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Posts posted by Paulypeeps

  1. Dropbox might be an option (along with Onedrive, googledrive, and i-drive). Some will automatically upload your videos and pictures as soon as you take them. I like Dropbox because it works well on all the client apps, where some of the others are a bit picky.

    As with all online things, they are as secure as the provider. Only use these services if you trust them.

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  2. I never got the hang of driving a car with a manual gearbox. I had a (very old) mk1 Ford escort GT for six months that was kindly donated to me while I was learning, but when I exchanged that for something a bit more reliable (the escort did not like starting) the Volvo I bought was automatic, and it was quite a revelation. I have only owned automatics ever since and would not entertain a manual.

    With an automatic you have so much more control over the transmission when you actually need it:-

    • No twatting about with the gear stick when steering around a roundabout, I can use both hands on the steering wheel if required while turning 90 degrees left, 180 degrees right, and going through first and second gears not having to be over cautious with the clutch to prevent sliding.
    • When I want to overtake I just press down on the accelerator pedal to the floor and the gear changes down in a tenth of a second with no drop in power during the change - no way can anyone do that in a manual, it will take longer and there is no power on while the clutch pedal is pressed. I often drove the escort some considerable distance in 3rd or 2nd gear hoping to find somewhere to overtake.
    • Whatever happens you are always in the correct gear - never any need to keep in a low gear because you don't know what is going on round the corner. Much improved fuel efficiency!

    It is hard to adapt to all the having to do with a gear stick and clutch that a computer can do much better, and trying to remember to press the clutch pedal down when slowing still gets me every time.

    Seeing how much trouble most old drivers have pulling away with sixty plus years of experience it is not just me that has trouble! I would like to see the manual gearbox banned on new cars as it will ease congestion a bit. When we all go electric they will be ancient history anyway - I can't see many people having a manual gearbox retrofitted on their Teslas!

    • Thanks 1
  3. 17 hours ago, GenericUsername said:

    I don’t agree with property damage. But I understand how amazing it must feel to pee somewhere. You don’t truly understand pee pleasure until you’re peeing full blast far away from a toilet.

    It is really nice to experience the freedom of just peeing wherever you happen to be, especially somewhere like the pub or restaurant while chatting with friends, work colleagues or even strangers. The sense of smugness should never be underestimated.

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  4. They have ported over a lot of stuff from EP. Not quite as flexible as EP - but lots of pee stuff there.

    It works by joining groups. Go to Explore and search for things you like ("pee" is a good start) and do 'Me too' on any you like.

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  5. Fashion designer Dimitra Petsa's wetness collection might be of interest. She wet herself in public to get inspiration for her collection, and the designs were created by getting the models to wet themselves. Looks a bit like a spoof but Vogue has an article!


    Here is another picture.


    Video of a catwalk show here:-


    Nice to think that someone is thinking about clothing for us...

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