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Everything posted by ChrisS

  1. @Paulypeeps I love the iteration! That would be a ton of fun if I could convince her!
  2. See questions below. I'm sure I missed some methods, so please share other strategies in the comments. This is the female version of this poll. For the male version, please go here:
  3. This is the male version of this poll. For the female version, see here:
  4. Okay, so when you're talking about peeing in the changing room, you're really talking about peeing in the shower/rinse portion of the facility?
  5. @gldenwetgooseShe's not as into as I am, but she definitely plays along. I suspect she gets at least some enjoyment out of it! I'm super lucky! Yes, she actually did lend a hand one of the times! Please help me brainstorm! I like the sitting on a wall in a skirt strategy in general for sure! Any other ideas?
  6. Hey friends! My gf and I recently went on a little late night outing to have some pee fun, and in particular to try out a new method I came up with to pee super discretely. I'm curious if anyone else has ever done this or heard of this method? Do you think anyone would be able to tell you were peeing? I peed this way a few times throughout the night and never got caught, but I'm not sure how good the data is, since I'm not sure that a stranger would say anything even if they did notice. Anybody have a good way to test out exactly how discrete it really is? I was thinking maybe set up a c
  7. @ukpeegirl86 Maybe you can finally clear up a question I've had for awhile. I've seen a lot online women talking about how common it is to pee in the changing room at a pool. I've always been suprised by this since the changing/locker rooms I'm familiar with don't seem like a well-accepted place to pee. When women mention peeing in the locker room, are they really talking about the area with benches and lockers to keep your things, where you change clothes? How common and accepted is it really to pee there? To make sure we're on the same page, I included a picture of a representative locker ro
  8. Very fun idea! I'd be tempted to go the stay hydrated and count on dilute pee route, even though i'd have to pee more. Would probably empty my whole bladder in each pee so i didn't have to pee as often, and maybe have a chance of fully drying in between pees. Especially if I were allowed to wear boxers, I think a lot of the pee would flow out the leg holes, so peeing all at once would probably be the way to go.
  9. @JANE1457 I'm kicking myself. It's been awhile since i utilized my wetsuit but i finally got it out last weekend to go surfing. The reason I'm kicking myself, though, is I totally spaced on wetting in it till after I was out in the waves. I did have a nice pee out past the break, sitting upright on the surfboard between sets. I have to say, sitting upright on the board almost feels like you're sitting on a toilet; the most natural thing in the world to let your pee flow out into your wetsuit. Only difference is the lovely, warm sensation of the piss flooding your suit. Have you spent much time
  10. Has anyone besides @spywareonya peed, seen someone pee, or heard of a friend that has peed in any of the above listed places in the club? Is under the table really the most common? I would've imagined that peeing in a skirt/dress on the dance floor (or dark corner) would be easier to get away with?
  11. Probably both as well, but I voted for give, just based on the recent, very hot experience: My girlfriend was sitting on the toilet peeing, but I also had to pee, so I walked up to her. She grabbed my dick and pointed it into the toilet, trying to aim in between her legs to the water below. The aim was off though, and as I released, my stream of pee hit her in the boobs and cascaded down her chest. It took her by total surprise, causing her to clench her pubic muscles, which sent a huge gushing stream of her piss arching up and over the front of the toilet rim and onto the floor. That ima
  12. If I were female for a day, I would definitely take advantage of the "discreet" peeing methods of wearing a skirt with no underwear and then either flipping it up and sitting on steps/walls to secretly let my pee flow, or standing with my legs together while wearing sandals, just letting the pee trickle down my legs and flow out onto the ground in public with no one noticing. I would also try and teach myself how to pee standing up without having it drip down my legs, to see how hard it actually is to succeed at. Lastly, I'd probably chug a bunch of water/other beverages and head to
  13. This is a very long thread, but reading through it, what stood out to me was how many pics there were of ladies peeing through their bikinis into the grass surrounding the pool, off the deck of the pool, or along the fence surrounding the pool. I wonder if perhaps being in the outdoors around the pool is more common than we might think? Certainly there is some selection bias in that pissing in the grass in the open is much more photogenic than a discrete in the pool pee, but what do y'all think? https://www.omorashi.org/topic/7781-bikini-swimsuit-wetting/
  14. Yeah I think the fun part of a rule like "please pee in the outdoor shower area" is that you know when people are going pee, whereas if they pee in the pool, its so discreet you usually don't know when its happening. The trouble is whether you could find a way to encourage folks to do this without being weird about it, given the poll seems to indicate most folks think most guests would find a straight up rule to be odd. Maybe just offering it as a verbal suggestion if someone asks where the restroom is, like "It's inside, second door on the left. Make sure to dry off well so you don't slip on
  15. Yeah, this mostly just applies to salt pools, where the chloramides created from peeing would then be immediately sucked into the salt cell and shocked back to free chlorine. At least that's my understanding of how salt cell pools work. Please let me know if I'm not understanding the chemistry correctly. For sure, hence the poll. I'm curious if we can figure out which side would win out, or if its really 50/50 how many folks prefer one or the other. Or even better, would be if someone actually has access to a pool and could run a social experiment for us!
  16. Credit goes to @sara babe for the topic inspiration, due to her post:
  17. Imagine your friend has a pool, as well as an outdoor shower (wood slats offer some privacy, but there is a gap below them, between the ground and the start of the fence), in their backyard. Your friend, as the host, posts a rule about where to pee. This poll is to see what rule would be the most widely accepted and how you would react.
  18. Are festivals in recent years still just as good for pee sightings as in the past, or have the number of bathrooms been increased too much? Anyone in the western USA know of any particularly good festivals for peeing?
  19. This is genius, making your own privacy! Does peeing while sitting on the sand lead to sand getting stuck to your private parts or are things out of the way enough that it isn't a problem?
  20. What are some of your favorite places to pee at college, or locations of the best stories you've heard/seen? My gf says she and all her sorority sisters had a designated "pee tree" that they would all pee behind when they went out to party. Similarly one of the frats where i would often party had a bench with a big bush behind it and all the guys (myself included) would stand on the bench and pee off the back into the bush whenever we had to go.
  21. Karaoke sounds fun! Were you standing, squatting, or sitting on the curb?
  22. Do you walk in deep enough to submerge your waist, or do you just walk out till you're ankle deep?
  23. @SophieDoes that normally dry faster than a bikini for you?
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