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Everything posted by Sammilove

  1. I’ll probably be a scene kid for life too haha. And I’m sure. She was probably taken back by the fact that a teenager was about to have an accident on the bus. I have no clue haha. I only rode the bus for a few more weeks before school ended. Then our routes got changed so I never saw her again. But she was an angel. Always so caring for everyone on her bus even if they were just tagging along with a friend.
  2. My next challenge is to do something very similar but in leggings. I’ve considered a secluded trail or hike a few hours away. But I’m not for sure I’m that yet. And no, I planned it pretty good shockingly so there wasn’t any extra pees afterwards. And the smile was thankfully hidden by my mask but let me tell you, I couldn’t quit smiling all night.
  3. Let me preface by saying how much of a chicken I am doing anything omo related in public. I never in my life would’ve dreamed I’d actually do this. But thanks to the few others who have shared their stories and the messages of courage, I did it! Here’s what happened: It was a Sunday like any other. Half day at work then usually free by early afternoon. I had no idea what I was going to do but I had a few ideas. Nothing crazy except one. Go to the park and have an “accident”. That was a no brainer decision. I left work and headed home to find my new flowy summer dress and a very old p
  4. So this story happened over ten years ago. Circa 2009. I was a mere freshman in high school. This was probably a defining moment for me in Omo journey but I didn’t realize it at the time. If I recall correctly, I was wearing a long skirt, a t shirt, and my chuck taylor low tops. The typical ‘scene’ kid outfit of that time. The day was like any other. Normal routine at school. Last period of the day was PE. I always got two waters at the end of class to sip on for the hour and half ride home from school. (We lived in BFE so it took the bus forever to get mw home. Also, I was last st
  5. 1. Probably at the fair with my ex bf. Line was at least 40 people in front of me and easily 20 behind me. 2. Same as 1
  6. Ally rolled over and hit snooze for the 3rd time. She didn’t have anywhere to be that day so she decided to sleep in and break her 6am workout routine. She had been good about keeping it for so long but had decided today was a rest day. She had also be strongly considering going shopping and doing another hold like she did not too long ago. Still reeling from the damage her Ex had caused her mentally, she wasn’t sure she could. But she wanted to try. It was something she really enjoyed doing and wanted to try it again, mostly on her own. Her last hold had escalated rather quickly
  7. Generally no. I usually work evenings and and it’s not too busy so I don’t end up drinking much. Most nights I never feel a need to go or if I do, it’s when we’re locking up so I just hold it until home.
  8. This story isn’t very long but I thought it was funny and you all might enjoy it. So I work in a pretty small shop in a shopping center. Usually just me (supervisor) and another associate (cashier). We have an employee bathroom and a customer bathroom. It was a pretty busy day but not too crazy. I was working with Kelly. (For her privacy that’s not her real name.) She was a rather slender girl with brownish blond hair. Today she had it in a braid. She seemed like she was very energetic the entire shift but any time I’d ask her about it, she would dodge the question. She also seemed kinda
  9. This is not my story. Just one I found a few years ago. I’ll post the link and the story. The original website it was on had quite a few good stories in the comments as well. Hope you guys enjoy. https://medium.com/@jordinjames/the-single-most-embarrassing-thing-ive-done-in-my-entire-adult-life-aa7082f3bf25 Last week I did something that will haunt me for years to come. It’s one of those things I reeeeally hope my future kids never find out about, because they’ll never let me live it down. This embarrassing incident left me asking two questions: Am I even an adult ri
  10. Welcome! Hope you’ll enjoy it here! Everyone is super relaxed and friendly so if you have any questions, just reach out!
  11. I feel bad for her honestly. Imagine having to go pee so bad you could get fined for having an accident. Wonder what the response would’ve been if she peed her pants?
  12. Very good account Lexi! Hope to here more stories soon!
  13. I wish I could say I regularly wet myself. Up until this past week I haven’t had the time to even do a planned hold. I would say my preference is outside but all I can do currently is inside once every few months if I’m lucky. There’s just less mess to clean up outside.
  14. I wouldn’t say it’s that you didn’t drink enough but more so that you probably weren’t fully hydrated which is most likely where most of the liquids went. But if you were hydrated then I have no idea! But I too have had that moment where you expect an ocean and only get a rain drop. This is very good story and it sucks that you weren’t truly happy with it though. Back when I first got into wetting, there were a few times where I thought I drank enough to get desperate super quick but after an hour only felt a slight urge. It really bummed me out that the event I had planned so care
  15. I have to as well but that won't be until much later this evening.
  16. I'll be good. I have zero intention of pushing it that far. But 3 cups of coffee and waters in between are definitely making this a fast process haha. I plan to do this all day but I do have to start cleaning the apartment here shortly.
  17. Hardly any. Like maybe 32oz or so. I've given up on the drink 140oz a day though. I was peeing literally every 15 minutes at work. My boss even asked if I was okay. Of course I am but I was still kind of embarrassed by it. So now I'm trying to drink at least 96oz a day which has cut down my bathroom trips to once every or so at work.
  18. I've been doing that as well. No vid for me though. Just trying to get used to the feeling of having pee and not running to the bathroom until I'm getting uncomfortably full.
  19. As a girl in her mid 20s, I have definitely leaked before having a full on wetting. It’s NEVER been when I wasn’t planning on having an accident like in public. It’s like my body can sense privacy and even though I’m doing everything I can stop it from escaping, every now and again a pretty decent sized leak will escape. It’s rare and probably doesn’t happen to many people without bladder issues. (Ive also come to the conclusion I’ve got a weaker pelvic floor than most as well.)
  20. Hey everyone! Hope all is well! I've been writing a few fi ton stories with this character and am planning a few more. I'm trying to keep all the fiction I write together and using the same characters for creativity sake. I hope you enjoy my latest creation. Feel free to comment with suggestions as well for future chapters! Ally rolled over and hit snooze for the 3rd time. She didn’t have anywhere to be that day so she decided to sleep in and break her 6am workout routine. She had been good about keeping it for so long but had decided today was a rest day. She had also be strongly
  21. Thats exactly how my wife is! (Lesbian) She thoroughly enjoys seeing me happy and knows how much I enjoy this so she goes along with it.
  22. Ally awoke to her phone alarm blaring. 4 AM had come too soon. She had been up drinking and Skyping with her friend, and hopeful boyfriend, Sasha. He lived four and half hours away in Las Vegas. Ally had recently moved to Long Beach, CA looking for a new beginning after a very horrible break up with her ex, Emily. Things had spiraled into something Ally didn’t like. And although her boss was an amazing person at work, the relationship soon turned into something she hated. Emily was very controlling of her and had even become belligerent towards her one night. Emily controlled ever
  23. A good friend of mine told me a story about her being stuck in traffic on lunch. She crossed the bridge here to get lunch and was on her way back when someone decided to attempt to jump. She said they say for hours and she had to pee so bad so eventually peed in a cup. She said she should’ve went pee before leaving the restaurant but didn’t. I didn’t witness this, just told to me second hand and it’s the first that comes to mind. I’d my missed opportunities that come to mind are when I had to pee and went really early where as I should’ve held it longer.
  24. You're very lucky to have witnessed that! Once in a blue moon, I actually see someone who may or may not have to pee let alone be in earshot of the conversation. I'd like to think they thought they could wait and end up peeing at their next stop or at least becoming very desperate while driving.
  25. I feel like measuring would be beneficial to some. Personally size isn’t as important as being able to get used to the feeling of desperation and knowing your limits. But that’s definitely something I will add! Like every 30 days or something you record your volume and the of course at the beginning and end.
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