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Posts posted by Paulypeeps

  1. I sometimes pop in to the pool to chat, but not very often. On the whole I don't have much to talk about, and from what I see posted neither does anyone else.


    Now, if I had noticed that there is a chatroom here too I might have thought about chatting here! It really needs a bit of promotion to members. Not sure how, but perhaps someone could put together a brief monthly digest of interesting topics that have been chatted about and send it to members? Especially the not very observant ones like me.


    For chat to work it needs both interesting people with something to say and enquiring people wanting to know everything. I think that we have both here, just need to get together at the right time!

  2. 21 hours ago, Riley said:

    Scenario #1: it's a beautiful day outside and your walking through a park nearby with a really close friend. There's a few people wandering around but it's near empty as you walk bye. All the sudden your friend turns to you and she says, "I really have to pee." You look around and there's no bathroom in sight. And your around 15 minutes from home.


    I would say. "There is no one near, just do it here."

    "But someone might see if I squat here."

    And I would reply. "Not if you just stand and let it run down your legs."


    21 hours ago, Riley said:

    Scenario #2: Your watching a movie at the theatre with a really close friend and you noticed at the start that she had bought a very large drink and seemed to drink it very quickly. You notice that she seemed to kind of have to pee and be a little bit fidgety but instead of getting up to pee she just sits there watching. Soon you definitely notice she needs to pee but she still hasn't said anything to you.


    I would say. "You look to be a little uncomfortable. Just pee on the seat - no one will notice."

    "Are you sure?"

    I would reply. "I just did it on the seat - did you notice?"


    21 hours ago, Riley said:

    Scenario #3: Your laying in bed with a girl (ill leave relationship ship status open on this one🤷) and all the sudden she says, "omg I really need to pee."


    I would say "Are you sure?" and squeeze her tummy.


    21 hours ago, Riley said:

    Scenario #4: your in the car with a close friend and she is sitting in the passenger seat. She started to have to pee and asked for you to be on the lookout for rest stops but it's an hour later now and she really has to pee. There's no exit in sight and the road is very busy.


    I would keep driving.


    21 hours ago, Riley said:

    Scenario #5: your with your friend at a really relaxed restaurant. It's twilight outside and your with her as she's waiting for the bathroom. She's doing a whole pee dance trying to hold it in when all the sudden you notice a tiny little wet spot form, and grow, and suddenly she stops dancing and looks at you in terror as her wet spot rapidly grows.


    I would say. "Too late now, just relax and enjoy the warmth. You are not going to get any wetter now."


    21 hours ago, Riley said:

    Scenario #6: you and your friend both just got home and there's one bathroom. You both are dying to pee and barely holding on right now so going 1 at a time is will result in someone wetting themselves.


    I would go in the bathroom first. Might not pee in the toilet though!



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  3. I post when I have something to say, and I post when I can add something to a conversation. Other than that I stay silent and I think that is better than just spouting pointless and repetitive drivel. I am in awe of those that have a lot more imagination than me and a better understanding of what is interesting!


    I do write the occasional bit of fiction, but I have to be inspired. Perhaps a little loosely themed fiction competition every now and then might prompt a bit more activity that might provoke further discussion?


    I don't always post everything everywhere, and I guess a lot of what I have posted to now defunct sites has been lost to history and I could post again without being repetitive, but It is not always easy to tell what might be interesting to bring up again...

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  4. I was in the pub one evening, just quietly standing by a table, minding my business while watching the karaoke and discreetly peeing down my legs as and when I felt like it, when a scouser came over and started chatting. A really nice down to earth chap who turned out to be one of the Zutons. Needless to say I had plenty to drink and continued to pee down my legs while we chatted.



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  5. Hi Timthek


    There are a few things that you need to do:-

    1. Drink plenty and make sure your pee is really dilute. If it looks and tastes like pure water you are on the right track.

    2. Spread it about. If you pee where you have peed before you can sometimes reactivate the old pee and make it smell.

    3. Make sure that the carpet dries out and is in a dry environment. Dried pee does not smell but in a humid environment carpet may not dry out completely.

    4. Patterned carpet will hide a wet patch quite nicely until it has dried.

    5. Practice peeing while doing other things. You must be confident in yourself that peeing on the carpet is perfectly normal and not be fazed by anything while you are peeing.




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