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Everything posted by Johnboy777

  1. I like to water the ivy, weeds and lawns, but especially love to piss on walls and concrete steps.
  2. This is my first post showing the marking of my piss on steps of a vacant building. I'll try to post more and better pics maybe showing my piss stream.
  3. I am an uncut American, proud and happy to announce that. My doctor at birth said no to mutilating my dick, just said keep it clean. I have no problem pissing, indoors or out (mostly outdoors "dirty" pisses.) And I enjoy seeing other uncut men's cocks, in person or pics. Show 'em to me!
  4. I ❤ your beautiful uncut dick, man!
  5. I was googling pee pics and videos and this site came in the results...great find!
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