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Everything posted by PantyPissr28

  1. Definitely my wedding dress. First few times I had help, but after many drinks & tired of fighting the damn thing I gave up. I ditched my panties the first so it was one less thing to fumble with. It was an outdoor wedding & it was the poofy type dress, I’d just stand in the grass & pee.
  2. I’m open for any more questions any one might have! Currently at work, bored.
  3. My husband and I engage in pee play all the time. Most of the time it’s me on him, cause he gets so turned on he can’t seem to pee with an erection lol. But most often in the shower he’s able to pee on me. He’s the only person I’ve engaged in it with.
  4. It was actually yesterday morning. My car broke down on the side of the highway. While waiting almost 2 hours for someone to arrive to help my husband, I grew pretty desperate. I opened the car door & slid my leggings to my knees & peed while all the cars passed by us.
  5. I haven’t. Other than my husband of course, but I don’t think that counts lol
  6. I probably wouldn’t confront him, I’d let him have his enjoyment. But I’d make it known that I knew with 😏 or something lol
  7. I do. Anyone peeing is a major turn on.
  8. If they went in my room without permission, I’d probably be a little mad. But my laundry room is in my kitchen & I’d probably be a little turned on knowing I peed in them purposely but they don’t know that!
  9. Back in my younger days a GF of mine and I were at the bar, stepped out to the car for a smoke. As the cold air & many drinks hit us we both squirmed around for a few debating on running back in but she had a “if you do it, I’ll do it” & we both squat by the truck & pissed a long stream downhill.
  10. I wouldn’t mind. My hubby’s wanked off with a pair after I’ve peed in them, but he knew that I had just peed.
  11. Certainly! I’ve been on walks before & gotten back to my car realizing I’ve had to pee & no bathroom in sight. I open my car door, slide my leggings/panties halfway down and squat beside the car. I love checking out my puddles as I’m leaving.
  12. Feel free to get to know me 🙂
  13. That’s pretty public. I haven’t gotten up the courage to do so in a crowd, but I’m hoping to create many new adventures this year!
  14. I do this often (no winkie here lol) but wearing a skirt. I like just being able to stand and pee freely, while most are oblivious.
  15. I. What is your favourite peeing fantasy? Peeing in naughty and/or public places. 2. What is your hottest real life peeing experience? I live a very boring life lol so my hottest experience was watching my husband piss beside the car after one too many beers. 3. What is your main area of interest with the pee fetish? Peeing in naughty places & the freeness of it. 4. Briefly describe the first pee porn you can remember seeing. As horrible as this sounds, when I was a teenager I used my parents bathroom while my brother was in the shower & there was a PlayBoy m
  16. Mine was a sincere accident. I was out all day & I try to avoid public restrooms at all costs. After leaking a bunch, I figured I should get home before I peed all over myself. But to no avail I lost control as I was getting in my car & soaked my clothes and the ground beneath me. At first I was mad because hey, I’m grown lol. But the whole way home I couldn’t help but think of how wet (if you know what I mean 😏) I was because of it. Tried it again on purpose & was hooked!
  17. I’m sure this has been asked before, but what is the most public place you’ve ever peed? Was it just because or out of desperation? For me, just because was in the park while walking. I could have waited til I got home, but something came over me about the thought of peeing in the open, so I sat on the nearest bench & slid my shorts to the side & peed like no one was around. Out of desperation, just the other day I was forced to piss in the trash can beneath my desk at work. My office is very open to the public but I was the only one in there for quite some time & I was unable
  18. I would always pee on the carpet in my closet & then use our carpet cleaner so no one would catch on. Most of the time late at night when everyone else was asleep, but some days I’d come home straight from school & piss on the carpet as I was changing clothes.
  19. It’s awesome to say the least. I was nervous to bring it up at first but he asked and I told. Was so glad when he agreed with me. Hopefully one day you’ll find one 🙂
  20. Update: didn’t make it home. Got stuck in light traffic & lost it uncontrollably on the way home. Tried to maneuver my leggings down but to no such luck. I soaked everything. Bonus points: hubby got rock hard at the sight of my desperation lol.
  21. Surprisingly, yes. He doesn’t bring it up as often as I do though.
  22. Currently been holding for 2 hours waiting on hubby to get off work (we share a ride). I’m at like 10/10. Kinda hoping I make it home, kind of hoping I don’t 😉
  23. This morning! On my way in to work, my car broke down on the side of the highway. After waiting almost 2 hours for someone to come help, I was desperate & couldn’t wait. I opened the passenger door & pulled my leggings down far enough I wouldn’t soak them & pissed right on the side of the highway, cars passing by and all.
  24. I haven’t encountered any random sightings but one that turned me on the most was this past summer. My husband and I had been at a ball game & he had drank a lot of beer. We left to head back to our car, which was quite a walk & he kept commenting on how his need to go. We got to the car & he opened the door to get in but decided he couldn’t wait to get home, so he whipped his cock out right by the car & pissed away, people walking by and all. I just stared like 🤤 haha.
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