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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Sorry that I took another day to post my story. You might say I was a little preoccupied last night. 🤣 I've moved it to the Real Experiences section. Probably none of you will believe it played out like this, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
  2. You do know they're outstanding in their field? 🤣
  3. Another male point of view here. I lived a few winters in the north. As an active person, I often found myself outside. Maybe not all that long, but the cold had a way of shrinking my bladder. I learned the art of writing my name in the snow.
  4. I won't say I was ever a follower of tradition, but I always felt much more comfortable pulling over to the side. The thought of riding in wet shorts did nothing for me.
  5. I guess that's why I'm no longer competing. I'm finding it much more enjoyable now introducing woman to long distance cycling.
  6. Usually not true, at least at the major events where's there's a "sanitary break." Of course, not every rider wants to pee with a bunch of guys.
  7. That explains so much why I love those trips on the backroads, stopping whenever the need exceeds the will to hold. You enjoying this moment together must make your friendship that much more special.
  8. Welcome to our group, Ruth. I know it may be all new to you, but I want to reassure you there's nothing you can do that's better than just being yourself.
  9. Don't you try to do that as much as you can, too? You do know I enjoy hiking for more than just the exercise?
  10. Almost a certainty, unless they can hold for the entire race. Those pit stops aren't going to give them enough time to get out of the car, never mind drop trou. As a previous poster mentioned, there are such things as relief bags. And, did you know the first astronauts were actually told to wet themselves? For sure. I think we've all head about famous performers who have their own toilet just off-stage. Again, yes. I've heard a few interesting stories from women climbers who've told me all the steps involved. One more occupation I would add are foresters. I
  11. Reading your post again, I have to give you kudos for having the courage to pull this off, especially in front of so many people. Despite being assigned male anatomy at birth and having had decades of urinal experience, I still sometimes feel hesitation in crowded places, like those troughs you'll sometime find. But, all in all, I much prefer using the individual, wall-mounted kind to the alternatives, save for peeing outdoors. In fact, so much that I made one for home and it seems to get plenty of use. Maybe you should get one, too, so you have plenty of practice before your next
  12. Great to hear you had a most positive first encounter. I know for some born without a penis, their experience was awkward and they said they'd never do it again. (I actually feel a little sorry for them.) But, I've heard from several others how pleasurable it was, and what kept them from using one earlier. I'm so pleased your dream came true and looking forward to hear more stories about when you try again.
  13. Got back just a short time ago from my hike. Guess my intuition was pretty much right, as I certainly wasn't disappointed. I might need a few hours to sort things out, but I'll try to post a story about our outing later tonight.
  14. Thought you might like an update. I'm about to head of to meet up with my trail partner. I'll admit I'm a little excited. She sent me another message last that she's up for at least three, maybe four or five hours. Yes, I've brought along a couple extra water bottles.
  15. A few weeks back I had a great conversation with a woman friend who for several years after college had worked as a forester. Being the curious sort, I inquired about what tasks she did, where she had worked, and what skills she had learned that were useful in her new career. At some point, I asked what was the favorite part of her job. Without a moment's hesitation she replied, "getting paid to pee outdoors."
  16. Maybe you should just lay there and have your toilet come to you. 😆
  17. I wonder about things like that, too. I'm not sure I can do any better.
  18. I imagine you're better at holding now than when you were at 16.
  19. Good to hear you weren't embarrassed. I'm wondering if that experience has shaped your way of looking at life. Do you ever replay the moment and maybe think about how things might have turned out differently?
  20. It definitely sounds promising to me . Good you read it the same way. I'll make sure to bring plenty of hydration, but certainly don't plan to drop a "bomb" or anything. I'm pretty sure she likes me, or at least she likes that I can keep up with her for a few hours on the trail. I've already planned out a few routes that should take us three to five hours to cover if we walk at a reasonable pace. Of course, I haven't factored in any stops. I'm looking at this as just developing a friendship, enjoying the company of someone who enjoys a comparable level of activity. Of course, t
  21. Over the weekend I went hiking with a local nature club. It was very good in the sense of getting exercise and seeing wildlife. But, if it weren't for a message I received earlier today, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have even have mentioned it here. You see, this group is pretty much all retired folks. It seems to be more women than men, and the ages range from the late-40s to a few well into their 80s. I was one of the younger ones and almost certainly the fittest, although most everybody kept with the pace. Those that didn't caught up whenever we stopped while our leader talked about what
  22. I find myself in those situations far too frequently. In public, I'm often looking for some place less open. Many times while driving I'll make a sudden turn onto a side road.
  23. I'm sure I don't practice holding often enough. I too love the pressure of a really full bladder, though maybe not to the point of losing control. 😱 I suppose if someone were to encourage my efforts I might get a little better.
  24. One woman has already demonstrated that. I'm hoping she's won't be the only one.
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