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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. Do your little feet not end up really pee scented constantly getting re-soaked with pee? What about your private area? Or does the diluteness make it un-noticeable?
  2. Through a pair of panties, under a skirt, for the whole day!! 😛 Totally living a normal day apart from the soaked little panties clinging to my girly area! 😛
  3. I'm sure it has probably already been said, but my huge pet peave is when the lady is wriggling like crazy, grabbing herself, holding on like she's seconds away from wetting, and then when she finally can go, it takes ages to start and then you get a tiny little 10 second pee or wetting. I LOVE full blown FLOODS!! 😛
  4. I hope so, I feel that re-wetting is like my ultimate height of pee fun. I love the naughty feeling of just totally ignoring the need to clean up and just letting my private parts cool down and dry naturally. 😄 I am trying to pick what my best option is for boxers material wise. I think Polyester are supposed to be the best (I have some), but then there is Lycra, "Microfibre" and Nylon. I have a pair of polyester ones but they aren't super comfortable as they were cheap ones. They dry fairly quickly usually, but sometimes not quick enough. They might be a blend with cotton though I'm not
  5. At 03:53 in this music video she pees herself. Weirdly looks quite real as well as when they cut to her more zoomed out there are two trickles coming from between her legs which look very close to a real panty wetting!
  6. I'm thinking of just having a day around the house relaxing. Peeing through my boxer briefs and then pulling my jeans back up. Hopefully only the front will get wet so then I can sit down without having to worry too much. Just drinking plenty, probably a good few beers and just enjoying the relief. I have done it before but not to over the top and I haven't done it for ages. I was asking because I was wondering in case there was something I was missing and I had just been lucky when re-wetting before. 😄
  7. I just really fancy a full on, ridiculous rewetting day where I just consistantly pee through the same boxer briefs. I have done lots of little leaks before as well. But full on re-wettings are always incredible 😛 There is something just so naughty feeling about denying your pissy private area relief and forcing them to keep pissing themselves instead of visiting a toilet. 😛
  8. So, I know I am one of the small minority that are into re-wetting on this website. It seems like a rather small niche. I quite frequently indulge in being naughty when I get the chance. I might pee the same pair of boxers a few times, or wet a few times without bothering to shower between wetting and changing. I am wondering though, has anyone here that has been naughty enough to re-wet ever caused themselves any issues? I've asked a few people directly who have said they have never had issues with infections / iritation etc, and I have found the same for the most part. Does anyone have
  9. Here is beautiful olga, giving her jeans and panties a good soaking before changing into a skirt and giving us a perfect upskirt without even cleaning up her little wet cutie! 😄
  10. Not sure if this is technically classed as an "Up" skirt, however this is Tanya from wet in public's cute little pussy after a good panty soaking. 😛 And again, this time tanking a cute little tinkle sat in front of some builders. 😄
  11. Perfect! 😄 Bet that is such a free feeling way to pee! 😄
  12. Hi All, I have a prettty quick drying pair of boxers. Have any of you found any that dry really well? 😄 What type and what material are they? Thanks! 😄
  13. Beautiful ginger Sveta is happy to show off her pissy little cutie after a good wetting! She'll dry nice and quick in her skirt. 😄 Here's another, a lovely little orange shorts soaking, followed by changing into a pink skirt and showing off her little cutie!
  14. I'll try, but I am very cautious and nervous about posting stuff. Always have been. I don't trust online presensce much so always worry about people seeing obvious details etc.
  15. Really rather large. I can hold 1.4l so this was a big one! Luckily, the slabs have gaps down the sides so most ran down those. The rest has dried fairly well in the sun. 😄
  16. Here she is again. This time with her skirt pulled up very high. This was a great soaking as well! What a cute little pisser she has!
  17. Sat posting this from my back garden after just finishing soaking my swim shorts for a second time. I'm in a naughty pee mood so I thought I'd post this. This is Elina from a Wet In Public video. She soaks herself in her trousers and panties, and then changes into a skirt. The camera man gets a wonderful upskirt of gorgeous pussy that had literally just wet itself. 😛
  18. I wasn't totally fully just now, but I decided to enjoy another soaking with what had filled up in my bladder. Pure heaven after such a stressful day! 😛
  19. So, today has been super stressful. I have been in an air conditioned office all day which was lovely, but work was really getting to me. I finally left at around 5:00pm. I had been drinking TONNES at work, and got a text about an hour before leaving from my housemate saying he was going to stay at his girlfriends house tonight so the house was free to me. I quickly drank a couple more big glasses of water, and then, on leaving, I was already rather full! A 30 minute drive home had me totally bursting. I quickly ran inside, my poor bladder throbbing and my cock spasming with desperation.
  20. These things dry fantastically. Anyone that fancies a good soaking and then re-wetting later on I can definitely recomend boxer briefs with this kind of material. Ex-officio make a good one that looks similar to the material mine are made out of.
  21. I have been wearing black boxer briefs today. Nice super breathable ones. I have just drenched them squatting in the garden and then pulled my black sports shorts back up over them. Not really much visible wetness and by the looks of it, they are going to dry fast!
  22. Exactly 😄 Hence the extra soakings I gave them. 😛 No one was about, so any slight pee smell (dilute pee as I was drinking A LOT) was not an issue either. 🙂
  23. Well, I gave myself another naughty soaking in the sun lounger, then stayed in the garden until I was dry. Then got invited to an online gaming session, so I ended up totally distracted playing that for most of the evening. Ended up "forgetting" to shower last night so I fell asleep undressed with a pissy little guy down there! 😛 Super naughty waking up this morning a pissy boy! 😛
  24. Hi PunchJeans. Welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. 😁😁
  25. Hey. Welcome to the site. This definitely sounds like the right place for you! I hope you enjoy it here.
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