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Posts posted by Paulypeeps

  1. Do something that makes money. By the time I started earning enough money to live on it was too late to travel and have fun and make the most of an independent existence. I thought that using my electronics and IT skills to their fullest would get me on in the future - it didn't, I should have done something mundane like fixing telephone lines!

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  2. I confessed to my friends after they suspected that I was in to wetting when I showed them my fiction and they thought I must have written it semi-autobiographically about my own experience. They were so accepting it was great.

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  3. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:



    You know my only doubt?

    People could be afraid to be spotted by perverts or rude people, for example I would not upload my profile there, too risky

    But your idea is enthusiastic and funny!!!

    Perhaps it can be sort of closed, and you get a flag pop up when someone comes near so you can decide if you want to expose your details to them.


    Quite agree. Tricky as hell sums it up.

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