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Everything posted by James_erased

  1. Funnily enough, this very topic came into play today at the office! There were plumbing repair works taking place in the ladies toilets, and the solution given was simply for women to also use the gents facilities. I’d be fibbing if I said I didn’t get a rush of excitement upon reading the sign explaining this! Sadly there are no urinals in the gents (just cubicles), so there was no potential for me to be somewhat openly pissing in one whilst a woman walked in, however whilst in one of the cubicles I heard a couple of instances of heels walking over the tiled floor, proceeded by love
  2. Yes! You absolutely should. I similarly will be indulging in lots of deliberately pissing the bed and making the mattress take the full brunt of it in the run up to when I next get a new one.. a good week or two beforehand 😉
  3. Whenever having a bath, I always make sure to drink plenty beforehand to ensure I’m able to enjoy a nice long, naughty piss in there under the water - it’s my main priority upon getting in. I do typically have a shower after a bath, but that’s more so to rinse off any soaps etc as opposed to having concern with regards to me having pissed in the bath!
  4. I’ve had a nice weekend of running - yesterday being an XC match with plenty of men (of course including myself!) opting to partake in a nice outdoor wee up against the trees before the race start. Today was a steady 15km effort (although no outdoor weeing, sadly) as part of my training block for the Manchester marathon in April 🙂
  5. There’s a new house being constructed nearby, so I snuck in to check it out.. I of course opted to indulge in a spot of piss marking whilst I was at it - rude not to, right? 😈
  6. I’m pleased to hear you both processing and enjoying the mental image! Unleash is absolutely the correct term - I always ensure having a nice long, relieving piss lined up for such occasions. And oh, absolutely! I’d never deny myself the pleasure of pissing in a pool - it just feels too damn good. Unfortunately I don’t get to go in them as often as I’d like, but I’ve a holiday booked for June where I’m already eagerly anticipating getting to naughtily piss in the hotel pool all week long.. 😉
  7. Tell me.. is it wrong that I opted to deliberately close the toilet lid and then piss all over it, in this public cubicle? 😈
  8. This particular piss hadn’t in fact come from my cock, but instead evidence of a man who’d pissed where ever he wanted by very deliberately having missed the toilet in this cubicle at the pub I just went into.. seemed fitting to still share!
  9. There’s just something that feels extra brazen about still walking whilst pissing - so of course, I absolutely love it! Really helps nicely spread the piss marking, you know? 😈
  10. If there’s a shower that exists of which I won’t piss in, I’m yet to find it. My own shower naturally experiences me pissing in it on a regular basis, however it’s always all the better if it’s some kind of public shower, such as hotel bathroom, gym changing room, or better still.. poolside shower. This does of course come at the expense of pissing in the pool itself, but it’s sometimes fun to enjoy the thrill of pissing through your swimwear in full view of other pool goers. I used to run to and from work, so whilst getting changed before leaving at the end of the day, I’d go in the
  11. I am of course fond of pissing in hot tubs (along with pools or any other underwater type facility) - it’s essentially a missed opportunity not to, isn’t it? An act of which stimulates both the body and mind 😉 I prefer to do it when the jets aren’t running as they can otherwise be a bit overpowering to the enjoyable sensation of urinating into the water. One of my favourite hot tub pissing anecdotes was taking my girlfriend (at the time) to a spa hotel on valentines, of which had a big outdoor hot tub, populated strictly women only (besides myself) and getting to enjoy a nice relievi
  12. Why bother waiting to get home to use the toilet when you can just whip your cock out and piss on the pavement whilst still walking? 😈 Ps. The one upside I enjoy of outdoor public winter pissing is also seeing all the nice steam coming off it! https://www.redgifs.com/watch/skinnydearestvipersquid
  13. Not at all in the mood to relieve myself into a conventional toilet this evening at all.. pissing in the sink this time, it is 😏
  14. I sadly wasn’t able to capture a picture or video of the following at the time, but I had an enjoyable pissing experience out in Valencia this weekend. We were out at a supermarket and I really needed to piss (had been hydrating ahead of running the marathon the next morning) - the toilets there were a self contained room for the male and female. Rather conveniently and to my delight, the men’s room had an out of service sign stuck to the door, so I had no hesitation in using the women’s room instead. It’s always a turn on merely just being in the opposite gender toilets -
  15. Cheers! It’s certainly quite the challenge, but a huge sense of achievement for having completed it. We said after completing our first half marathon (last September) that we’d never do a full marathon, saying it’d be ‘too far’ etc - but within a couple of months of that, we were booked up for Valencia! 😅 are you still doing the half’s these days?
  16. So I had a pretty big one at the weekend, running the Valencia marathon. It was my first marathon and I suffered a calf injury in early October, so it’s somewhat safe to say my training prep was far from optimal 😅 as such, I just went out with a goal of finishing it - which I did in 4hrs 33! Very pleased with myself. I appreciate this is the ‘sports club’ section of the forum, however I feel it would be slightly amiss to not also mention the combination of 33,000 (well hydrated) runners and a notable lack of portaloos led to instances of public pissing, both before the start and alon
  17. These were literally so so hot 🥵 especially that fresh roll of carpet ready to be laid that got it! 😈 I was gutted when you moved out of that complex, haha
  18. I was almost home and needed to piss.. was I going to get inside and utilise the toilet? Hell no - unleashing a nice torrent of piss where I ‘shouldn’t’ was far more preferable.. 😉
  19. On the train home from london this evening and really needed to piss.. whilst I occupied the toilet cubicle itself, I opted to fully relieve myself into the sink within 🤫
  20. This instance of me pissing wherever I want happened to be.. on myself 😈💦
  21. I may have ‘accidentally-on-purpose’ pissed anywhere but in the toilet in the public toilets today.. I’ve done similarly in these ones before, so it felt extra pleasing to go back and add to it 🌚
  22. Stairwells are always definitely appealing! Especially with the piss cascading down the steps? I’ve already a video in this thread from when I did so in an apartment block stairwell, but I definitely want to make good use of garage and hotel ones, too! Ideally a carpeted hotel one, right? 😏
  23. Does anyone have any suggestions of where they’d like to see me piss, to add in here? I’d get extra turned on from fulfilling specific requests! 😉
  24. A flat I used to live in had a very conveniently waist level window in my bedroom - so yes, you can be sure I’d often whip my cock out and piss out of it.. and take great pleasure in doing so 🤫
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