far as I'm concerned, I think that guys should take advantage of the fact that it's physically easier and socially tolerated for them. My husband will often discourage or shame the boys for doing so, while I'm egging them on. He's often criticized me for encouraging the boys in public. I know of several other families where the husbands are critical of mom's guidance.

    I see that's not something I would have expected actually, I thought fathers would be more prone to accept their boys spraying where they want (provided some limits aren't crossed of course). Damn why didn't I have a mom like you... XD sorry just joking

  2. On 4/22/2023 at 5:15 AM, beachmom said:

    Yes, because I think that men may sometimes be hesitant to encourage boys because they themselves aren't sure as to what their wives or other women might think about them encouraging the boys. On the other hand, if a mom feels that it's fine for a boy to pee someplace, she certainly wouldn't expect her husband or any other man to question her for encouraging them.

    That's an interesting take, were you more supportive than your husband when it came to encouraging your boys to pee where they wanted?

  3. On 4/19/2023 at 4:47 AM, beachmom said:

    I take it from your age and comment about living by yourself that you. like my boys, are still living at home with parents. Like the vast majority of guys your age, you might be very surprised by just how open minded most moms are about their boys peeing in seemingly inappropriate places, It's a common topic around parenting, mothering chat rooms and forums. A recent poll just this last week revealed that 92% of moms are fine with boys peeing in the showers, 84% don't object to boys peeing in the yard and some 68% presume their boys pee in public occasionally. Most guys seem to be more worried about being caught by their moms than a stranger, yet most moms could care less.

    Would you even say that moms are more likely to be more supportive than dads tho?

  4. 1 minute ago, epdreamgirl said:

    i let some out while shopping around and im debating on going back to my place to finish peeing!!! ive been curious if i peed in a handstand while diapered if itd absorb or drip down me, might have to find out

    If I could give an advice, just get home, put on some nice tv show or something, lie down comfortably, and let your pee flow out without holding it πŸ˜›

  5. Time for me to contribute on here:

    This happened yesterday, let me detail you as precisely as possible how the events unfolded. We went to a mall with my mother during the afternoon, I had lots of soda and water at lunch (we have large cups at home). Feeling like I could still store some content in the tank and wanting to do a hold, I drank another large cup just before departing.

    The trip lasted like 10 minutes and I started to feel the pressure increasing, but I didn't squirm into my seat just yet. When we arrived and entered the store, I was starting to feel desperate already, but I could still hold it in as I wanted to reach my breaking point and piss out a lot upon releasing it.

    Right when we were in the middle of the store, I told my mother to wait me where she was as I went to the bathroom. Upon walking there, except for two gents using urinals, I was alone in there, so I went for a stall that was already kinda decayed. There I realized nobody could see me there... Yes, you all know how it's ending.
    I whipped my penis out and aimed high above the toilet seat and hosed the whole stall down with almost transparent pee. The walls and floor got thoroughly soaked for a solid minute as I emptied my previously achingly full bladder.

    I then wiped my tip and zipped my pants back up before leaving, not flushing as I didn't use the toilet πŸ˜›

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  6. 1 hour ago, epdreamgirl said:

    honestly traditional porn isnt my thing, especially as a woman i feel like the porn industry is geared more towards men. sorry dudes- 95% of us dont want to be bent like a pretzel and fucked like a jackhammer with 3 dicks at the same time!! its so rare to find β€œsoftcore” porn that also is sexy. so yes the only time i watch porn its pee porn, but usually if im getting myself off without pee porn its mental images/personal memories because like i said, porn isnt generally made for the ladies!!

    I can't say anything but get behind what you just stated, porn isn't much of my thing either, and it's even more decreasing by now. Nowadays if I'm getting off with something it's either stories of fellow peefans here... or well, content they provide πŸ˜›

  7. On 3/10/2023 at 11:24 AM, Lena R said:

    Huge thanks to all of you for your kind words. It really means a lot to me right now

    As a still fairly new member I can definitely say that most people here (at least for the regularly active one) are extremely well-intentioned and benevolent. I believe this goes also for me and just as as the others said I hope you'll never encounter such asses like this upon peeing. If I had been the guy needless to say I would've apologized and stated that I was desperate as well before keeping a distance as large as possible before peeing as well to ensure privacy for both of us.

    My guess is that this guy was either drunk, high or both at the same time (explaining why he lost balance), but in any case he clearly behaved like an ass

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