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Everything posted by TMN_Femboi

  1. is there any other place where you posted content? that reddit account doesnt exist anymore and i would really like to see more
  2. https://thisvid.com/videos/guys-pissing-on-public-shower/
  3. Straight guys openly enjoying anal pleasure seems really rare, but that makes it all the more enjoyable to witness. Keep it up 😻
  4. I hold this truth to be self-evident that all dicks are created equal. In all honesty, I think its cute and it might even be pretty useful, since peeing with an erection is rather difficult - so if you can freely let it flow in certain situations where others might be hindered by a boner, thats actually a good thing. And don't listen to 'general talk'. The average female expectation of a male in this day and age seems to be a horse who won the lottery multiple times, so it's best to just ignore them.
  5. As a part of gender expression (he/him/hole 😼), I like to squat whenever I have enough privacy. Which is the case way too rarely
  6. Wetting meditation should become an actual thing, I wonder how many people would be interested
  7. Could you please upload the video somewhere else than twitter? NSFW posts there are only accessible with an account.
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