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Everything posted by nenTyp

  1. I can only agree with @Remi and you @Klaudia99 , I would probaly close the toilet lid and put the box on top, using toiletpaper to touch anything. It would be fun to see whether it holds/absorbs all my piss or starts leaking😇.
  2. I would just aks why they would want that. If it is a for bet, I might do it, but hey would have to convince me. The best case would be a woman, who I find attractive, but even then I would assume it to be for something like a drug test. If she would admit that it is for her fetish I would tell her I share it, that want to get to know her and I would fullfill the request, but I doubt that such a situation would ever exist.
  3. I was having a picknick at a river with a friend who shares the fetish. I asked her if she would mind if I did not make an effort to hide. She was taken and I did not want to make her uncofortable. So I ended up just standing next to the blanket with my back to her and peeing into the small bush next to us, even managing to gwt some pee into the river. It was really nice to know that she did aprove of this.
  4. Yes a couple of times, sometimes even to the point of leaking. Usually it happens when I am looking for a parking spot in the city late at night. I will try to hold it as much as possible, but having no free hands and using the clutch etc. makes it quite hard. So inavitably I have to stop, carefully step out the car and just piss directly onto the street or sidewalk. Obviously i could just find a hidden spot earlier but i like the challenge and the excuse to leave a large puddle in full view of any night owls who might still be up. Even if I find a spot in time i will usually
  5. Don't worry if you don't make huge puddles in naughty places, the fact that you pee there because of the naughty thrill is the most important thing.
  6. I have done that for 10 days on a vacation. If you wanna see, i posted almost every puddle on here.
  7. It depends on what you are comfortable with, i really like to see indoor public pees, like elevators, shops, public toilets, changing rooms, furniture stores, under tables of restaurants etc. Less risky would be phone booths, down some stairwell or just stairs, building entrances or parking garages. In either case, I always enjoy a view of the puddle 😇 and loce to see that someone is turned on by and proud of the naughty thing they did. Do doing such a video at home would still be hot😉.
  8. I would have some time to hold in like 6 hours.
  9. Hi, great to hear that you want to share it with us. It depends on what you are into, I would love to see you release your pee in naughty ways. If you wanna do it at home maybe pee on your bed or couch or you could wet yourself with your legs up a wall so that the pee runs up your body/clothes. It could also be fun to see how far you can pee or make many puddles or over your place, in every spot you feel okay with. Outside I would prefer messing something up like a public bathroom, a changing room, a store aisle, a stairwell, beneath a restaurants table or on some public trans
  10. I am taking a train home and when I went to the toilet it was already absolutely disgusting. Pretty much the worst have ever seen in real life. I had no problems adding to the already basically completly wet floor. Someone had thrown a rather dry toilet roll into the mess, it was soaked at the bottom, so noone was gonna use it anyways. I decided to try to hit it as much as possible, took two pics so you can play spot the difference lol.
  11. For me it is definetly candy cane, I just love how she does it, she is so exited to pee always jumping and smiling, loving to make a mess. Often she shows of the puddle and is so proud, never any regret. It is just this such a happy and naughty contagious smile. I bet she would be endless fun to be and pee arround.
  12. Sadly it is raining here now, so no nice outside puddles are possible. However that leaves the parks rather empty. So I got to a pretty steep, seemimgly rarely used walkway. I had drank about 2 Liters since the morning and had to go bad. I barely checked the area before clenching my bladder to hop over the metal railing. I wanted to pee onto the railing from this side and have it run down the steep, but wide railing. I would call it a sucess:
  13. This last morning I could not leave the hotel, without using this fun bathroom feature once again. So I emptied my big alcohol fueled morning pee into this flap in the wall.
  14. In the club gave the bin and the floor a quick wash down.
  15. It's a shame that the clean up is less fun, still worth it though and maybe you can try all your rugs (on some easy to clean surface), to see which one you should buy more of😌.
  16. I forgot to ask, but maybe take some before and after pictures. I would love to see how you fill the fabric with more and more pee spots😍.
  17. 1. Try to have a free day with some movies, food already made or delivered, books, a lot to drink and maybe some porn. Try to enjoy all that on your couch and never leave the couch to pee. You could just do it nonchalantly while being occupied or have some more fun. I dont know if you want to lie or sit in the wet spots (I would), bit if you don't ypu would have to ration the space 😌. 2. You could grind on the back or armrests if ypu enjoy that and soak them during that, that should make them less rough to grind on too. 3. Lie on the couch with your legs on the backrest an
  18. Would be a shame to do it with running water, seeing the pee and feeling it's warmth is crucial😜.
  19. Went to the park again, this time still in daylight. I just picked an obvious and apparently quite well used pee bush. Spot the wet area in the grass:
  20. When visiting a castle fill of tourists i found a path outside of the wall and peed on it. I really want to piss out of one of those arrow slits, like you can see above my pee spot, if I get the chance. Btw if people would have looked through the right slits I would have been fully visible, standing there with my cock out and peeing😅😇.
  21. Like in the previous hotel, I have once again used the restaurants toilets at the breakfast to empty my morning piss. I just pissed on the wall next to the urinal, resulting in a nice big puddel at the end.
  22. I went outside the hotel in flip flops and just squatted between cars in a sidestreet. Sadly big puddles are difficult on such cobbled streets.
  23. That would be great, epecially for sharing the kink with more people. I guess the most realistic way would be somthing with a drain, like @pop-a-squat said. maybe a garage with tiled floor so you can hose everything down if required. I would hunt for second hand or cheap couches or beds to put the in there until they were fully abused.
  24. I held in all day or rather 10 hours, since i got up at noon. There was simply no good opportunity, so when it got dark I went over to the public park close to our hotel. I remembered what WetMart said: I found a bin outside the spotlight and finally let loose. I enjoyed the relief for quite some time, when I thought to myself, that just peeing inside the bin is a bit to boring. So i made sure to cover the stone sides with the rest of my pee😊. Sorry for the bad quality my battery was low so no flash images were possible.
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