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Posts posted by Paulypeeps

  1. This should be not too hard. Host a little cocktail party, and have a hidden camera strategically placed so that while you are standing and chatting with your guests being the perfect hostess you just casually relax and let your pee trickle down your legs under your short cocktail dress while you chat.

    Once you have given the carpet and your legs a couple of minutes for your pee to soak away, you discreetly reposition the camera to a new group of guests and do it all again.

    All of your guests will be so impressed with your attentiveness because you never leave the party all evening while you drink so much...

  2. Only once, and I guess it was one of those once in a lifetime opportunities that you would never expect.

    I was sitting in the pub one evening, just minding my own business, discreetly weeing on the back of my legs listening to the karaoke. The pub was quite busy as it was the holiday season when a couple of women came up to my table and asked if they could join me. One of them was quite inebriated and flirtatious and was being quite over friendly. It was a seaside pub with a drag DJ and a very broad spectrum of clientèle (which makes it a fun pub) so while unusual for women to be flirtatious with strange women it is not unknown. I assumed they were just a couple of lesbians out for a seaside jaunt and played along. She put her arm round me and I reciprocated.

    It was at this point that she told me she needed to do a wee. She had been jiggling about a bit so I had already guessed this, but since she was being flirtatious I just casually suggested that perhaps she did not really need to go yet and that she might like to hold on for a bit. Desperation in others can be fun sometimes!

    All the while her companion was just sitting opposite us at the table smiling.

    It was at this point that my hand brushed her bottom noticing that the seat of her jeans was already rather damp. Although they were light and worn nothing of the dampness showed so I guess that she had been leaking quite a bit for a while.

    I seized the moment and quietly suggested to her that I thought it was a bit late for going to the ladies since she had already started weeing in her jeans, and I suggested that she might as well save time and just finish off weeing in her jeans. To 'help' I just manoeuvred her to be sitting on to my lap and again suggested that she might as well just wee here.

    She quietly protested to me a little that she really wanted to go to the ladies but I just told her that I was not going to let her off my lap until she had done a wee.

    She told me that she could not just do it here and would have to go to the ladies. I responded saying that she had already weed in her jeans and a little more was not going to make any difference, reminding her of how nice and warm it will be to just let go and wee in her jeans.

    At this point I was quite surprised that she tensed up and tried to do a wee.

    "I can't go". she said.

    I just suggested that she should relax a little.

    She relaxed and quickly told me. "I've done it."

    I let her up and when I patted her bottom it was quite a bit wetter. She had not done enough to warm up her jeans much, and still nothing showed, but the front of my skirt was now wet.

    At this point a man arrived with drinks and the two women went off to the ladies. The man explained that his wife does not like people touching her bottom, but apart from being a little surprised that she was so flirtatious while out with her husband I guessed it was less about her not liking it and more about him being embarrassed that she had wet herself.

    The man explained that he was on holiday with his wife and her sister. When the two women came back I suggested that they might like to go clubbing after since customers get free entry to the club at closing time.

    I saw them in the club later, but I could not get her to sit on my lap again, and I knew that her husband would not approve of me touching her bottom to see how wet it was!.

    Just another evening out in the English seaside with ordinary English folk.


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  3. Hi Admin

    This forum does work well at the moment with virtually all posts well considered. Please be careful to make sue that you don't attract people that are likely to post negatively as happens on many other forums - I don't know why this works well here and not elsewhere but it may be down to the moderation policy of no tolerance of intolerance. It is nice to be able to freely discuss things that some unenlightened people might think naughty without getting a tirade of negative comments.


  4. Hi Lizz

    I am sure that emptying your bladder while cheerleading would be popular, but I think that Egwalrus is on the right track - just nonchalantly doing a wee down your legs at the supermarket checkout while packing and paying with the camera strategically left in your bag in the trolley...

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  5. The London Fashion Week Party


    "David! Don't be silly. I haven't wet myself since I was fourteen." Said Victoria.

    "You know that's not true Babes, it's not coincidence you wear black clothes all the time." Said David

    "Well, perhaps a couple of times - but I stopped wearing nappies when I was fourteen." Remembered Victoria.

    "But it is silly to try and hold on, you know you can't go more than half an hour without doing a wee." Said David.

    "I'll have to hold on. This silly shop doesn't have a loo David." Said Victoria.

    "You can always do a little bit in your trousers." Said David, adding. "They're black, no one will notice a little dribble."

    "Don't be silly. Of course I can't do that. I can hold it." Said Victoria.

    "Go on Babes, just do a little widdle in your trousers." Said David getting a bit excited.

    "No!" Said Victoria.


    Victoria caught a glance at David's crotch.

    "David - What's happening, you're not getting turned on are you. Are you getting turned on by my predicament?" Enquired Victoria.

    "Well Babes, you are a sexy babe." Said David.

    "I know, you're so lovely Babe." Said Victoria.

    David and Victoria were interrupted.

    "Come on you love birds, time to mingle and tell the press how good this collection is." Said Ellie.

    Victoria and David separated and mingled, but half an hour later they bumped into one another again.

    David whispered. "Have you done a widdle yet Babes?"

    "No!" Exclaimed Victoria. "Don't remind me David."

    "I bet you've leaked in your pants." Said David, making a grab for Victoria's crotch.

    "Stop it David." Said Victoria, trying to fight David off.

    In the horseplay, Victoria tripped and ended up on her bottom on the floor, with a jet of pee squirting through the crotch of her trousers.

    David sniggered. "You're doing a wee now babes. Good job your wearing black trousers now."


    Victoria scowled. In a low voice she said. "David! Stop laughing. It's not funny. I can't stop."

    "I know babes." Said David still sniggering. "You're making quite a puddle on the carpet!"

    Victoria's flow waned.

    "Here Take my hand Babes." Said David, smiling.


    David helped Victoria up. Victoria did not look happy.

    "Come on Babes, time to go I think." Said David.

    Ellie noticed the wet patch on the carpet.

    "Oh my god!" Said Ellie. "Who's spilled all that drink on my carpet."


    "Quick David, keep your head down, leave NOW!" panicked Victoria.

    Ellie found a tissue and mopped up the puddle with her foot, completely oblivious that it was pee ... until she read her Metro on the tube next morning.


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  6. Lot of good comments here. I must admit I am slightly shocked that some of you girls are this bad. Pauly Peeps for instance, peeing on peoples furniture and carpets? Is this random people you visit at parties or people you know? Have you ever heard anything from these people in the time after? I think its mean of you, but at the same time unbelievable sexy and naughty.

    Hi Nicotown

    If I want to pee I will just do it in the most convenient place for me, and if I am sitting on my friend's sofa and I think I can get away with just doing it there that is where I will go. That said I have only done that once, and my friend never noticed which is one of the advantages of drinking a lot so my pee is always dilute.

    As a sign that no one notices I always pee in the pub, and even after over a year of peeing all evening sometimes on the seat and always on the carpet in one pub two or three times a week there was nothing to notice once my pee dried, and they never clean the carpet ever!

    It might seem bad, but really I don't consider it bad because no one notices and it does not affect anyone.


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  7. Wearing a skirt makes peeing very easy especially when sitting. When wearing a short skirt it is easy to lean forward when sitting so that the hem at the back rides up out of the way. I did sir and pee between the cushions of my friend's beige sofa once when she went upstairs to the toilet for a wee and that was nice and convenient.

    I don't know about getting away with a few drops, if I am going to pee on the seat I tend to keep going until I am empty. I usually just do a little spurt for a few seconds to wet the fabric first so that my pee soaks in and does not run off, then a few minutes later pee properly until I am empty. I will then just keep peeing whenever I get the tingle in my bladder. This works well in the cinema last house, the pub when I am there until closing time and on the train.

    Although a skirt is a must, it does not have to be a short skirt. I quite enjoy sitting and peeing through my black skirts. Skirts dry between wettings with all the air circulating, and being black don't show the dampness if I sit and wait for the wetness to soak away for a few minutes after peeing.

    If the upholstery is unsuitable for wetting (light colour or someone is likely to sit down and notice) it is always possible to sit forward on the seat and pee on the back of my legs or straight on to the carpet which works well in restaurants.

    No one expects you to be peeing while sitting, so no one ever notices, and when pee is dilute there is no coloured stain or noticeable smell either. It is often easier to pee on the seat when I am out rather than pee down my legs while standing when I have to make sure there is no puddle. carpet is my friend when there is nowhere to sit.


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