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Posts posted by WateryMoose

  1. 1 minute ago, niceguy1 said:

    Are all of those guys visitors to the building?  If they live there you would think they could use the toilet in the apartment as they're leaving or as they get home.  Even if they are friends of residents you would think they would have access to the bathroom.  Could it be that they just prefer to pee in "naughty" or open places, even if there's obviously a camera there (some of them acknowledge or wave to the camera)?  Does it seem more "manly" to them, or is it just a convenience?  Any thoughts from the Europeans here who might understand the mindset of these guys?

    While outdoors urination seems to be less frowned upon here compared to the US, I personally don't think it's really a "manly" thing to do it inside an apartment block that's actually inhabited. However, the video seems to have been filmed in Russia, in some parts especially in the Far East you often have plumbing problems due to poor maintenance, so there's maybe a link with that.

  2. 9 minutes ago, marking my territory said:

    Hehe, sounds like Oliver is our friendly neighborhood weed killer 🤣, those with less...potent streams can wander about the flower and veggie gardens to water.

    Then I suppose each stream should be measured and examined so we can determine who is "fit" to water the flowers and veggies

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  3. 41 minutes ago, marking my territory said:

      Lately I've been enjoying thinking about the beauty of flora and the human relationship to it, regarding pee. Agricultural is almost as natural to humans as urinating, what we take from the earth we always give back. Each time we squat down and water the earth we are guaranteed to be rewarded for our efforts. Not that I'm ungrateful for modern plumbing but I do grieve that I can't bless my local plant life whenever I feel the urge without being considered a public nuisance.

       I think encouraging men to water their neighborhood veggie gardens and women to water the flowers would be incredibly beneficial, bring bee population back up, help combat public urination in detrimental places, encourage more friendly interaction, less shame around urine.

      Although...this could encourage a bit more feral behaviour in people, particularly men, not that I'd consider that a bad thing, mind you. Urine marking in humans is a bit of a lost art, though we still mark but in a subtle manner. Not that I'd ever complain about men marking around my home, it'd be so primal, watching different males marking in my garden/plant life. Each trying to outdo the other, leaving their scent....but I digress. 


    Just remember that while urine contains nitrogen that helps plants grow, too much actually kills them, so it's a matter of measure haha. Though well, if you have weeds that need to be plucked then I'd happily volunteer to help contributing in that effort, I agree with everything that you said here.

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  4. 5 hours ago, pottypants said:

    I"ve only peed once during an urbex and, as was afraid to be seen, i went in what was looking like a garage.

    But most of the time, we stay for a too short period of time to have the need to go to the bathroom.

    Soon, i plan to do more with other friends, so maybe.... i'll have naughty pee somewhere.

    I won't forget to tell you if that happen

    Looking forward to hear from this 😛

  5. 2 hours ago, Havelock said:

    If its my own pool or a small private pool we always get out and pee beside it. Peeing in pools ends up causing the pool maintenance people to have to add more chemicals to counteract the pee. These chemicals are not good for your skin. Thus, the cleaner you can keep the water the better. I was taught to get out of the pool for this reason since I was young.  

    Growing up I would mostly swim in the summers and that meant I was usually in Europe. In this context there was no shame or hesitation in peeing in the grass or bushes beside the pool. My cousins and I always peed freely near the family pools in France and Spain and never felt the need to hide it. 

    When I was very young I remember being reminded to pee before getting in the pool and reminded to get out and take pee breaks. I have the distinct memory of being changed near a deck chair on the gravel beside the pool. A nanny grabbed my arm to keep me from jumping straight into the pool, squeezed it to get my attention and asked if I had to pee. This inspired me to pee right there. While she was still holding my arm I remember looking down and seeing the pee emerge from my penis, arc down into the gravel and splash back a bit. This inspired one of my female cousins to come over, look at me, squat down and also pee on the same gravel. I remember watching both our stream wet the arid gravel. I was then told I was a good boy and allowed to get in the pool.

    Sometimes we would just get out of the pool, take a few steps and pee on the deck, gravel or grass. Other times I would pee on a stone wall and leave a mark. I remember when one of us would get out to pee the others would often follow to join in. I’ve mentioned before that my cousins would often have pee races on sloped surfaces. We did not have a slope by any of these pools they would often pee beside each other on hard surfaces comparing streams/puddles.

    As we became teens we would be a bit more modest going to the bushes or walls but no one tried to hide the fact we were getting out of the pool to pee. I can even remember pool parties much later and no one, even external guests tried terribly hard to hide it.

    I can also remember spending time at public pools in Germany when I was young. It seemed regular practice to pee wherever in the grass beside the pool. 

    It was not until much later that I really considered peeing in the pool. I think the first time was at a massive Las Vegas pool party where everyone was drinking. In the US peeing outside a pool is much more verboten and the girls I was with were talking freely about peeing in the pool. 

    The first time I was ever told to pee in a pool was years later when taking a scuba certification class. I suppose this instructor felt everyone peeing in this large public pool anyway. https://peefans.com/topic/22559-scuba-lessons/?tab=comments#comment-308053

    These days, I’ve passed on the practice to strongly encouraging our family not to pee in the pool so we can keep chemicals at a minimum. 

    Well certainly, if it's my own property or somewhere private I'd much rather pee besides the pool like in bushes or something.
    In large public pools however, at least the ones I've been to, half of the bathrooms were broken and they are often located in the complete opposite direction so yeah, much less easy to relieve it properly.

  6. 55 minutes ago, marking my territory said:

    Well if they're ever looking for something long term, point then my way! I love the masculinity you've instilled in them, peeing whenever and in front of whoever when the need arises. I'd want to instill those values in my future kids, its so important to pick a good man for the father of my children☺️ 

    Geez we desperately need more girls like you haha, if I have sons in the future I'd prefer to raise them this way too

  7. Just now, Johnboy777 said:

    Growing  up in a middle-sized family, where there are more girls than boys, and only one bathroom, we boys would almost always find the bathroom occupied when we had to pee.  We had a fairly large size backyard,  with bushes and a nice big hedge.  Our father always told the boys to go behind the big hedge or the bushes as he did when number 1 had to be done. Mother tried to discourage us, but Dad always said it's easier for the men to pee outside, than the girls. I guess that's where I  learned that as a man it was okay to choose to piss outdoors.  And I still do it to this day.

    Yeah that's something I didn't have the chance to have haha, but that's great for you. Now in some countries they're even trying to discourage the men from peeing standing up in stalls, that's just stupid if you ask me

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  8. 1 minute ago, oliver2 said:

    I'd've expected the trespassing aspect of urbex to be considered more troublesome than associated peeing, tbh

    Well yeah but it's also linked to degradation so idk

  9. 19 hours ago, marking my territory said:


       Nice to meet everyone, I'm very intensely into pee as a tool for humiliation and offense. Hopefully I'll find my specific type of dom here, or even just pee enthusiast, although I do prefer older men. 

        I'm single, love to chat and hope to meet some people who are as creative as I am!


    Well welcome from a fellow newbie, hope you'll enjoy your stay

  10. 13 hours ago, beachmom said:

    It really doesn't matter, if you take a black light, flashlight and look around hotel rooms a bit, you'll be amazed by the amount of urine and cum stains you'll find on the beds, floors and walls. It's far more common than most would imagine.

    Even in grand luxury hotels you're likely to stumble across that, a friend told me about an experience he made with a black light torch in a very pricey one... results were interesting. XD

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  11. Being a mod in several servers that are like 500+ members, I'd say moderating large servers aren't necessarily difficult as long as a few basic rules are *actually* enforced.
    Though as it has been said, I don't think this is relevant to setup a discord server here considering we're already able to communicate and exchange already

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