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Posts posted by Paulypeeps

  1. Here is a little story from, we will call her Zoë, that goes with the video below.


    It is funny how I can go about my business and almost always I can find somewhere to wet myself without anyone noticing. I always find it so much more convenient to just pee wherever I happen to be rather than visit the ladies.


    When I go out with my friends, even though they never see me visit the ladies, it is especially easy because they never suspect I would be so brazen as to just pee myself while we are sat in the restaurant. They often joke that I must have a fantastic bladder capacity, but I just tell them in a jokey way that I must have wet myself.


    My usual method is to sit forward on the seat and let my pee flow forward and off the front of the seat to discreetly trickle on to the floor unobserved, and as long as the seat is cushioned this usually works well, especially when it can soak away nicely into carpet.


    There is always the odd occasion when things don't quite go to plan. Everyone wanted to visit this new Spanish restaurant that had just opened. It had some good reviews so we were all looking forward to it. It was a bit pricey, but we had some vouchers to discount our meals, but the drinks were still full price. The drinks were not a problem because it was happy hour in the cocktail bar next door! We went next door first!


    I probably should have paid a bit more attention to the décor, and perhaps done a wee before going in the restaurant, but I have been in similar places before and not had a problem emptying my bladder.


    We had just got to the end of the main course and were thinking about dessert when I felt a little tingle in my bladder. It was probably prompted by Livvy getting up to visit the ladies. I just did my normal routine, sat forward on the seat, opened my knees, and relaxed. I was just paying attention to the conversation, discussing the relative merits of Tarta de Santiago or Tarta de Queso, and listening to the gentle hiss under my skirt while feeling the warmth build under my thighs.


    I suppose that I must have been peeing for around twenty five seconds when I felt a bit of warmth building behind my buttocks. I never wear a skirt any longer than is absolutely necessary anyway but just in case I discreetly reached round behind, found the puddle in the back of the seat, and hitched my skirt up a bit while I continued to pee gently.


    Soon after I finished wetting myself Livvy returned from the ladies and we ordered our dessert. Livvy had a video on her phone and passed it around. The video seemed to induce giggles and shock in the viewers in equal measure. When it got to me I knew why.


    I still wet myself when I go out with my friends, but now they know I am not joking when I tell them that I have peed without ever leaving the table, and they always look out for me. I tend to end up in the corner now - it was rather a big puddle on the tiled floor after all!




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  2. Hi Bacardi


    You will soon appreciate that we don't judge and that you are just one of us and quite normal. There are plenty of places to pee that we find O.K. that are generally accepted to be off limits.


    Have fun!

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    3 minutes ago, fannywatcher said:

    I think ones taken unknowingly.But thats half the fun of it..

    As usual it will just be enforced if you get caught. I think that the current forore came about because someone took a picture and shared it within view of the skirts owner. I have searched high and low but not found a picture taken up my skirt yet... Looks like the days might be numbered so people had better get out there!



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  4. 3 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    Do  they pretend not to notice or are they just so used to you doing it?  What was the reaction first time they realised? Were they a bit shocked or intrigued or impressed?

    They never notice I guess because they are too polite to look. They know of course that I do it and just think it is funny - I guess that is the British way. They were all a little shocked at first i think, but fully accepting right from the start as soon as they knew.



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  5. There are so many things to enjoy when peeing in the cinema. From the comfort of releasing your pee to alleviate the little tingle in your bladder, to the warmth, and caress of the wet seat, and the freedom of not having to visit the toilet, and if you drink plenty you get to do it several more times. I even get to enjoy my wet skirt brushing the back of my legs on the way out.


    So cool that you got to try it at last Peevert.


    There are always films that someone will not enjoy Alfresco so you might get a chance to go to the cinema with someone more accepting.



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  6. I hope that these pictures are acceptable. I believe the model to be Aimee Sweet and the pictures have probably been taken by Suze Randall the well known photographer. I would be more than happy to have her working in my office even if she might be even more distracting than me. They have been my favourite short skirt pictures for a very long time now and took forever to download even at this size in the olden days.

    700013.thumb.jpg.001a15a9b18f6c55487796a43e660627.jpg 5a8ca40d88eac_2014H0041.thumb.jpg.472773fda404c39ddd5f483b2af15f44.jpg

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  7. On 12 September 2017 at 11:51 PM, steve25805 said:

    Here are ten questions open to all members of both genders. A kind of peeing interests questionnaire. I think the responses might be interesting.


    I. What is your favourite peeing fantasy?

    A1. I am just sitting in the train minding my own business and feeling warmth soaking through the front of my skirt. I look up to see a neat jet of warm dilute pee appearing from under the mini skirt of a smartly dressed girl who is just casually peeing while standing and reading her morning paper. Once she has finished of course and her pee has soaked all the way through to my seat I just add to it!


    2. What is your hottest real life peeing experience?

    A2. Just sitting and wetting myself in the pub while I chat with my freinds (who know that I am weting myself).


    3. What is your main area of interest with the pee fetish

    A3. Exploring urinary freedom by just wetting myself whenever I want to pee wherever I happen to be.


    4. Briefly describe the first pee porn you can remember seeing.

    A4. Reading some of the fiction posted on Alori's website.


    5. If you could choose any one - but only one - celebrity to either watch peeing or be peed on by, who would you choose?

    A5. Debbie Harry.


    6. Where is the naughtiest place you personally have ever peed?

    A6. My friend's sofa.


    7. Have you ever peed on or in someone else's property? And was it for pleasure or out of necessity?

    A7. Yes. Because I wanted to pee.


    8. What is the hottest pee scene you have ever seen on mainstream TV or in a mainstream film.

    A8. 'The man who fell to earth' will always be at the top of my list.


    9. Describe your favourite porn scene.

    A9. Don't think I have an answer for this one.


    10. Have you ever given or received a golden shower?

    A10. Just the once, when a girl who had already wet herself sat on my lap in the pub and did a little wee.



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  8. Just nonchalantly wetting myself whenever I want to pee, and others being able too as well, is what I like and it is really not sexual at all. I am not saying that I don't respond to a sexy girl wetting herself - but it is not the wetting alone that will do it.

    As someone who does wet myself whenever I go out, I know that it does not arouse me to do it, although I do enjoy the feeling of tremendous freedom and the comfort of the warmth and wetness.



  9. There are a lot of cameras in the UK - probably more than anywhere else in the world per head of population. We live in a police state!


    It is very hard to get away from them, and with the prevalence of dash cams now you are always a TV star.


    I think it is a reaction to rather selective law enforcement - the cameras make it easy to pick the low hanging fruit of people exceeding arbitrary speed limits or having a wee rather than having the unpleasant task of dealing with criminals.

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  10. I think I am with Admin here. A complete ban on peeing in the ladies, all public areas to be carpeted, and peeing allowed for women anywhere that the public are admitted. I would probably introduce a fine for removing clothing before peeing, and a lesser fine for squatting, but being naked would be O.K. of course.

    How would I spend my (peoples') money? Carpeting my presidential office in white shag pile.


    Wannabe President of Peefanland

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  11. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQqIYKnedI4yAClnlVehUm

    This is a picture of Garbage. Look at the puddle between Shirley's feet - it has ripples. I have read that Shirley was peeing when they took the photo and the pee stream had to be airbrushed out. Larger picture should be around somewhere perhaps on Pinterest.


    "Back in the nineties, for whatever inexplicable reason, we in garbage were always getting censored for the most innocuous things. 
     For an example, SPIN magazine censored this shot because they thought it might offend their readers and/ or their advertisers. 
     French director and photographer Stephane Sednaoui had taken the photograph as I was taking a pee but the magazine airbrushed the delicate little stream out altogether. They didn't notice that a little splash at my feet had been left in, so despite our disappointment at our vision for this photograph being tampered with, we felt we had somehow gotten the last laugh after all. 
     I swear, it's the little things that keep you going sometimes when you are up against the censor.
     Don't believe in the photographs. 
     They tell lies. 








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